Three months have passed and by god, it had good so quick. At the Russian Grand Prix, Lando got pole position and was so close to winning the race but with a couple of laps to go, he skidded off of the track and finished the race in P7 and he was really disappointed. But during those three months, the team had a lot of ups and downs for the remainder of the season. During the Brazillian Grand Prix, I had a DNF. During lap 40, I started getting a headache, which is very unusual for me, but by the time I reached lap 49, this headache was literally pounding my head and making me feel like I was going to vomit. Which is not good. I wasn't near the pit lane entry, so I had to pull off on the side of the track and radio Tom, that I wasn't feeling well. Well, that caused the safety car to come out, but with the medical car coming out, they had to red flag the race. It felt embarrassing to bring out the red flag. But before I got out of the car, I radioed Tom again, for him not to inform Lando just yet and to wait until after the race to tell him because if he was told during the race, he would be distracted. 

Also, during these last three months of the season, Lando became an Uncle to the most gorgeous baby girl called Mila. I just remember Lando screaming down my ear 'I'M AN UNCLE'. I could get him to stop smiling for a good few hours because he was so happy. I became an aunt again, as well as Mila's godmother. Not forgetting that I'm also Ronnie's godmother as well and Lando is also his godfather.

Now it's the final race of the season and it's now lap 32 of the 50 lap race at the new configured Yas Marina circuit and I was currently in P10. It's not where I wanted to be but, I can't really do much about it until there is an available spot for me to over.

I have got to admit, this season has been full of surprises, up and downs, especially the battle between Hamilton and Verstappen but sadly the season has come to an end. I'm just looking forward to the winter break. Going back to Stockport for Christmas and then spending New Year in Dubai with Lando and some friends for a month. 

The final lap of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, the final lap of the 2021 season and I was in P12 and that is the position I crossed the line in. I was okay with that. Max Verstappen won the world championship and I couldn't be happier for him. He honestly deserves it, so so much. With the crowds going wild, the paddock was literally like a wild party, just because Max had won the championship. 

Everyone watched the podium for this one. Christian Horner went to collect the constructors trophy for Red Bull and by the end of the podium ceremony, Christian Horner, Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton and Carlos Sainz were drenched with the liquid they had been spraying. Watching the podium from the pit lane, with Lando's arms around me and my head on his shoulder, my mind could rest. Racing was over for the season, it was time for a well deserved break. I'm honestly just looking forward to seeing my family and spending as much time as I can with them because it's what I need. 

Being my first season in Formula One, I think that I've done alright, from scoring points in my first ever race, to go onto actually winning a race in Monza. That has to one of my highlights from this season. I'm never going to forget it, because I was able to share the podium with my amazing, talented boyfriend. Both of us could stop smiling for days after the race. I remember when I got back to the hotel in Monza, having my twin brother ringing me, literally screaming down the phone say 'I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE WON A RACE. AND IN YOUR ROOKIE SEASON'. Now that made me laugh. 

With the final debriefing session over and done with. Me and Lando headed back to the hotel, just so we can spend some time together. Not that we didn't want to go to the end of the season after party, it just that we had a lunchtime flight back to the UK the next day and that we wanted to be well rested before we travel. 

Lying in bed with my head laying on Lando's chest, and with him running his hand through my hair, which felt really nice, we decided to enjoy the peaceful silence but then Lando spoke up. 

"Baby, I've been think about something for quite a while, you don't have to agree with me but I was wondering if you wanted to move to Monaco with me. Have our own place to just be ourselves" Lando said quietly 

"Whereever you go Lan, I go. Because I'm not leaving your side anytime soon. So, yes. I'll happily move to Monaco with you. But I've also been thinking about something a lot recently?" I answered 

"What have you been thinking about baby?" Lando questioned

"I'm going leave Man City and Chelsea because, I'm travelling half of the time and I don't have time to play football anymore. I've spoken to the clubs and they are happy for me too still represent the clubs as an ambassador" I replied 

"So it's really going to be happening. Moving away from the UK and starting our lives together" Lando said 

"Yeah babe. We're going to be starting our lives together" I replied 

That's it! The 2021 Formula One season was complete! George left Williams and moved to Mercedes. Alex was back in Formula and racing with Williams in Georges old seat. I'm just looking for to the new era of racing in 2022.
