Today is the day of the car launch, I'm nervous and I have a pit in my stomach. My PR Kev has come down with Covid, so Lando's is PR Charlotte is helping me get ready for the launch whilst I'm having my hair put up into two French braids. Whilst my hair is getting done I decide to FaceTime Phil as I have not spoken to him in a couple of days. Click on his contact icon and press FaceTime within a couple of rings then he picks up.

Phil: Hello Jazzy! You alright?
Jas: Hey, yeah I'm good! Just having my hair done ready for the car launch tonight. Are you watching on the TV with the rest of the family?
Phil: Yeah of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world Twinnie. How are you feeling about tonight then?
Jas: Nervous but I'll be alright
Phil: You will always be alright! When you next up north? 
Jas: I should be up north in the next couple of weeks. I'll try and pop down to the training ground. I'm sure Stonesy would want to see me
Phil: I'm sure he will

Just in the door to my dressing room open in Lando, I popped his head around the door and I turn to face him.

Lando: Jas, Zak wants us in the main entrance in the 30 minutes 
Jas: That's fine. Just come in Lando. Say hi to Phil, cause I'm on the phone to him

Lando walks over and peers over my shoulder

Lando: Alright Phil
Phil: I'm good mate. Look after my sister tonight. She's already told me that she is nervous 
Lando: Jas is going to be just fine. She's strong and confident and nothing is going to hold her back
Phil: She's confident, especially racing at 200+ miles per hour and when she is playing football
Jas: Yeah I'm confident when I'm sitting in a racing car or when I'm on the pitch but the media aspect, that where I get nervous. But Phil, you have been extremely confident since you were 17 and playing for the big boy's team at Man City. Think, I'm the only female driver in Formula One. Now that is tough.

Lando then looked over his shoulder at the clock on the wall

Lando: Jas, we've got to go now! We don't want Zak to bite our heads off and plus he wants us to have some photos taken.
Jas: Got to go now Phillipa, speak to you later in the week 
Phil: Alright Jam, I'll be watching the launch and good luck and you'll smash it. Bye now 
Jas: Bye 

After the phone call with Phil, my nerves have calmed down and I'm feeling more relaxed about the launch. Myself and Lando, leave the dressing room in our new royal blue race suits. I turn to look at my best friend with a smirk, which caused him to burst out laughing and then his laughter affected me. 

"Come on you two, stop laughing. Zak is wanting to have some photos taken of you two" Charlotte said to the two laughing drivers. 

"Sorry Charlotte" both me and Lando said in unison. 

We walked through the double doors, which lead from the hallway to the main entrance, where we were greeted by Zak, who told us to stand by the main doors for a couple of photos and then we had a few photos taken next to some of the classic McLaren race cars before we headed to the main stage, where the launch is being held. Me and Lando are being held back before we went out on stage, as we were being fitted with microphones. Then a feminine voice could be heard and I recognised it instantly. 

"Hello and welcome to the McLaren 2021 car launch, here at the McLaren Technology Centre. I'm Natalie Pinkham and alongside me, I have David Croft and McLaren CEO Zak Brown. Zak are you and the team excited for the launch?" Natalie asked

"Myself and the team are very excited about the launch of the new car. I also have two very eager drivers, who just want to jump straight into the cockpit and get racing" the American said. 

"Shall we bring out the drivers?" the female F1 presenter asked. And in response, there was an uproar of screams coming from the online audience. "Over to you Zak," Crofty said. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I would to welcome McLaren's 2021 drivers, Lando Norris and Jasmine Foden," Zak said loudly. 

Myself and Lando walked out from behind the screen and headed up onto the stage and then was greeted by Natalie. 

"Lando, Jasmine, welcome to the car launch! How you both feeling?" she asked 

"I'm excited to see the car for the first time" Lando responded 

"I'm nervous! This is the first car launch I've been to. Whilst I was having my hair done, I had to call my brother to help my calm my nerves down slightly" I replied with some confidence. 

"Jasmine, not a lot of people know, so why don't you introduce yourself," Crofty said. 

I took a deep breath before I spoke. 

"For those who haven't heard of me before, my name is Jasmine Foden, I'm 20 years old. I'm from Stockport, Greater Manchester and my twin brother is Manchester City midfielder Phil Forden. When I'm not racing, I'm playing football for two clubs, one being Man City and the other being Chelsea. When I have time, I also help train the England team as well" I stated with confidence and a smile. 

"Jasmine's brother is watching at home with the family," Lando said with his cheeky smile, which always makes me smile. 

Lando and I, stand on either side of the front of the car, just as Crofty is about to speak to Zak. 

"Zak, tell us about the car?" Crofty asked the CEO

"This car has been designed by our amazing design and engineering team and I'm extremely happy with the outcome. So, without further ado, I would like to present to you all, the McLaren MCL35M" he proudly said. 

Both me and Lando started to walk backwards, as we removed the cover from the car, revealing a bright papaya orange car, which glistened under the lights.  

"What a beauty" I muttered 

The rest of the launch went exactly to plan with more photos being taken. Me and Lando took a bunch of silly selfies, which we posted on our Instagram stories. But overall we've had a really good evening. Now it's pretty much getting ready for testing in Bahrain. It's normally in Barcelone but this year it's in sunny Bahrain this year. I'm absolutely buzzing for testing because I get to drive the amazing MCL35M for the very first time, ahead of the first race being held the weekend after testing. 

Come let's do this! Bring on the 2021 season! 
