During the second practice session, Jas pushed herself to the limit to do her absolute best. It was still rather hot in the air but on the track it was even hotter, especially sitting in a car with the engine on. The air temperature was about 25 degrees and the sun wasn't even out but in the car, it was probably about 60 degrees and when your wearing a thick race suit and fireproofs, it can get very uncomfortable very quickly. Once FP2 was over, Jas was in P6. SO she made such an improvement from the early afternoon session.

On Saturday, the final practice session went alright and was placed P10. SO in all three practice sessions on her first official race weekend, she was in the top 10 and know that it is something to be extremely proud of. Her focus and determination shone through. Qualifying was excellent for Jas as she was able to get out of Q1 and into Q2 and push her way through to Q3, where she pushed the car to the max to be able to get a good position on the grid for Sundays race. Once the checkered flag came out for the end of Q3, her engineer came on the radio to tell that she was starting P6, and quite a few expletives came out of the female Foden's mouth. I'm sure if her brother is watching, he'll be laughing but covering Ronnie's ears at the same time. After qualifying, there were some interviews but then it was a quick debrief before heading back to the hotel, for some well-earned rest, ready for the race tomorrow.

The next morning rolled around and a force of nerves just smacked Jas straight in the face causing her breathing to get heavier, which caused her hands to start shaking. So, she sat up in her bed, brought her knees up to her chest and started to rock back and forth, trying to calm down, but nothing seemed to be working, causing her to start worrying even more and she could feel tears running down her cheeks

Lando's Pov

It's race day and it's my best friend's first race as a Formula One driver and I know that she is going to ace it because she is a talented driver with a love and passion for the sport.

I turn over to check the time on my phone at the time showed 08:26, so I rub my eyes to wake myself up, but then I hear some heavy breathing, so I sit up and turn to look over at Jas's bed and I could see her sitting up against the headboard with her knees close to he chest and shaking. Seeing my best friend in that state, I jump out of bed and rush over to comfort my best friend and make sure that she is alright. I bring Jas into a tight hug and rub my hand on her back to calm her breathing.

"Jazzy calm down alright. I'm here, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere" I said as she snuggled into me further and buried her face into my chest. "What brought this on Jas?" I asked.

Jas lifted her face out of my chest and looked up at me.

"I'm nervous about the race Lan. I'm scared I'm going to crash and make a mockery of myself and cause people to hate me. I know what it's like to get hate, especially when I've played football for Man City and Chelsea's men's team" She said in a raspy voice.

My mind was in pure shock that she thinks that she is going to crash and that people are going to hate her when I know for fac they won't.

"Jazzy, you are not going to crash and no one is going to hate you. The fans are going to love you for who you are and for the love and passion you have for the sport. You're going to make everyone proud and show the world that women can be in Formula One" I told her in a calm voice.

Jas's Pov

Having Lando's arms around me, to calm me down means a lot. Shows that he cares about me. He's been there for me for most of my racing career and some of my football one as well. With my head laying on his chest and him running his hand through my hair is helping me regulate my breathing.

"Thank you for being there for me, Lan. It means a lot to me" I said in a quiet voice

"You don't have to thank me. I'll always be here for you. Forever and Always" Lando whispered in my ear.

"Forever and Always Lan" I replied as I gently wriggled out of Lando's arms and sat up, leaning against the headboard of the bed.

Both of us sat there for the next couple of hours talking about the race and Lando kept reminding me that everything is going to be alright and nothing bad is going to happen and that we'll have a pizza and movie night like we do every other weekend when we are at home. By the time we actually got up and out of bed it was 11:30am and we both had showers and got dressed, ready to head to the track to get ready for the race.

Ready and raring to go, Jas is waiting by the hotel door and for once in her life, her eyes went wide when she saw he best friend on time for once in his life.

"Lando Norris is on time for the first time in his life. I think I might have a heart attack" I stated with a laugh.

"Yeah, well I wanted to be on time for your first race" he replied

"That's so sweet Lando" was my reply as I approached my best friend to give him a hug.

"Now come on, let's go, so we can have some chill time before the driver's parade and race" Lando responded and in response to that I just nodded and grabbed my rucksack and we both headed out the door and walked towards the lift and we bumped into George, Nicky, Charles, Carlos, Seb and Lance.

"Afternoon everyone," George said in a chirpy voice

"Afternoon" everyone replied.

"Nervous for your first F1 race, Jas," Lance asked

"I'm nervous, but I'll be alright. I'll just listen to the football to calm me down if needed" I replied

"Jas you are going to be just fine! I saw you during testing and you are one talented racer and you be proud of how far you've come" the German driver said.

"I have to agree with Seb chica. You are talented not just in motorsport" Carlos added on

"What other sports do you play Jas?" the Canadian Williams driver asked.

"I also play football for Manchester City and Chelsea as a midfielder" I replied.

"Wow! So, when you're not driving you playing football" Nicky said and I just nodded in response.

The lift reached the ground floor and once the doors opened, the eight drivers walked out and headed to their cars to head down to the track. The concierge service brought the car to the front of the hotel and handed Lando the keys and I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and the entire way to the track we were singing either high school musical or Grease.

We pulled up at the track, parked the car and got out and headed towards the barriers to getting into the paddock but as we were walking towards the barriers, we saw Kym Ilman taking photos and I've got to admit, his work is amazing and he always gets great photos of me and whenever I get the chance, I'll go over and have a nice chat with him.

"Afternoon Kym" I said in my usual thick Manchester accent and he waved in response just as I was scanning my pass to gain access to the paddock.

After passing the barriers, me and Lando waved at a few of the passing drivers that were walking around the paddock. Entering the McLaren hospitality, I went straight to my driver room because I had that same feeling of the nerves being physically launched at my face causing my breathing to become laboured and heavier the more panicked I felt.

Sliding down the door with my back against, my hands started to shake and I just couldn't calm down because, at this moment, Lando wasn't in the same room as me, to look after me like he did this morning. My only choice was to grab my phone and call Phil. I pressed the call button on Phil's icon the dialling tone rang and ran and then went into voicemail.....

Hi your through to Phil Foden. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now as I'm not available, but leave a message and 'll get back to ya as soon as I can.

Tears were running down my face. I tried calling other players from Man City but got no answer. Tried my Chelsea teammates but go nothing from them. Dec didn't even answer, so my only hope was to call Grealish and pray to the lord that he answers the phone and within a couple of ring I heard the Brummie accent on the end of the line.

Jack: 'ello

Jas: J..Jack

Jack:Jas you alright? Aren't ya meant to be getting ready for the race?

Jas: I'm so nervous Jack! I'm scared that I'm gonna fuck this up and that I'm gonna crash into the barriers and mess everything up for the team

Jack: Right you listen ere Foden! You are not going to fuck this up. You are going to ace this and you are going to be in the top ten at the end of the race. Do you understand?

Jas: Yeah I understand Jacky. Are you gonna be watching?

Jack: Cause I am! I ain't gonna miss my best mate's first F1 race! I'm literally pulling up outside your brother's house now to watch it with him and some of the other football lads.

Jas: Can you do me a favour then?

Jack: What's that bab?

Jas: Wack Phil around the back of the head for not answering the phone to him

Jack: Anything for you bab. Good luck and whoop that tracks arse

Jas: Will do. Bye

Jack: Bye bab

After the phone call with Jack, it really helped me calm down. No, it was time to get ready for the driver's parade and I was just in time as my trainer Jon just knocked on the door saying it was time to go. I quickly grabbed my water bottle and left my driver's room and headed to the flatbed truck that was waiting with a majority of the drivers already on board.

Whilst on the truck I was asked to do an interview with Sky Sports Karun Chandhok.

Karun: Here with me now is the one and only Jasmine Foden. No Jasmine tell me how you feeling about your very first F1 race?

Jas: Well I'm nervous all morning to write down this morning and I got the truck because of all the nerves are a hard whack of nerves in the face. I spoke to a friend back home and he told me that I'm gonna do great that you'll be watching me because he didn't wanna miss my first race so big shout out to Jack Grealish for the support.

Karun: so you're starting P6 today where do you think you'll end up at the end of the race?

Jas: I'm gonna dream big names of the top 10 because it's either go big or go home and I'm gonna go big and I'm gonna show the motorsport world that I'm a force to be reckoned with and I'll do anything in my power to prove that I deserve my seat in the sport because only very few select people get to racing F1 and I'm gonna make sure my name is known

Karun: thank you Jasmine and good luck today

Jas: thank you

I carefully walk over to where Lando standing as he is currently talking to his ex-teammate Carlos Saint. I just stood there looking into the distance I'm just going into my own little world to keep my mind clear and focused before I get in the car.

After the parade, I was the first of the truck and I ran straight back to hospitality and up to my driver's room to go and put my fireproofs, race suit and boots on before heading to the garage for the pre-race pep talk. By pre-race pep talk is the same stay safe out there and good luck.

I was finally dressed and ready to go so I practically run out of my driver's room slamming the door in the process running down the stairs out the main doors of hospitality and towards the garage to where I was greeted by my best friend and we jumped up and touch the ceiling of the entrance of the garage as there is something as a pre-race thing we did back with Carlin. But when we got into the garage me and my teammate did our pre-race handshake each other a hug and hold each other we loved each other before grabbing balaclavas and helmets and putting them on as it was time to jump in the car ahead of the race.

Sat in the car with my seatbelt fastened by my engineer he then handed me my gloves and I'll pop them on for gently grabbing the steering wheel and taking a few deep breaths in to keep my mind clear. Turn off all alarms before I left the garage, my race engineer, Tom did a radio check and I was there able to hear him loud and clear ready for when he was given instructions during the race.

A mechanic walked in front of my car waving his hand to give me the clearance to drive out the garage and head out to the track.

I was slowing down as I approach the final corner of the track another reach the back of the grid I came to a slight halt to then be wheeled to my good spot by the pit crew. During the final 20 minutes before the race, I was able to get out of the car for a little bit as the mechanics and engineers were doing the final checks in the car. Also during that time, we did them we race is one message as well as the national anthem of Bahrain before it's time to head back to the car jumping and getting ready to race for the first time in the 2021 season.

Tom did a final radio chat just before the formation lap began as the formation began I put my foot on the accelerator and went off to do that lamp to warm my tires up ahead of the 56 lap race.

Set an into my P6 position all I could do was look ahead of the lights hanging above the track waiting for all five lights to go out. Staring at the lights is all I could do was do some breathing exercises to help get rid of any excess nerves and whilst doing that the lights slowly came on and when the fifth one went out I was off.


Slamming my for on the accelerator and I was straight down to turn one and I glided into turn 2 and so on. My main focus is to just focus on what's in front of me but just check my mirrors to see what was happening behind me. 

Laps and laps went by, on my pitstop, I dropped from P8 to P12 but I was determined to get back into the top ten with all my hard work and determination because I was not just about to give up. I was about to go big and not go home. 

Weaving around the turns of the track, I was able to pull off a few overtakes to gain some positions and I was able to get up into P8 but I asked Tom how many laps were left and he informed me that there were 5 laps left. So, I had one final chance to gain one more position. The driver in front of me was car 55 which was Carlos Sainz and as we both approach the home straight and once we had made that turn, I was able to pull off a sneaky overtake and move up a position. 

The final lap came around, so I had to push and try and see if I could move up one more spot on the timesheet unfortunately I could but now the race was over, I heard the voice of my engineer in my ear. 

Tom: That's P7 Jas. Well done, extremely fantastic race. Points earned in your first F1 race congratulations 

Jas: Thanks Tom, couldn't have done it without you. What position did Lando finish in?

Tom: P4

Jas: Both cars in the points at the start of the season. Let's keep up the good work. 

So the first race was over and I was in the top 10. I knew Grealish's pep talk helped. So in celebration of my first race, it was pizza and movie night with my best friend. But when I got out of the car, Lando gave me the biggest bear hug on the planet and said that I had nothing to be nervous for and he was right, I didn't need to be nervous and now I'm raring to go for the next race! 

Bring it on Imola!
