iv. Welcome to Degrassi

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ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย It was the first day of seventh grade for Mickey. She had decided to walk to school with JT and Toby, then Meet Manny and Emma at the front of the school. Jimmy was already inside the school building, somewhere.

The entire walk scene Toby joined them he had been complaining about Ashley. "I mean, I hadn't even spit out my toothpaste and she wanted in," he said.

"Maybe you should explain to Ashley that bathroom time is private time," JT said.

"She'd probably go and cry to her mommy," Toby said.

"Really Toby?" Mickey said, "Ash isn't that bad."

"She has no sense of humour and she's a neat-o-holic. Yesterday, I left my gym socks on the couch, she freaked."

"Well, that is gross," Mickey pointed out. Toby wasn't too happy that Mickey was defending Ashley and not just on his side.

"Yeah, your gym socks can reek something fierce." JT joked.

"Just 'cause me and dad move into their house, Ashley treats me like... " Toby continued.

"Dirt? Gum stuck on her shoe?" JT supplied.

"All of the above," Toby said.

"just sounds like a sibling to me," Mickey said, looking up at the school building.

"So, ready for Day 1 of the rest of our junior high lives?" Toby said to the pair.

"What do you think?" JT asked as the three entered the school.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Mickey said she'd catch up with the boys later and waited by the front doors of the school waiting for Emma and Manny to arrive, And within a few minutes they did, the pair didn't notice her standing against the wall as they entered. "Manny, there's nothing to be afraid of." Emma was saying to Manny.

"Nothing but the grade 8's," Manny said back.

"They're only a year older than us."

"Yeah, a whole year to think of ways to make us suffer," Manny said as Emma tripped, dropping some papers. Mickey started over to help pick them up when two eighth graders stepped up to them first. The One stepping on the papers.

"Hall pass." The eighth-grader said to the two girls.

"What?" Emma asked.

"You're not allowed on school property without a hall pass," he said.

"But, we didn't get one," Emma said.

"Then you'll both have to leave," he said.

"But, we can't. It's the first day of school." Manny said nervously. The eighth-grader laughed and turned to his friend.

"Grade 7's are such geeks." He said as he and his friend walked away. Mickey rolled her eyes angry at the pair, before walking to the girls to help Emma pick up her papers.

"Hey," she greeted her friends.

"Can you believe that?" Emma said, referring to the older boys.

"Yeah, so you know Jimmy, who you guys were wanting to meet," Mickey said, standing up and looking to where the boys had gone. "Well you just did, and blonde one that's his best friend Spinner."


ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย The three girls meet up with the guys outside of their homeroom. Mickey was happy to have a homeroom with all her friends. "Hey, guys," Toby said to the girls as they walked up. He tried to open the door to the classroom but it was locked.

"Hey. " Emma said back.

"Hi. That's our homeroom?" Manny asked, looking into the room through the glass window. Their homeroom was the media Immersion room.

"Sick," Mickey commented, as the school bell rang.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Mr. Simpson came down the hall to the group of kids waiting outside the classroom door. "Hey, guys. Sorry, I'm late. Hey, Em. Okay, here we go." He said, pushing past the students to unlock the door. The students entered the room, picking where they were going to sit. "All right, just choose your own seats for the time being." Micky picked a seat next to JT and across from Emma.

"Okay, welcome to Degrassi Community School. I'm Mr. Simpson, I'm your homeroom and Media Immersion teacher." Mr. Simpson introduced himself to the class "And I gotta say you guys really lucked out, I mean it. This is by far the coolest homeroom in the entire school."

"First order of business: These are the code of conduct forms" He continued, handing out a paper form to each of the students. "concerning the computers, and the internet, all right? I wanna get these out of the way before we get to know one another".


ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  After class Mickey and her friends walked down the hallway talking. "Students are reminded that 3:15 today is the deadline for student council nominations." a voice said over the PA system.

"See, Manny, this isn't so bad, isn't it?" Emma asked Manny.

"As long as we don't run into that jerk again," Manny said.

"Spinner isn't usually that bad," Mickey said to the two girls.

"You're just defending everyone today," Toby commented to Mickey. He was looking at one of the posters Ashley had put up for her campaign.

"Is that your step-sister?" Emma asked, looking at the picture.

"She's not my step-sister. We just happen to be stuck in a forced living arrangement." Toby grumbled

"Yeah right," Mickey muttered

"Well, I think she's pretty," Manny said, referring to Ashley. Mickey agreed Ashley is pretty.

"And according to Jimmy also Kind, smart, and perfect," Mickey commented.

"Ashley hates that I live in her house and she hates that I go to her school. Which has obviously never heard of democracy." Toby said.

"What are you talking about?" Emma asked.

"This election. No one's even running against her. She's a shoo-in." Toby explained.

"Why don't you run then?" Mickey asked.

"Because it would provoke a rupture in our fragile family dynamic," Toby said. the other looked at him funny. "It's family counselling speak for 'my dad would kill me,'." he explained.

"So? Get someone else to run." Manny said as she and Emma walked away down the hall. Mickey hung back with the boys.

"Yeah, right. Who'd wanna run for student council? The whole thing's a joke." JT said, giving Toby an idea.

"Did you say joke?" Toby asked.

"Yes," Mickey said, clueing into his plan. thinking it would be hilarious for JT to run for president.

ย  ย  ย  ย  ย JT, Toby, and Mickey continued down the hallway looking for their lockers, which all happened to be right next to each other. Toby explained his plan to JT. "No way, Toby. I am not doing a joke campaign."

"Come on, JT. It's the perfect way to stick it to Ashley." Toby said.

"Plus it would be hilarious," Mickey said nudging JT in the side.

"But this is my first day at Degrassi," JT said.

"Exactly. You're in the same boat as a large percentage of the student body. Which is why they'll love you." Toby said, but JT still wasn't convinced "Come on, JT, this is your once-of-a-lifetime opportunity."

"For you to stick it to Ashley," JT asked.

"No, for you to practice your stand-up material on a large perceptive audience," Mickey said, helping Toby convince JT to run, for her own amusement.

"Keep talking," JT said, now interested.

"You want to be famous, right?" Toby continued, Mickey thought "This is instant fame. Just think, Assembly the whole school hanging on your every word."

"And you'll do all the work?" JT asked Toby. Toby nodded.

"Deal." JT said, spotting their lockers "Here we are right here." The three of them walked to the lockers, Mickey's being between the two boys.

They opened their lockers, shoving their things inside. "What if I win?" JT asked

"Trust me. You don't stand a chance." Toby said
