34. JT's the Teachers Pet

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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β "The physics of attraction and repulsion is what we're going to explore today using static electricity. So I want all of you to pay careful attention to your experiments and please make sure that you take detailed notes," Ms. Hatzilakos said to her class. Mickey sat at her desk next to Sean starting to work on their experiment.

JT grabbed a wooden mastodon skeleton and walked over to Toby talking in a funny voice, voicing the wooden mastodon "Will you be my friend Toby Isaacs?" JT made the mastodon ask Toby, who just glanced over at him.

"Will you shut up and do your work?" Toby said to him. So, JT moved on, over to Manny and Emma.

"Hello," He said, popping up between them and scaring them, making them knock over their experiment.

"JT," Emma snapped.

"Ugh! You idiot," Manny snapped.

"I'm a mastodon and I died ten thousand years ago," JT said.

"You ruined this," Emma said, pointing to her project.

"Will you be my friend?"

"No," The two girls answered together. So, JT moved on walking towards Mickey and Sean.

"Don't even bother asking JT, I'm busy," Mickey said, noticing him making his way over.

"So, You won't be my friend?" JT asked, shoving the mastodon into Mickey's face.

"No," Mickey answered. And JT moved over to another desk, grabbing another wooden mastodon.

"You have the cutest little bones," he made one say in a girly voice. The group turned to watch JT. "I bet you say that to all the skeletal mastodons," JT made the other say in a manly voice.

"No, just you. I'm going to kissy-kissy you all over," he said, going back to the girly voice. Then he started making the wooden mastodons kiss, then hump each other, making the group of people who stopped to watch him laugh.

"JT Yorke," Ms. Hatzilakos said, walking over to the group and looking down at JT. JT stopped playing with the mastodons and turned to look up at Ms. Hatzilakos.

"Uh sorry, Ms. Hatzilakos," JT said. "Uh I'm sorry too," He made the one mastodon said. then He made the other say. "No, don't listen to him. He's lying!"

"One-week guinea pig duty. Every day before and after school. Right here with me," Ms. Hatzilakos said, as she took the mastodons from him.


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Mickey was heading to her next class when she came across Spinner and Jimmy in the hallway. "You can't handle the truth!" Jimmy was saying to Spinner well, shaking him. Spinner just gave him a weird look. Mickey walked over to her boyfriend and brother. "Jack Nicholson?"

"Okay, what is going on?" Mickey asked.

"Do I stink to you?" Spinner asked, turning to look at Mickey.

"Um," Mickey started not sure what to answer, he did kind of smell bad. "Kind of,"

"See," Spinner said, turning back to Jimmy. "You should have been the one to tell me, it's serious. It's important. Come on let's make a pact,"

"Sure man. Whatever," Jimmy said, walking away.

"I'm not sure an honesty pack between you and jimmy is a good idea, if I was only honest with Manny and Emma I don't know how long we'd stay friends," Mickey said.

"It will be fine," Spinner assured her.

"Uhuh," Mickey muttered, "Well I should get to class, I'll see you later,"

"Okay, See you," Spinner said, leaning down to kiss Mickey, but Mickey stopped him.

"No, none of that until you shower," Mickey said, turning on her heel and heading to her classroom. As Spinner went to the water fountain attempting to wash his armpits.


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "Okay, it takes Fred 45 seconds to fill his 10-litre fish tank. How long will it take him to fill his other tanks? Now five of them are 5-litre tanks and ten of them are 2-litre tanks," Mr. Armstrong asked his grade-eight math class.

"Yeah uh I think Fred needs to get a life," JT Joked, making the class laugh.

"Thank you, Mr. Yorke," Mr. Armstrong said.

"JT has a life. He's got a new girlfriend," Toby commented.

"Really? You mean Liberty, finally?" Emma said

"Ou, if so Toby owes me ten bucks," Mickey said.

"No," JT said, "and you bet on me and liberty," Mickey just shrugged.

"Ms. Hatzilakos," Toby answered, and Mickey laughed.

"yeah right,"

"That is so typical," Emma said.

"No, so JT. immature and dumb," Manny added.

"Why? What's wrong with a younger guy dating an older woman anyway?" JT asked.

"There's a rule. The youngest you can date is half your age, plus 7," Manny explained.

"So for Ms. H who's what, 30? That's 15 plus 7," Emma said

"Which is 22 and you're short by a couple of years," Mickey calculated.

"And more than a couple of feet," Toby joked.


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β "Now when Manny rubs the balloons on her hair they become negatively charged and they become attracted to her positively charged hair. Now the moment Manny steps away the balloons repel because they're both negatively charged," Ms. Hatzilakos explained, as the class watched the balloons do exactly what she said they would.

"Ms. Hatzilakos can I see you for a second?" Mr. Armstrong said, poping his hand into the room.

"Um sure. Why don't you continue blowing up your balloons and I'll just be a minute," Ms. Hatzilakos said, excusing herself from the classroom.

"Looks like your girlfriend has a boyfriend," Sean said to JT.

"Mr. Armstrong is married," JT said.

"So? Ms. Hatzilakos isn't,"

"She's not like that,"

"It was a joke,"

"Yeah remember? You used to tell them," Toby said, grabbing one of the wooden mastodons JT had been playing with the previous day. "Hello! I'm a mastodon," Toby mimicked JT's mastodon voice.

"Toby shut up! I'm trying to concentrate," JT said.

"Okay, JT are you feeling alright," Mickey asked, looking over to her friend as Toby said; "Sorry Liberty,"

"So teacher's pet, uh when is Ms. H getting you your own cage?" Sean joked.

"I'm not her pet," JT snapped, getting upset.

"Oh really? Let's see here. We got Jasper, Bismarck, Isabella...JT," Sean joked, looking over at the guinea pig cages. Fed up with being teased JT grabbed two balloons and shoved them up his shirt.

"What's the matter, Sean? Huh, you jealous? You want to be my other guinea pig boy?" JT joked, in a girly voice, making the class laugh. "Oh and what about you Toby? My, my, my you're a furry little one. Yeah, I'm sure you do," Then Ms. Hatzilakos walked in and saw JT mocking her, she looked hurt.


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  "Ash and I were this close to reconnecting and you had to ruin it with your stupid honesty pact," Jimmy complained, as he, Spinner and Mickey walked up the steps of Degrassi the next day. He had previously explained to Mickey what happened with Ashley in English class.

"Dude you did her a favour. She should have thanked you," Spinner said.

"Yeah, well tell her that. Spin sometimes people don't want the whole truth," Jimmy said.

"Well, then they're stupid. If it was me, I'd want the whole truth enchilada," Spinner said. "Mickey agrees with me,"

"No, Mickey agrees with me," Jimmy said, and the two boys turned to the younger girl.

"In full honesty, You're both right, the truth is good, but sometimes so is lying," Mickey answered.

"Jimmy," Ashley called, walking up to the three of them.

"Ash. Um look I'm really sorry about yesterday," Jimmy said

"Actually you saved my story," Ashley said.


"You were right. I went through it last night and made some changes and it is way better. I like this new Jimmy," Ashley said, entering the school, touch Jimmy's chest as she passed him.

"I guess you were right man. All honesty, all the time from now on," Jimmy said, smiling as he watched Ashlye enter the school.

"Good," Spinner said. "Uh, can I be honest with you?"

"Go ahead. We're tight,"

"Okay. You and Ash getting back together, stupidest idea I ever heard,"

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"Well you become this weak, pathetic puppet when she's around and she's the evil puppet master. Here, this is you: Ashley I don't want to go," Spinner made a whipping sound "Okay. Okay, I'm going," Another whipping sound. "Ow, that hurts. Ow!"

"Okay, okay. I get it. Thanks for the honesty," Jimmy said.

"Dude, my pleasure," Spinner said, entering the school.

Mickey turned to Jimmy, "Don't listen to him, If you want to ask Ashley out again go for it. I always thought you two were cute together," She said, before following Spinner.

"Spin, wait up," Mickey called, catching up with her boyfriend. "Don't you think that was a little rude,"

"I was just being honest," he said.

"Well, honestly," Mickey started, "I don't think you have any right to butt in on Jimmy's relationships, and honestly I think you hurt his feelings,"

"I didn't mean to, I was just-,"

"Being honest. I knew," Mickey said, "Just sometimes being honest isn't the best idea," Spinner wrapped his arms around Mickey's waist.

"Maybe you're right, but I like being honest, and honestly, I really like you," he said, leaning down and kissing Mickey.

"I honestly really like you too," Mickey said, kissing Spinner again.
