9. Toby Woby's got a crush

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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Mickey was sitting in Media immersion, talking to Toby, when JT came racing into the room, sitting in his empty seat between the two. "Hey, Mickey, Tobster. Check it out. Dr. Sally is coming to Degrassi, today." He said showing Toby a brochure.

"Who's Dr. Sally?" Toby asked, confused.

"The sex lady." JT said excitedly "But she's only talking to the eighth-graders, of course."

"Of course," Toby said, not sounding like he cared.

"Toby and I were talking," Mickey said to JT,

"No one cares," JT said to Mickey, earning a light smack on the back of the head. before he turned back to Toby "It's totally unfair. I heard that she brings like props. And she gets graphic. As in pornographic. Eighth graders get all the luck."

"Ok, people as we discussed at the end of the last class today you guys are going to be creating a website on an animal of your choice." Mr. Simpson said, grabbing the class's attention.

Emma raised her hand "Ooh! Can we do it on a specific animal, like Mama Onu?" She asked

"Mama who?" Mr. Simpson asked

"Mama Onu. She's an endangered green turtle from the South Pacific." Emma said,

"That sounds very informative. You know, but don't forget to have fun and use the technology and your imagination, ok? That's what it's all about taking technology to the next step" Mr. Simpson continued to explain the project. Mickey's mind wandering off as he spoke, noticing Toby staring at Emma.

Mickey nudged JT "I think our little Toby's in love," she joked. JT laughed, as Sean walked over to Toby, snapping him out of whatever fantasy he was having.

"Hey, man. Thanks for letting me borrow your notes." Sean said hand Toby back his notes

"Yeah, no problem Sean," Toby said, and Sean walked away.

"Oh, Can I borrow those," Mickey said, taking the notes from toby.

"Whatever," Toby muttered looking back towards Emma.

JT and Mickey laughed "You ok?" JT asked

"Oh, yeah, fine, perfect," Toby said dreamily, making JT and Mickey laugh harder.


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β After class Mickey separated from her friends to find Jimmy. It was almost Jimmy and Ashley's eight-month anniversary, and Jimmy was giving her the gift he made her today. "Jimmy" She called running up to the older boy on his way to the cafeteria. "Did you give Ash, her gift?"

"I did," Jimmy said smiling, "And I think she really liked it,"

"That's great," Mickey said smiling as well, as they entered the Cafeteria

"Thanks for helping me with it," He said,

"I just suggest you make her something, you're the one who made it," Mickey said

"Well still thank you," Jimmy said, spotting Spinner sitting at a table reading. The two walked to the table where Spinner was sitting "Spinner's reading? Quick, record the time and date." Jimmy joked, making Mickey laugh.

"Yo, man. Shakespeare was wild. Juliet like does it with Romeo, at 13. You know, I guess she was ready physically and emotionally." Spinner said. Jimmy covered Mickey's ears.

"No S-E-X talk in front of my sister," Jimmy said. Mickey pulled her head away from Jimmy's hands.

"Why? It's not like I don't know what sex is" Mickey said to Jimmy.

"Oh you can know what it is, but no doing it till you're thirty," he said back to Mickey

"Whatever," Mickey said, spotting Emma, Manny, and Sean sitting a few tables away. "I'll see you guys later." Mickey walked away from the older boys towards her friends.

"I mean it," Jimmy yelled after her, but she ignored him sitting down next to Sean.

"What was that about?" Emma asked her.

"Me having sex," Mickey said, taking one of Emma's fries. Emma and Manny looked like they were about to start choking "Well me not having it," she corrected.

"Oh, hey Sean," Toby said sitting down across from the boy, placing down his food and a magazine on turtles. JT sat next to Mickey.

"The wonder back turtle?" Emma asked, noticing the magazine "Is that for Media Immersion?"

"Isn't Emma already doing endangered turtles for her assignment?" Manny asked,

"I was inspired after learning about Mama Onu to uncover the plight of other turtles. That's okay, isn't it?" Toby asked, trying to impress Emma.

"Of course. Who knew I could have such an impact?" Emma said, happily.

"You know I saw this DVD in the video store the other day. It's a documentary on endangered species. We should watch it tomorrow night." Toby said to Emma.

"I thought we were going to the movies," JT said

"Maybe the future of helpless animals is a little more important than that," Toby said to JT.

"We could watch it at my place. My dad won't let me go out on a school night, but you guys can come over." Manny suggested

"How about you, Sean? Wanna come?" Emma asked turning to Sean

"No, I've got other plans." Sean said getting up and leaving "See you guys later."


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β After leaving the Cafeteria, Mickey walked with Toby and JT to get their things for their next class. Toby stopping to get a drink from the water fountain. "Don't you think that was a bit much? 'Oh, hi, Emma. I rented this DVD for tomorrow night.'" JT mocked Toby.

"JT, you better shut up," Toby said

"Yeah, don't be so hard on him JT, The boy's in love," Mickey joked

"Don't you start to," Toby said looking at Mickey.

"I was so inspired by Mama Onu and the plight of other turtles. Emma, I...I...I love you." JT mocked again. Toby hit him in the stomach, and Mickey laughed.

"You do know that physical violence violates the Degrassi Code of Conduct, don't you?" Liberty said, having seen Toby hit JT. She walked past the three and down the hall.

"Violates the code of conduct?" Toby questioned


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Mickey, Manny, JT, Toby, and Emma walked together towards the front of the school, ready to head over to Manny's house. "Come on, guys. Let's go watch Toby's DVD." Emma said. Liberty spotted the five of them and walked over to the group.

"Emma, you said you'd help proofread this issue of The Grapevine, remember? It's scheduled in my palm pilot." Liberty said to Emma.

"Right," Emma said, turning to the others, "I'll be there in an hour, I promise." Emma left with Liberty, Manny waving goodbye. Toby stared after Emma. JT waved his hand in front of Toby's face, Toby swatted his hand away.

"Come on, Let's go," Mickey said, pushing Toby towards the front door.


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  It was several hours later and Emma never showed up. Toby, JT, and Mickey were sitting outside. Manny came outside and joined them. "I can't believe Emma didn't show," Toby complained

"She's probably still at school. You know what Liberty's like." Manny said

"Emma's lucky. That boring DVD almost put me on the endangered species list." JT joked,

"It wasn't that bad," Mickey said

"You fell asleep," JT told her,

"No wonder it wasn't that bad then," She joked

"I rented it for her," Toby said angrily, getting up and storming off.


Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β The Next Mickey, Manny, and Toby were walking down the hall when Emma walked up to them "Hey, guys. Sorry about last night." She said

"Liberty chew your ear off?" Toby asked

"No, I ran into Sean, we just started talking. He used to have this dog..." Emma started but Toby cut her off

"So you didn't even bother showing up? Not even a phone call?" he said angrily.

"What's the big deal?" Emma asked,

"You said you'd come. What kind of friend are you anyway?" Toby said, walking off.

"What's his problem?" Emma asked, confused at Toby's outburst.

"Uh, he's got a major crush on you," Manny said

"Huge," Mickey added

"Toby?" Emma asked.
