"β˜…π‚π‡π€ππ“π„π‘ 3 β˜…"

It's 8 a.m., but nunew is still not here, I called his number earlier, but he didn't answer either.

When the door opened, I stood up I see Zee together with him, I looked at his neck, I laughed softly, he looked like he was still sleepy and didn't know he had hickeys on his neck. When he got to my side, he lowered his head on the table.

Who did that? I asked him, and he looked at me.

What? He said softly, and zee started to speak in front of us.

You have hickeys in your neck! I said, his eyes widened.

WHAT? He said in shock, all the people here were looking at us, he immediately put the book in front of him and bowed even more...

Hehehehe!! I said to my classmates, He glared at me.

What hickeys; He said, I took my mirror and showed him.

Fuck!! He is shameless. Why is there something like this? "he quietly said, but I heard that.

Who did that? I asked teasingly.

Tsk, none of your business, I'm still sleepy just wake me up when the over; He said and closed his eyes immediately, I shook my head, but I caught zee was smiling at us or I just imagining things weird because zee was now in serious teaching us. Nunew's eyes were open, but he was only looking at the book in front of him.

This fucking hickeys; I heard him,. I laughed softly because of what he said, I think he was shy.

Woah!! Someone Is shy, Who did that anyway? I asked him secretly, he glare at me so I look away.

Stop asking that question will you, " He said, I nodded while holding my laughter. When zee finished teaching, the students left right away, until me nunew and zee were the only ones left.

Let's go? I asked him, He nodded and we both stand up, we're about to go out but zee called us.

Nuw, came with me, " He said while looking straight to nunew, I watch nuw's reaction, he raised his eyebrows and eventually nodded.

I'll be there, order my food tell them that I'll follow; He said to me, I nodded and leave them both.


When Nat leave, I'll close the door of the room and came closer to him.

Do you have any concealer? I asked him, he shook his head and looked at me badly.

Why did you leave like this? He said pissed off and I shrugged my shoulder

Next time don't get drunk, I have a concealer come on; I said, he came to me with a frown, I took the concealer from the bag and put it on his neck, I thought what happened last night would be awkward for both of us but I guess not.

None if you're business; He says, I look at him for a moment.

No! you're my business, anyway can you go with me tonight; I says, his eyes grown bigger that's why I raised my eyebrows because of his reaction, I shook my head and spoke again.

We're just going to a party; I said, he looked at me in surprise.

If dad was there, don't expect any more and why would I go with you, we're not boyfriends; He answered, I touched his face gently.

Do you want to be my boyfriend? I asked, he stopped and just looked at my eyes he closed his eyes and immediately removed the hand that was holding him.

No way! My taste is not that bad! He said, I laughed as I approached his face.

That's why your taste is not bad because I am a very handsome person; I said while laughing, I stopped and just looked at his sparrows, I snap back my senses" fuck zee what the hell are you doing do you want your license to removed, I stood up when I'm done covering the hickeys that I left on his neck.

Come with me tonight, I just really need some company and maybe Nat will be there too; I said, he stood up and looked at himself in the mirror.

Why is he going there? He asked again.

Simple, because Max was there; I answered, he frowned and looked at me.

Do you know Max? I nodded to his question, I found out that Max had a relationship with Nat just last week because Max mentioned it to me.

We're friends; I replied to him.

Friends? When did that guy found a friend's! He says, I'm waiting for his answer.

So are you going with me? I asked, he rolled his eyes and eventually nodded, I secretly smiled and open the door.

I have to go, They're waiting for me, pick me up at my place; He says before leaving, I can see some changes on him, or maybe this is his real self. I just smiled and went to the other direction. Max invited me yesterday, he said it was required to bring a partner, his parents said, so I'm sure Nat will be there, that's why I'll bring nunew there. I don't understand my feelings I think I feel something towards him that I want to know him more.


I rolled my eyes when I saw him in his red tuxedo, I changed my shirt again because he didn't say that I should wear a tuxedo on the way there, it's just annoying, I'm wearing my signature royal blue tuxedo now. I really like the color blue, I fixed my hair a little, When I came out I saw him sitting on the couch in my living room.

Is this okay? I asked him, he scanned me and nodded.

Very beautiful, it suits you very well; He says, I rolled my eyes and got out of the room it's already 7:30 in the evening.

I hope dad isn't there," I told him as he drove.

If he's there just let him, I'm there I won't let anything bad happen to you; He said, I looked at him for a moment but I immediately looked away. I think this is the first party I'll attend too, I never attended any occasion related to dad. When we arrived at the venue, I immediately saw many people outside, I don't know but I was very nervous for unknown reasons. zee opened the door for me and I immediately went out.

There's a lot of people; I told him, he grabbed my waist and we went in together.

Don't worry; He says, I took a deep breath and nodded, when we got inside it's like my word's stopped the person I doesn't want to be seen is here, I shouldn't be surprised because people really know them and Max's family was there business partner, I just didn't think they would be here tonight, My fist got tightened, they're happily chatting with other people.

I have to go!! I said to zee, I was about to leave but he called my name.

Nunew? He says, I can felt the gaze of other people, I turned to see him and I can see the surprised in his face while his looking at me and back to zee.

You're here!! He said, I looked at him straight to his eyes.

Not for you; I coldly said, People was still staring at us.

Nuw, People was looking; Zee reminded me, I shook my head and look at everyone, I saw Nat with his worried face.

Excuse me; I says and immediately leave them there, I immediately came next to Nat who was now with Max, he was surprised to see me here.

Wow!! You're here Nuw!! this was new, you hate parties; Max said, I looked at him badly, he immediately looked away from me and gave Zee a first bump.

I didn't know you and Nunew were close; I heard what max said to zee.

I didn't know you were going, If I known I should have told you that your dad is here; Nat said I just shook my head and looked ahead.

It's okay!! I says to him, He nodded but I can still see that his worried.

Zee, you shouldn't bring nunew here; I heard dad's voice in our back.

Sorry sir! I didn't know that you're going here tonight; Zee replied.

Good evening everyone; Dad stopped when the MC said something in front, dad listened and we were they same, but I saw something else on dad's face, as if he was nervous, I rolled my eyes and listen to what she's going to say. She said a lot but my the last word she said echoes my ears.

Tonight, Kornthas Corporation officially became the owner of perdpiriyawong corporation. Tonight, Kornthas Corporation officially became the owner of perdpiriyawong corporation. Tonight, Kornthas Corporation officially became the owner of perdpiriyawong corporation.

I can't stopped the anger inside me and Immediately turned my head to face him.

How dare you sell that company; I yelled at him, I don't care if everyone is looking, zee and Nat immediately grabbed my hand but I can't stop my anger, That company was my mom's company, that company was listed to her name.

Son, it has to be sold because it is no longer being taken care very well; He said, I'm furious that damn excuses.

Even before you'll never really respected mom, You never respected her and now you sold the company without telling me; I shouted at him, Zee was trying to stop me.

Nuw!! his mistress called my name, I turned to here angrily.

Don't call me that; I coldly said to here.

Nunew; Dad shouted at me, I looked back at him, people were looking at us but I don't give a damn.

You know how important that company to me, That company was the only left of mom's memories, I can't really expect anything from you, You're always like this; I told him, That company is the only memory I have left of my mother and now he has sold it.

Do you know about it? I asked Max, he shook his head.

I do not know; He said, I was looking at him angrily.

You do not know? Who are you fooling? I shouted at him.

Nuw," Nat called me, I closed my eyes and removed both of their hands.

I guessed I'm the only one doesn't know about this fucking shit!!I screamed and knocked over the table in anger.

Nunew; Zee called, I shook my head on him, I don't think he knows anything about this. I started walking away from everyone, I hate him, I hate her, I hate all of them. Why do I have to meet all of them, Why do I have to be part of this family, When I got out the rain was so heavy, I didn't even know that's it's raining, but I keep walking away, I closed my eyes and let my tears fall, the only memories I had left on mom was now finally owned by someone, I lost everything. Everything important to mom was lost, that company even though mom owned that she never used the money because she knew that it wasn't hers, that's why she worked in that company as an employee, everyone doesn't know that she owned the building, I closed my eyes and last thing I know I collapse on the road because of the coldness from the rain.
