"β˜… 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 21 β˜…"

I saw a white envelope on my door again, I took it and went inside the unit, when I entered, I opened it to see what was written on it again.

Everything will happen soon, be prepared for what you will find out, It is not easy but it will free you from everything that happened, Nunew, many relationships will be broken, friendships and families will be involved,Β  Always remember that I am here, we are here ready to sympathize with you, we're almost seen each other again and this time I won't let them get away what they did to us - Unknown.

I frowned, What does he mean, I feel that he is close and important to me but who? Who is this person and what does he know about me and us, friendship, family what does he want to convey to me.

I am very confused by what is happening, I feel that many secrets are hidden from me. I looked at the door when it opened and I saw that it was zee.

Are you okay? I asked, because I saw the reddening of his eyes as if he was drunk that I couldn't understand.

Granny called; He says and sat next to me, I remain silent while listening to him.

What does she want? I said, he took a deep breath and held my hands.

She wants to see us tonight, Actually she invited us both to go to the event held tonight; He told me.

What event? I asked.

Anniversary of your company; I shook my head at what he said.

Their company; I corrected him, he nodded and played with my finger.

If you don't want to go, it's okay with me, I'll tell granny that we're not going; He said, I shook my head and looked into his eyes.

I know that they are important to you, even though I don't want to, we will go there tonight; I answered, he smiled and hugged me from the side.

Thank you nuw; He says to me.

Zee, I can endure everything for you, even though I don't want to see the people there, I will do it for you; he kissed me on the forehead.

{β€œ MAXΒ  POV ”}

I'm still looking at the invitation that was given to us, nuw's dad invite us to there anniversary event, but I felt that there's something will happened tonight, I'm scared not for myself but to loose him to lose everything I had, I know that this day will eventually came but I hope not tonight, I didn't tell Nat everything yet, I have to tell him myself before everything will came out.

You've been looking at invitation since awhile ago, Do felt something; I saw drake interring my room. I didn't answered him and I took a very deep sighed. He sat on the other side of the couch and looked at the ceiling.

I told you that this is inevitable, you have to tell him everything before he finds out to others, I feel what you feel right now Max; I looked at him, I knew that he was also invited tonight.

How do I tell him drake? it's not that easy, it's not that easy especially since his family is also involved; I said, he took a deep breath.

If only I had known that the outcome would be like this, I would have chosen to just lose him from me, I didn't know that, that will happened, but to late to repent everything max, We can change what happened back then; I wash my face using my hands because of the frustration.

Don't you really know what's the real cause of that night? He shook his head.

Believe me, I really didn't know, Someone just asked me to bring then there and I thought that's it, but it was too late when I found out their true intention; He says.

Like you, I also want to know why, why he did that thing; He said.

You know all the people involved right? He nodded.

Four men were there, two teenagers and a Twelve years old boy; He said, I took a deep breath, I don't know what could happen but I hope it doesn't happen tonight, I hope I have time to explain everything.

Do you think he will forgive us? I shook my head at his question.

Drake, he is my friend, I saw how much he suffered from what happened, if you ask me, I don't want him to forgive the person who did that to them, even my dad was involved, I saw all his pain, destructions and suffering, there is no day that he did not dream of what happened; I answered, I remembered all his breakdowns, as a friend, this fact was very painful for me, especially since he was so close to my heart, we're friendsΒ  for a very long time,Β  he did nothing but to be a good friends to us.

My sorry can't bring back his mother, my sorry can't erased all his pain and suffering, but he will get more hurt if he know's the truth; I nodded, he will but we have to face theme because this is the right thing to do.


This is the right time, this is the day for us all to face each other again.

Make sure your brother is okay later, you know that this hurts for him **** ; Dad said and I nodded while fixing my necktie.

I know dad, I'll make sure keep him safe, I failed to protect him before and I will not let that happen again; He nodded at me, he held the photo of mom and smiled sadly at it.

I'll bring him back to us, I will protect them at all cost, I failed to protect you and I won't let that happen to our son; He sadly said, I tapped his shoulder and smiled at him.

I'm sure, she's happy now dad, she's happy to know that you're here to protect us; He nodded and put the photo down. I will protect him as my brother, I look to mom's photo and smile at her. You don't have to worry anything mom, I will protect my brother, I'll bring him back to us, I'll get back what's right for us.
