|β€’This Loveβ€’|

//Chapter 29//

//Errors Ahead//


Doctors - Miss Kim, I'm sorry..

Jennie - What do you mean doc? *Crying*

Doctor - We have made our best to save her,

Jennie - What are you saying doc? *Crying*

Doctor - Uhmm she passes away during the operation,

Jennie - Your joking right? *crying*

Doctor - I'm sorry for your loss,

Jennie - Doc!! you promise me!! that you would save her!!

Doctor - I'm sorry for your loss, I have to leave now, *Leave*

Jennie - *Crying* *Sat on the waiting area* *Called Chaeyoung*


Chaeyoung - *Answer* Yes? how is she?

Jennie - *Crying* hmm

Chaeyoung - hmm what??

Jennie - *Crying* she already left us...

Chaeyoung - It was a joke right? tell me it's a joke,

Jennie - Chae, it's not..

Chaeyoung - *Tears start to fell*

Jennie - *Crying*

Chaeyoung - Don't cry okay? Don't.

Jennie - *Crying*Β 

Chaeyoung - Yahhh!! I said don't! I'm on my way there, wait for me okay?

Jennie - Okay *crying*

Chaeyoung - Stop crying okay?

Jennie - Okay *Wipe my tears away*

Chaeyoung - Okay wait for me okay?

Jennie - Okay,

*End of Call*

* A few minutes later*Β 

Nurse - *Get out from the operation room* *approach Miss Beauty* Excuse me, ma'am?

Jennie - Yes? *crying*

Nurse - You are Doc Beauty right ma'am?

Jennie - Yes,

Nurse - Can I ask what is your relationship with the victim?

Jennie - I'm her, uhmm

Nurse - Her??

Jennie - Future wife.

Nurse - Oh so you are the Future Mrs. Manoban right?

Jennie - Yes,

Nurse - Well ma'am we have clean her body already she is good to go,

Jennie - Okay I'm just gonna call the funeral service,

Nurse - Okay ma'am, I have to leave,

Jennie - Okay thank you

Nurse - *Leave*

Chaeyoung - *Arrive* *Saw Jennie* Jennie! *Shout*

Jennie - *saw Chaeyoung*

Chaeyoung - I just saw a nurse, What did he say?

Jennie - He just clean Lalisa's body,

Chaeyoung - And?

Jennie - She is good to go.

Chaeyoung -Did you already call the funeral service?

Jennie - I was but you came,

Chaeyoung - oh,

Jennie - I'm just gonna call them

Chaeyoung - Okay,

Jennie - *Called the Funeral service,*


Funeral Service - *Answer*

Jennie - I'm Hi I would like to have a scheduled today,

Funeral service - sure ma'am just tell us what hospital,

Jennie - its ****************

Funeral service - Oh we are on our very way,

Jennie - Okay

*Call Ended*

Chaeyoung - What did they say?

Jennie - There are on their very way,

Chaeyoung - Okay,

Jennie - Btw, where is Jisoo?

Chaeyoung - I don't know either,

Jennie - are you her girlfriend now?

Chaeyoung - Yes, I have forgiven her already,

Jennie - oh good for you,

Chaeyoung - yeah,

Jennie - Did she court you?

Chaeyoung - No,

Jennie - then what did she did to let you forgive her?

Chaeyoung - She only gives me time to think about it, she also gives me some space or distance from our love,

Jennie - Really?

Chaeyoung - yes, that is why it is unique,

Jennie - Yeah,

Chaeyoung - How about you and Lalisa?

Jennie - well she is courting me, but somehow it suddenly went downhill,

Chaeyoung - Did you forgive her?

Jennie - Yeah, it been a while now,

Chaeyoung - And?

Jennie - just want her to wait for my yes,Β  I want her to learn to wait for me,

Chaeyoung - you know what Doc Beauty?.

Jennie - What?

Chaeyoung - Maybe it wasn't the right time to, feel it.

Jennie - Feel what?

Chaeyoung - The thing they call love,

Jennie - yeah,

Chaeyoung - Maybe be in the next lifetime?

Jennie - Maybe, hahah

Chaeyoung - I just want to tell you that I'm always here by your side if you need someone to talk to, I'm always here okay?

Jennie - Yeah, I know thank you,

Chaeyoung - I'm always here,

Jennie - btw, what took them so long?

Chaeyoung - Who?

Jennie - The funeral service,

Chaeyoung - Oh yeah,

Jennie - Oh here they are,

Funeral service - *Arrive* Hi ma'amΒ 

Jennie - Hello,

Funeral service - Where is the body ma'am?

Jennie - There, *point to the Operating room*

Funeral service - Oh thank you, ma'am,Β 

JennieΒ  - Okay,

Funeral service - *Go to the operating room*

Nurse - Yes sir what can I help you with?

Funeral service - I'm here for Lalisa's body,

Nurse - Who are you, sir?

Funeral service - We are from the Funeral service,

Nurse - Oh, did you already ask permission from her wife?

Funeral service - Yes, she agreed,

Nurse - Okay sir, you can take the body now,

Funeral service - *Take the body*


*Lalisa's House*

*Funeral service arrive*

Jennie - May I ask why the coffin is closed?

Funeral service - Well ma'am the doctor have told me to close it,

Jennie - But why?

Funeral service - I don't know either ma'am,

Jennie - What is the name of the doctor?

Funeral Service - Uhmm Doctor Lis,

Jennie - Doctor Lis?

Funeral service - Yeah,

Jennie - Okay

*A Few minutes later*

Funeral service - *Finished decorating the set*

Jennie - Are you done?

Funeral service - yes ma'am

Jennie - if that's the case, here is the money, *hand them the money*

Funeral service - It is already paid,

Jennie - By who?

Funeral service - By Doctor Lis,

Jennie - But why did she pay it?

Funeral service - I don't know either ma'amΒ 

Jennie - Can I meet her?

Funeral service - Yes ma'am btw she will go here tomorrow

Jennie - Oh okay,

Funeral service - We have to go ma'am

Jennie - Okay thank you!

Funeral service - Welcome ma'am *Leave*Β 

To be continued.
