|โ€ขCaptain Big Boss and Dr. Kim's playful fateโ€ข|

~~Chapter 7~~

//Errors ahead//

*Next day*


Lalisa - Yes boss?

Boss - Lalisa, you and your team will come to a destination tommorow morning...

Lalisa - *Shook* Really?

Boss - Yes because you need to watch out if the terrorist will come back again..

Lalisa - Ok..

Boss - Don't worry the medical team will join you..

Lalisa - Ok..

Boss - Just tell your team ok?

Lalisa - I will *bow* *Leave*



Jennie - *Entered* *See the registration form*ย  I think I should join this..*Wrote my name on it*

Doctor - *See Dr. Jennie signing up* *Approach* Doc

Jennie - *Look back* Ne?

Doctor - Are you sure you're coming with us?

Jennie - Yes..

Nurse - Doc aren't you busy?

Jennie - No...

Doctor - Ok, That would be fun...

Nurse - Yes it is because Dr. Kim is joining us..

Doctor - Tommorow we will go ok?

Jennie - Ok...



Jisoo - This is all the list of the medical team that would join us... *Hand the paper*

Lalisa - *Get the paper* Ohh

Jisoo - You can read all the names..

Lalisa - *Read* Doctor Cruz, Kang, Min, Nurse Bautista, Gisele, Sam, John.. and Doctor Jennie Kim..ย  *Shook* *Look at Jisoo*

Jisoo - Look again..

Lalisa - Dr. Jennie Kim..

Jisoo - She will join us..

Lalisa - Is this even serious?

Jisoo - Yes..

Lalisa - Agh..

Jisoo - Look what fates bring you today, it's such a small world for you two..

Lalisa - I can't believe it.

Jisoo - You don't like it?

Lalisa - I love it.

Jisoo - Tskk..

Lalisa - Just focus on the work..

Jisoo - I still can't believe that you're paths will cross again..

Lalisa - What ever.. just focus ok?

Jisoo - Ok..

Lalisa - *Leave*

*Fast forward*

*Next Day*


Doctor - Guys I think we should go to the roof top now because the helicopter is on his way here..

Nurse - Ok..

Jennie - Let's go... *leave*

*Roof top*

Jennie - *Entered* Where are they?

Doctor & Nurse - Wait a minute..

*The helicopter came*

Jennie - *See the helicopter*

Doctor - There it is..

*The helicopter landed*

Lalisa - *Get off*

Jennie - *Shook* Is T---That Lalisa? *Whispered*

Lalisa - *Walk towards* *Pass through Jennie*

Jennie - Ohh my blanket flew... *Look back*

Lalisa - Hi I'm Captain Lalisa Manoban, and this is my team..

Team Alpha - Hi we're the alpha team.. *Wave*

Doctor & Nurse - Hello *Wave*

Jisoo -ย  *Come towards the Doctor & Nurse* Hi I'm Jisoo..

Nurse - Hello..

Jisoo - Sorry if we can't bring your luggage in the helicopter you can only bring your essential stuff and you can put it in here.. *Give them a bag* Don't worry we will get your luggage when we arrive at the destination..

Doctor - Ok *Get the bags*

Lalisa - I will give you guys 15mins to pack your bags..

Nurse - Ok.. *Packing*

Lalisa - *Look down* *Saw a blanket* *Get it* *Smell it* *Look back* *Walk towards Jennie*

Jennie - *Shook*

Lalisa -ย  *Remove my shades*
I think this is yours? *hand her the blanket*

Jennie - *Get the blanket* Yes it is, Thank you..

Lalisa - Your welcome.. *Smile*
Btw pack your bags now..

Jennie - I will..

To be continued.

๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ :: Is this a new beginning of their Love Story? Will it develop?
