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Hey guys! Sorry I've been uploading shit stories but I've been busy w school and writing nobody and the sequel to it. But here's the alt ending I was talking about if you've read hp. If you haven't...I suggest it but you don't have to read it.

enjoy though!

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October 31, 2025
4 years since Christmas 2021

Valerie was home again for 5 days... well this was her last day and tomorrow she headed back Louisiana. This time she brought ally with her, wanting ally to meet her family and come along since she would've studied for nothing.

Ally was happy to have someone like Valerie, making her a close one wasn't a problem at all since Valerie was a cancer and she was a Taurus. She felt wanted and at home whenever she was with Valerie and that's what she liked. She always loved how val included her in things and in conversations making sure she didn't feel like an outsider.

Valerie being anxious, of course shes been back but only for one day during the holidays. She didn't wanna risk being around him too much and catch feelings, or even seeing him at all. So in conclusion... they haven't seen each other in years, of course not in person. The boys still facetimed her often and texted pretty much every second of the day, they all of course knew ally. But Valerie didn't see julian often or even at all and she didn't wanna ask about him, she didn't want to know anything about him after everything. Frank took interest into ally, they texted a lot and everyone thought he was finally gonna settle down and he did too.

Only frank knows Valerie is here with ally, since they met up literally the whole week. He told both about a Halloween party they were throwing because it was like a tradition they had. Valerie declined since she didn't want to get any flashbacks, but ally insisting because she wanted to see frank Valerie gave in. Valerie decided to put on a thigh high skirt and some long socks that went above her knee, her top was a buttoned up but cropped the shoes were some beat up air forces she had in her closet. Ally matching with frank being the joker and Harley Quinn... simple but Valerie thought it was cute because frank usually matches with the boys.


1 hour before

val: are you ready?
I look over at ally

ally: can you smudge my lipstick?
she comes over to me

val: sure
I smile

I smudge her lipstick like she asked, making it exactly like Harley's. She backed off and said thank you, this night is kinda going exactly like night 5 years ago. We were waiting for our uber we shared with Frank and he said 3 other people. I got a call from him.

val: yo

fra: I'm outside and hurry quickly be- just hurry

val: coming
I nod at ally and hang up

ally: he's outside?

val: yeah he said quickly so let's go

We went outside the house and I locked it, putting a key under the mat. We jogged to the SUV and Frank hopped out.

val: hey frank
we stop

ally: hey
she kisses him on the cheek

fra: hey mama
he kisses her on the cheek

val: can we just get in already
he nods

fra: you guys have to sit in the third row
he puts down his seat so we could go in

We nodded and I went first, seeing logan in the passenger and a couple in front of us. But it looked familiar- wait

ally: ugh
she pushes my ass making me fall in the seat

val: fucking asshole
I chuckle

lowg: val?
he turns around

I see the guy infront of me tense up... it is julian, I shoot a look at frank and he says sorry.

val: hey lowg
I smile

lowg: god I missed you and that smile
he turns around with a smile

ally: hey to you too logan
she rolls her eyes playfully

lowg: ally.. still looking good
frank hits him

fra: that's my girl man
I chuckle

It goes silent... an awkward tension growing in the air, I decided to introduce myself.

val: hey I'm valerie...you ?
I say to the girl infront of me

She turns around and I see she looks like me a little bit.

kam: my names Kamila
she smiles at me

val: nice to meet you Kamila
I smile and sit back

The driver finally takes off, I guess he was watching this pan out. I get a text from ally and instantly open it



is that THE julian you cried over for months

yeah... not surprised he isn't talking to me

didn't you two agree on become whatever you guys used to be like?

yeah but its whatever if I survived then I could survive now

he seems like he couldn't
she looks so much like you

he's so confusing

I could tell


We both giggle at the text and I heard Kamila whispering to julian

kam: is that THE valerie the boys won't stop talking about?
I look straight forward

jul: yeah they love her like a sister and haven't seen her in like years

kam: did you two date
I see him side eye me

lowg: so val what did you do when you left the first time
he looks out the window

I look at ally and she gives me a worried look as if I was gonna breakdown

val: i- uhmm went crying to my dorm
everyone but julian looked at me

kam: wait why?
she sounded concerned

val: oh uhm I was just overwhelmed with leaving everyone that's all
julian turns to me shocked

fra: so when you came back that's when it all
he has that look

val: yeah uhm can we not ?
lowg and frank nod

kam: wait but I wanna know what happened
she rests her head in her hand

We all looked at each other confused, did julian not tell her about us? We all shot a look to julian but he was only looking at me.

kam: julian?
she looks at him and me

jul: uh me and valerie dated
he murmurs

kam: you and
she points at me

jul: yeah
he glanced at her and looked down

kam: oh clearly not as long as us though
she turns around

ally held me back and julian shot me a look, I calmed down after a few because she was just trying to pick a fight. She was the downgrade anyways.

jul: valerie isn't someone to mess with kam
he whispers to her

kam: I don't care you see the way she's dressed? She's tryna impress someone
she whispers back

jul: okay and the first time we talked she was dressed in way more revealing clothes and wasn't trying to impress anyone. Just let her have a good time and we'll have ours
he said annoyed

kam: fine but we need to talk
he nods

uber: we're here
we all pile out

Logan gave me a big hug and lifted me up, once he put me down everyone was gone but kamila and julian.

val: let's go
we walk

lowg: sorry for asking that question, I realized a long time ago that she didn't know a single thing about you two.

val: it's okay, she had to know sometime
he nodded

lowg: so what are you dressed as?
he checks out my fit

val: like a Japanese school girl, my friend told me this is how they dressed but with a little bit more on
we chuckle

lowg: now I kinda see it

val: what about you

lowg: mr. westside
he does the thing

val: so yourself... classic
I laugh

lowg: didn't have anything else so I just thought why not him

We talked until we caught up to Frank and Ally, we waited for kamila and julian then finally went in as a group. We easily located danny and he gave me a big hug.

dan: my little one !!!
we hear kamila scoff

val: danny !!

mia: val !!
she hugs me when danny let's me down

val: miah !!!

dan: so when did you get back??

val: me and ally got here monday but were leaving tomorrow morning
he pouts

dan: next time text me so we could hang out and catch up
I nod

lowg: were gonna go to the drinks !!
he shouted over the music

I grab logans hand and we push through the crowd serving ourselves drinks, seeing the couple in the corner of the kitchen. We go to the side of the kitchen and I lift myself up on the countertop.

lowg: I wouldn't worry about her to be honest, I know julian got with her because she looks like you.
he takes a sip of his drink

val: what the fuck even happened the first time i left?
i take a big gulp

lowg: julian didn't leave his house for 2 months, we would visit him and he was cuddling that stuffed animal you gave him. We didn't know why and he never told us so we just thought that he was having a hard time with long distance. He didn't even come with us to check up on your mom and sister, one time I even caught him crying while looking at an edit of you guys.
we look at him

val: oh.... so he still has it after all huh
logan pats my back

lowg: then the second time he didn't leave for a month, but your mom said that he came over every Thursday and took care of canela. He brought bella with him too so they could hang out, he still goes over every Thursday after work. But now since he has that bitch he doesn't stay very long, she's nothing like you and I don't know what he sees in her.
he sighs

val: she's my polar opposite... but that makes sense since my mom seems to be doing well and kept together. Because julian helps her out.
a small smile formed

lowg: what happened anyway? he left Christmas day and never came back but you did.
we take another sip

val: I was at this place he took me to the Christmas before that, I wanted to see if he'd come and if he still loved me. Turns out he did and came for me and the rest.. I don't wanna talk about it.
I chug the last of my drink

lowg: I won't force you to spit it out right now but sometime just tell me.
I nod

val: let's go take pictures yeah?
he nods


They both head over to julian and kamila telling them to head towards the back, then they go to danny and miah telling them same, finally they find frank and ally and lead them to the back. They get their friend to take pictures of them on Danny's phone, once they were set up they took a picture of all but they were in pairs. Then they took individual photos, then photos with who they came with. Of course valerie knowing what the fans wanted she asked julian if it was okay.

val: for the one time.. wanna take pictures?
he smiled and nodded

jul: sure

He had on a loose tie, button up shirt was messy with two unbuttoned, pants and some Jordan's. They matched up really good and the photographer was having fun with them, he told them how to pose and everything. The boys were making both laugh and once they were done valerie went to check them out.

val: wait these are so dope
she says amazed

jul: wait these are fire
they both high-fived

Danny airdropped the most liked photos of each person to them, Valerie edited them like mac Miller's photos. She arranged the photos with her and ally, group photo, her and lowg, the girls, and then the last few her and julian. She was content with them and captioned it "2nd best Halloween". Comments flooding with how cute her and julian look and how they slayed it, then how cute her miah and ally looked, they just praised her, also commenting on the fact that lowg and her went together.


user4 what the first best Halloween val??
kermeq bestie goals ๐Ÿคช
valeriebrianna no one can top us

morejuliann we look like were matching and I don't disagree
valeriebrianna if there was a costume contest we would've won
morejuliann damn right would've won on the spot

miahhlomeli queen shit
valeriebrianna you're the queen ๐Ÿ›

dannyplascencia who's the girl in the middle on the 4th slide?
allyson.a I was gonna say me and frank look better but yall slayed that shit ๐Ÿ˜ซ
valeriebrianna you and frank look cute

frraaannnk the best pictures we've taken ever fr fr

user10 I wanna have this


Everyone posted theirs and most attention was towards julian and val's since they served a full course meal. Julian was dragged by Kamila into the house and pulled into a room, he didn't know what was gonna happen but he looked forward to what he thought was gonna happen. But everyone outside was certain that she was pissed about the girl she looked like but couldn't match to save her life.

kam: tell me what the fuck happened between you two right now!!
she yelled and his eyes widened

jul: we dated kamila chill...
he sits up

kam: doesn't seem like it !!

jul: We dated and I broke up with her the day she left to college, then when she came back I went back to her but shot her down again and told her we should be like how we used to be.
he realized how fucked up he sounded

kam: and what was that
she raises her hand and slaps her thigh

jul: we acknowledge each other but didn't talk as much

kam: do you still love her ?
she looks at him, he was taken aback

he didn't know what to say, of course he still loved her if he was with someone who was a look alike. But he was flushed back with memories of the night they admitted.

kam: answer me julian... do you still love her !!
she starts to tear up

jul: i- I do still love her...
he whispers

kam: i- can you say it louder so I can confirm what I heard
tears rolling down her eyes

Valerie was walking down the hall tipsy, trying to find a restroom.

jul: I'm still in love with valerie
he avoided eye contact

kam: were done
she ups and leaves

Valerie came out of the restroom and seen kamila storm out the door crying, she figured julian was in there so she went to the door to see a sad man. She closed the door and locked it, he looked up surprised to see the girl infront of him. She sat next to him and wiped his tears, he was confused. The girls heart he broke two times was infront of him and had her hands on his cheek, comforting him.

jul: val
she hummed a yes

jul: why are you here after everything??
she stops and looks at him

val: its because I still care about you
his eyes widen

jul: do you still love me?
she nods

val: of course I still love you Jacob
a smile formed on his face

They stared at each other for a while until she pulled him into a kiss, she knew it was wrong but it felt so good to have his soft lips on hers. His lips were like a drug she couldn't quit and her lips were something he wanted to stay in forever. They couldn't resist the clear urge that was set up, the empty room at a party, locked door, a hot guy and a godess woman, music was loud, the way they were dressed, and the fact that they were both tipsy. He separated lips and just looked into her eyes.

jul: are you sure you want to?
she bites her lips

val: yes

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With that yes he smirked, grabbed her and tossed her to the middle of the bed. He kissed her once more and less than a second it turned into a make out, valerie flipped them over being on top without breaking the kiss. She grabbed his face to deepen the kiss and julian slithered his hands down to her ass giving it a squeeze. .

Valerie started to grind on him letting out a quiet moan followed by soft groans from julian. She tugged on his shirt signaling to take it off, he ripped it off forgetting he had a tie on. They laughed at it

val: here let me help
she unites his tie

jul: here let me unbutton your shirt so I don't rip it off
he giggles

They both undress making it easier and not that much of a hassle for both. They both started making out again and julian flipped them, he aligned himself and started to slowly go in. Valerie hasn't had sex in years and she caught a glimpse of it and was surprised, she winced because he was above average.

jul: are you okay?
he looks down at her

val: yeah just not used to anything above 5 inches
julian laughs

jul: just tell me when your hurting okay?
she nods

He goes all the way in, waiting a little bit for her to adjust. Once he seen she was ready he started to stroke slowly, setting the mood. Valerie though 'why can't he just go faster since I'm ready now' but he started to pick up the pace. She was moaning like crazy, earning loud grunts from julian once in a while. He didn't want to be too loud since he did just break up with his girlfriend so he put his hand over her mouth suppressing her moans as best as he could. But he couldn't help to just rail her and let her yelp of how good he was. So that's what he did, he lifted up her leg on his shoulder and went in with fast, deep strokes. Valerie's eyes were rolling back with all the pleasure she was feeling. He pulled out and laid on his back motioning for her to sit on his lap. She struggled to get up but eventually got there... she aligned herself with him and sank on his dick, letting out a soft moan.

val: i- I haven't rode any- anyone
she struggled to say considering he's in deep

jul: that's okay I'll be the first rodeo
he smirks

He grabbed her waist and started rocking her back and forth, guiding her but for his pleasure the most. She got the hang of it and went faster and faster reaching her climax as he hit every right spot. She took the high road and started bouncing on his cock, the room filling with groaning and moaning and clapping of the skin. Even the bed frame was hitting the wall making the bed creak, he pushed her off and she got mad.

val: what the fuck ?!?!

jul: fours right now
he demanded

She got on all fours and without a warning he shoved himself in, both letting out a moan. He was fucking her hard enough that her head was smashed into the mattress hearing a muffled "fuck" whenever he hit the best spots. She was reaching her climax once again, she couldnt keep it in

val: i- I'm gonna c-cu
he pulls her hair

jul: hold it

He started going faster and harder than before, tears forming in her eyes because of the amount of pleasure. Her legs became numb and she almost fell face first, julian wrapped his arm around her waist keeping her up. His strokes became sloppy signifying his high was coming. He pulled out and cummed on her back, she released and he licked it up causing her to flinch at the touch of his tounge. She was slightly shaking and breathing heavily, he collapsed beside her out of breath.

val: woah
she manages to say

jul: next time no mercy
he looks at her and smiles

val: like you could
she laughs

jul: didn't wanna pull out the kinky shit too early

val: true... but you did pull my hair
he sits up

jul: are you okay? did I pull it too hard?
she giggles

val: it was fine, I liked it
they both smile

jul: alright let's get dress and go have some fun so we don't look sus
he gets up

val: yeah but what are we gonna do with your shirt? you literally ripped it off
she laughs

jul: they'll understand if I get more drunk
he smiles

Valerie wipes the cum on her back with the comforter and proceeded to put on her clothes, she went up to him and tied his tie. She gave him one more peck before leaving the room to get shots. Everyone was still partying and the music was full blast, she went to the drinks and poured herself 5 shots downing all of those. She seen a circle going to it.

Julian on the other hand was still in the room looking at the bed, he smirked to himself and went out the room a proud man. He seen val take 5 shots and nodded to himself, once she left he went and took 5 too following her. The two staring at people dancing in the middle, once they seen the camera they smiled and julian pushed val playfully. She wrapped her arm around his neck and started messing with his hair, he gently removed her arm and hand laughing seeing that she was on her tippy toes.

Throughout the night they were caught together, enjoying theirselves parting hard. They got to shitfaced drunk that they were making out in the kitchen, the boys seen and decided to call it a night. They dragged both out of the party and into the uber, heading straight to Frank's since everyone was gone on a trip. All crashing in individual bedrooms some even having sex, having the night of their lives.

For the next days valerie and julian kept in contact, flirting and texting every second they got. Facetiming until they woke up, they were talking you could say. Valerie got her degree and moved back getting a house with the boys and ally, frank and her really hit it off and started dating. Valerie and julian eventually dating too, soon enough they hit 1.5 million subs and threw a big party inviting everyone they knew. They still looked back on the night they met... laughing that it was a Halloween party and it only took some shots for them to really get to know each other.
