๐ฃ๐ฎ๐ฅ & ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฐ๐  (๐Ÿ๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ง๐๐ฅ๐ฒ) | ๐ƒ๐ซ๐š๐Ÿ๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ญ๐จ๐ซ๐ฒ

Etsuko will definitely be one of the protagonists names in another sweetea book I'm brainstorming about. Anyway this was a rough draft of a book I was going to write... but things didn't work out with it clearly. I'm pretty sure everyone has seen the "sweetea boys x tattoos" pictures posted by sweeteawrld. If you haven't I'll post one of the ones I liked the most bc... mfs were stunning.

[Note: Etsuko's parents died so that's why she says "divorced"]
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The teacher was assigning groups of three that were totally random, picking sticks from cup she had on her desk. Although it wasn't like anyone was getting called on but there was still an uncomfortable feeling throughout the classroom.

The groups that were chosen had to sit together until the group assignment was over, two groups were already chosen. Leaving 29 students in class, the anticipation growing as she was putting back sticks.

"Suko Kyo, Julian Lopez.... and Logan Mendoza" she read out

"Let's go" one of the boys whispered

The two boys quickly walked to the back of the class, taking the two seats facing each other. Leaving Suko with the awkwardly placed chair in between them, facing her towards the back of the class.

She glanced at them while they were whispering to each other, talking about what they were going to do after school.

"So Etsuko right?" Julian asked

"Yeah... or Suko" she glanced at him

"That's a pretty dope name to be honest" Logan said

"Thanks" she said blushing

"So whose house?" Julian asked putting his arms on the table

"Slades having his girl over so my house is off" Logan quickly replied

"My house is pretty loud" Julian said

"My parents aren't home so we could do my house" she looked at the two

"Threesome?" Logan asked

"What!?!" Suko's eyes widened

"I'm sorry... he's really outta pocket sometimes" Julian apologized

"Oh okay..." she awkwardly said

"So what time?" Julian asked

"After school if you guys are available" she looked at them

"We could go in my car" Julian said

"Okay" Logan and Suko replied at the same time

It was their Junior year of high school, attending a public school. The teacher announced what kind of project it was and handing out the details, jobs, places to find information and everything. Even saying it's supposed to be at home project and you'll have to go to your partner's houses.

She continued to talk until the bell rang, since it was their last class of the day everyone headed off campus. Suko following the two boys to Julian's car and stopping to make conversation with their friends.

"Lopez!!" a stern voice called out

"Wassup coach?" Juliam turned around

"Practice is today where are you going?!"

"Oh... uhm we have to do a project and were going to her house-" he gets interrupted

"Listen she can do it herself let's go" his coach said dragging him

"Were all doing it together!! Look give me a few and I'll be there" he stopped his coach

"Fine" his coach walked off mad

"Are you fine with staying for a few? Lowg could you get me clothes and get yourself some... also is it okay if we spend the night?" he quickly asked Suko

"Uh yeah sure" she answered confused

"Alright come watch me practice.. lowg here are the keys. Unless you want to go with him" he grabbed her hand

"I don't want to get Logan or you in any trouble so I'll just watch your practice" she said turning red

"Alright let's go" he ran off

Logan went to Julian's car, speeding off to his house since it was the closest to the school. Packing a duffle bad and leaving, then going to Julian's house and packing him a bag. Rushing back to the school so Suko wouldn't feel awkward.

While he was doing all that, Julian dragged Suko accidentally to the locker room, ripping his shirt off.

"Julian I barely met you" she quickly said covering her eyes and turning around

"Shit sorry... uhm just go to the gym" he quickly said embarrassed

"Alright" she quickly walked out

She went to the gym in a hurry flustered with how he just did that forgetting she was there. She quickly shook her head entering the gym, going up the bleachers and seeing tons of girls looking at her and some of Julian's friends looking at her. She felt misplaced and awkward until one of them spoke up.

"Hey! your that girl Julian was with earlier! Come" the guy motioned over

She hesitantly walked over, sitting next to the guy awkwardly not knowing what to say. Suko was pretty much socially awkward and was always to herself. Everyone who had been around her knew that, before high school she was the most popular girl in school. Half of the people from here went to middle school with her, knowing how she it. Of course everyone was shocked from her sudden change, nobody knew why she changed. They seen her post tons of snaps, stories, and posts of her summer. Then all of a sudden she stopped and rarely posted. Seeing her style drastically change as well as everything about her.

She had tons of dms asking if she was okay and how was she doing, people even came up to her in school to ask. But then Sophmore year everyone gave up letting her be, wanting to know how she would act if she didn't get attention. She was still the same, ignoring people and avoiding talking to past friends.

"Hey Suko I see Nate has introduced himself" Logan said sitting down next to her

"Oh yeah I'm Nate" he held out his hand

"Etsuko but please just call me Suko" she said shaking his hand

"Alright" he smiled

Logan, Nate, and Julian were popular. Since Julian played basketball and their team was op they gained popularity, also with Julian's looks and the whole basketball team. All the girls wanted to just hang with them and get to know them, so since Suko was easily let in. The girls in the gym were furious.

"Were going to be here a while so like get comfortable" logan said going on his phone

Timeskip to Suko's house

It was 6 pm and they barely arrived to Suko's appartment, putting their things down and sitting on the couch. She served them some iced tea sitting in the floor while taking out a notebook.

"Me and logan got a headstart for brainstorming things, we're down for anything just tell us which one your cool with" she calmly says placing the note book on the table

"You got any snacks?" Logan asked

"Yeah, come with me" she motioned for him to follow

The two went to the kitchen, logan instantly seeing the lemon lays and picking them. Being satisfied with only those, he went back to the table sitting next to Julian opening the bag.

Julian ended up picking a harder subject, it was for AP sociology. Picking the body language of someone whose in love and one isn't.

"My dad's not home as much and same as Julian's dad... could we use your parents as an example?" Logan said

"fuck.... what do I say? "

"Uhm... my parents don't live here" she awkwardly said

"Oh shit sorry" Julian apologized

"No it's fine... its cool" she looked down

"my dad's coming this weekend so like we could just like do what we have to do" Julian suggested

"That's good!" logan said

"Its literally Friday" she looked at the two

"Oh shit uhm let's go to my house tomorrow" Julian rubbed his neck

"Uhm so who's going to be the example of who isn't in love" Logan asked

"We could get one of Julian's fangirls and Julian" Suko suggested

"My fangirls?" julian chuckled

"Yeah they were literally giving me the dirtiest looks when I was sitting with Nate and Logan" she chuckled

"I don't even know how to respond to that" he looks down

"Wait it wouldn't work because it's someone who's not in love, we could do two people who aren't in love, one who has interest and one who doesn't, then two in love" Logan says

"That's actually not a bad idea" julian lays back on the couch

"Yeah its not" Suko agrees

"Alright then we'll do it" Logan laid back also

"So what now?" Suko asked

"I guess get to know you" Logan suggested

"Fine" she shrugged her shoulders

The boys asked her tons of questions, getting to know almost every little thing about her. Eventually putting on a movie and sleeping in the living room.

Skip to editing

Julian was at Suko's house, editing on her PC. She was ordering dinner while sitting beside Julian watching him work his magic.

He was editing him and Suko's trial, putting notes and everything they needed. Suko was watching silently going on her phone every once in a while. She realized something in his body language, from his legs facing towards her to the way he looked at her.

"Hey do you realise your body language?" she leaned over pointing at his body

"No, wait what?" he looked at her

"Look at your body language" she pointed at the screen

"Oh that's out of habit" he brushed it off

"Alright... I'll let this go" she looked at him going leaning back into her seat

She went back on her phone, glancing up every once in a while. Seeing how he was struggling, seeing how he kept on glancing at her thighs and his hands were dangling right over them. She seen he was on him and his fangirls section, she turned off her phone getting ideas.

"Here let me help" she said fixing herself in her seat leaning over her chair grabbing the mouse

"No it's fine" he says fixing himself

"No let me help with this" she chuckled watching the segment

"Alright fine" he gave up

The whole time she was leaned over, editing everything and including notes and details about everything. Once she was done she moved onto Julian's mom and his dad, watching it and editing the fuck out of it. Asking on his opinions and for confirmation on things. She seen that he kept on adjusting himself and even at one point putting his hands on his thigh.

Once she was done she watched it, adding more notes and more things. Then a second time and feeling good about it, she looked at Julian and he agreed.

Timeskip to presenting the project

Suko, Julian, and Logan were up first. Just wanting to get it over with and then talk shit about the other projects. They first introduced themselves and the topic, watching the first few minutes until the first note came up.

"For our first example we used two people who have no interest in each other whatsoever. As you can see Julian's feet are pointed away from me, meaning he probably just wanted to get out of there. Then his arms, they act as like a barrier or wall that he set up. Then the eye contact, there is no eye contact whatsoever, neither me nor him make eye contact during our discussion. Also look how he checks for his phone and answers text messages" she plays a clip

"Then with that the other slide is someone who is interested.... and someone who's not" she handed the controller of to Julian smoothly

"We're using me and Julissa as an example. Clearly from the start she has very strong interest in me" he plays a minute clip stopping at a note

"I mean you could really see it I don't think I need to point anything out" he chuckles as the class laughs

"Since I think everyone gets it I'll pass it over to Logan" he switched places with logan

"So now two people who are in love... for this example we used my mom and dad" Logan said softly playing a clip

"Besides them being married they still continue to be in love, the body language, the eye contact, no barriers or walls set up, we even checked pupils and they dilated a ton" he showed examples

"This is from Julian and Suko talking, none of their pupils dilated, then from Julissa and Julian her pupils were dilated a bunch from the start. Then my mom and dad, pupils the same and dilated." he stepped out

"Basically body language could mean a lot in a conversation and to see if someone likes you. Like the girls bodies are pointed towards Julian and some of the guys are pointed towards me. Also how none of you were interested until we talked about Julissa and Julian. You guys proved it yourselves as we talked about it" she smiled bowing and leaving to her table

"Thank you... Suko, Julian, and Logan for that" the teacher said clapping

Everyone gave a round of applause for them as the two boys sat down, they were proud of what they did. Sitting down I'm their chairs and smiling at Suko.

"What going to admit I carried it?" she questioned

"Thanks" they both said

"You're welcome" she smiled

"I think that's the first time we've seen her smile" Logan said

"Shut up" she quickly said

"Fine fine just that you have a nice smile" he chuckled looking at the next group

That was the start of their friendship, one project and constantly going to each others houses. Waiting for Julian at practice, Suko meeting their parents, then the trust. Everything was built in a matter of a month, even after the project they still talked and hung out. The three even hanging out with each other during school hours, Suko getting accepted into their group right away. Leading to her uprising again.
