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You kept your silence as Goggles dragged you all the way to the Deca Tower with his teammates trailing behind you. Inside the building, there a lot of inklings and octolings waiting for battle, just looking at some of them you could tell they were very experienced players that could destroy you in a battle in a blink of an eye. This somewhat made you a little discouraged, you had your trusty (f/w) by your side still, but you were nowhere near experienced as the others since they've been playing these games since they first turned 14.

"..Uh, Goggles, are you sure you want to play turf war with me?" You asked the outgoing blue squid who gave you a nod in response.

"Of course! You're my friend, and I want to have fun!" He exclaimed.

But we just met, like five minutes ago, literally. You cocked an brow as he said that, but didn't bother to make a comment since it wasn't really a big deal. You just gave him a smile in response.

"How about you go against us, Team Blue!" Goggles exclaimed, gesturing over to his teammates who gave you a smile. The moment was ruined by a boisterous laugh that echoed in the room, you looked over who was laughing and saw a group of three inkling pointing at Team Blue.

"So," The inkling girl who wore a high bun started, "You're that idiotic team, name what, Team Blue? I'm surprised I remembered the name." She snorted as the two boys behind her snickered. "We're going to beat you losers up!" The spiky haired inkling chuckled. You crossed arms and raised an brow, People still act like this, that's kinda sad. You thought.

"Hey you!"

Suddenly you were snapped back into reality, you looked over at the blow-cut haired inkling who was pointing at you. "Who me?" You replied, pointing to yourself as the inkling groaned.

"Yes, you dumbass! You're going to help us beat these losers!" He said. You looked at your surroundings, there were a lot of people already looking at you. Knowing if you say no they'd just force you in causing a big scene then there already is. You sighed softly before joining their little group.

"See you on the field, losers!" The girl said before walking off, with you and the two other inklings.

You sat down in the waiting room, wondering what the stage would be for the match. You heard you get called over by one of the inklings, telling you that you guys were making your way to the stage to start your match of turf war. The stage was very unfamiliar to you, it seemed like it had been recently introduced to the public.

..So this is the new stage that everyone was talking about, Skipper Pavilion? You thought to yourself while tightening ย grip on your (f/w), while giving your teammates a small glance. Raising an brow in confusion at the weapons that was held in their hands, it was black and white color scheme with a red crocodile clip with the Toni Kensa symbol. ..Never knew Toni Kensa made weapons.




As the match started, everyone started covering the ground with their ink color, trying to charge up their specials. You on the other hand, just hid in your ink confused with what was going on. It was all too unfamiliar, the stage, the weapons, there was probably new specials and sub weapons too, perhaps it was too early to get back in turf wars.

"Everyone say booyah!" The girl yelled out while floating up in the air. Your other two teammates gave her a booyah, helping her power up her giant ink ball before she threw it somewhere on the stage.ย 

"..That's ridiculous." You muttered to yourself as you inked the ground quietly till you reached the middle of the stage where you met Goggles on the other side. You quickly threw your sub weapon at him but completely missed, though it seem to get his attention rather quickly. The blue squid gave you a big grin before rushing over to you.

"Hi, (f/n)!" Confused on what exactly he was doing talking to you since it was turf war and both of you are on opposite teams.

"Shouldn't you be attacking me?" You asked him, gesturing over to his splattershot in his hand. Goggles smiled and shook his hand, "Nah, I rather get to know you better!"

Holding back on the comment to what he had just said, you faced toward the board in front of you. It had all sorts of stuff; to little charms, pictures, magazines, even little cute keychains. One thing in particular had caught your eye and it was a picture of yourself when you had first debuted as an idol back at the city, you were holding a microphone on stage and smiling to your fans, so many memories.

Goggles seemed to noticed how long you've been staring up at the board, "Whatcha looking at (f/n)?" He asked but got no response, the blue squid frown but looked up on what you were looking exactly. His frown slowly turned into a grin, "That's (Name)! I'm a huge fan of their music, one day I hope I get to meet them!" He exclaimed but you had just kept your silence, confusing him even more then before.

"..(F/n), how long are you planning on staring at that picture?" Goggles chuckled. You looked back at him and smiled from underneath your mask, "Not long."

The two of you continued on with your conversation till the match had come to an end. Your team had lost because your lack of involvement in the match, but you could careless about the death glares they had given you as you walked out the lobby, walking along side Goggles. Talking with Goggles could never get boring because he has a never ending list of things to talk about, even if you just nod to what he was saying.ย 

The both of you went over to Crusty Sean's to buy drinks together, it was surprisingly hot when you two arrived at the square. You drank your (f/d) as you walk alongside Googles, while he kept rambling on about his friend named, 'Rider'. All of a sudden, he stopped walking and looked at you dead in the eyes, it started to concern you a little bit. Perhaps it was a weird small quirk he has, despite it being a bit disturbing if he stares to long.

Soon the blue inkling snapped out of his thoughts and gave you a small apology, "Hehe, sorry, didn't mean to stare!" he said giving you a goofy smile, "You just look like a cool person!"ย 

ย "Oh really, thanks! I think you're cool too." You said, before going silent again. You looked around the square, a inklings and octolings walked down the streets with their group of friends, shopping bags in the their hands. Turning to your side you see it looked a couple? Definitely a couple, wearing the splatfest t shirts, they're shirts had said, 'team knights' on it.

"So what team are you choosing for the upcoming splatfest, (f/n)?" Goggles asked, noticing your eyes were on the shirts. His sudden question had startled you a little, not expecting him to speak up again after the long silence between you two.

You tapped your chin, looking over at the splatfest terminal before turning back over to Goggles, "I'm choosing team wizards." You smiled.

The blue inkling standing next to you had a big grin on his face, "REALLY ME TOOโ€”"

