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Goggles turned around and saw his teammates rushing towards the two of you, "Oh, hey guys! (f/n) and I were talking about the splatfest-"

"There you are!" Headphones exclaimed, stopping in her tracks after she finally reached up to the two of you. Specs, who was behind Headphones, gave him a glare for running off again, though Goggles could careless about Specs' 'deadly' stares since they weren't that frightening to begin with. Goggles just looked over at Headphones, "Did we win?" He asked.

Bobble Hat nodded, "Yup, we won!"

You smile beneath your mask, "That's good to hear! I wanted you guys to prove those punks wrong."

"Hey Goggles!" A voice from behind called the carefree blue squid's name. All of you turned around to see a pink squid wearing a aloha shirt with a golf visor, he walked over to your group with three other squids following after him. The pink squid seemed to notice you sitting with the blue team and raised an brow, "Who's the new (squid/octo)?" He asked.

Goggles glanced back at you, "Oh! This is (f/n), they're from the city!" He said, before gesturing over to the four squids, "And this is the S4!"

..The S4? You've heard of them before, it was back at the city you had overheard two girls fawning over them on the bus. By looking at them, you could understand why girls and boys are all over them.

Pushing away your thoughts, you beamed the four squids in front of you a smile underneath your mask, "It's a pleasure to meet all of you."

The orange squid stuck out his hand to you, "Greetings (f/n), I'm Amry." He said, as you took his hand and shook it.

In a blink of an eye, the orange squid was out of your sight, there stood in his place was a pink squid wearing a pink visor and blue aloha shirt. He had a boyish grin on his face while he took your hand and shook it.

"Name's Aloha. How about we leave this place and-"

"No." You said firmly as Aloha groaned at getting rejected and sat down in chair, crossing his arms and pouting like a child.

"Heyy, thhee namee isss Masssskkk." The cyan inkling wearing a gas mask slurred, gaining your attention. Turning over to the cyan squid, you gave him a small wave in response, "Nice to meet you, Mask!" Completely ignoring Aloha whining behind you.

"Why are you ignoring meee!" He whined as Mask laughed at his suffering, "Ha, yooouuu gotttt reejeeeccteedd!" He teased as the pink squid shot him a glare.

"Shut up!"

While those two were bricking with one another, you made eye contact with the purple squid who was quite the whole conversation. You had to admit, he looked a little intimidating.

"..Uh, hi?"

The purple squid quickly turned his gaze away from you, scratching the back of his nape, letting out a awkward chuckle, "Sorry if I scared you." He said, "the name's Skull."

You shook your head, giving him a reassuring smile, "No, you're fine! You didn't scare me at all!"


You felt your phone vibrate from the back pocket of your pants. Taking out the phone out of your pocket, looking at the caller ID; it was Lilith.

I wonder what she wants? You thought while getting out of you seat letting everyone that you had to make a quick call.

Once outside the cafΓ©, you pressed the answer button bringing up the phone to your ear.


A relived sigh was heard from the other side of the phone, "Finally, I was wondering if you were ever going to answer."

It wasn't even a surprise that Lilith was complaining, you always had a tendency to not pick up the phone immediately which peeves her off.

Rolling your eyes, letting a out a small chuckle before responding, "Yeah, yeah, I picked up, happy?"

"..You could've picked up a little later but it's better than being left on voicemail." She said with a impressed chuckle.

"..Now, what did you call me for?" You asked, getting straight to the point.

"Oh, yes, how could I forget the reason why I called you in the first place."

Typically Lilith, it was easy to get her sidetracked in conversations.

"I need to talk to you, it's kinda important."

Was she serious? She could simply say what she wants to say on the phone, "Lil, we're literally on the phone right now."

"It's important! I don't want people overhearing our conversation, stupid!" Lilith scolded.

You let out a groan in defeat, knowing she wasn't going to talk over the phone. "Alright, mom, I'm coming. I'll see you at the hotel."

"Good, I'll see you then." She said before hanging up.


The call had ended. You put your phone back in your pocket, walking back into the cafΓ©.

You saw everyone at the table chattering with each other, laughing at whatever Aloha had said.

Speaking over the pink squid, he was the first to notice you walking back over to the table. He gave you his boyish grin, "Glad you could make it back, (f/n). Thought you ditched us for a moment." He said.

Sometime about him made you annoyed, you didn't quite pinpoint what it was but you were for sure it was his grin, you want to wipe off his face.

"Yeah, unfortunately I have to go, actually." You responded, grabbing your drink that you didn't even get to drink.

Goggles frowned, upset that you already had to leave so early. "Why do you gotta go, (f/n)?" He whined, pouting and crossing his arm. Specs flicked him on the back of the head, giving Goggles a small glare.

"They can't stay here forever, they might be busy with something."

"Maybe next time, I can hang around a little longer." You said to Goggles before giving you attention to the S4, "It was nice meeting you all, hope to see you around!"

The group bid you a goodbye as you walked out the door. They watched you walking down the alleyway before the you were no longer in sight.

Aloha leaned back, arms behind his head with a smile, "I like them, I hopefully we do actually see them again."
