NARCISSA WANTED FLORENCE'S MEMORIAL serviceย to be small, with everyone that she knewย  Florence liked. Evette (Florence's parents unfortunately had passed away right before she did) was invited from France, the Parkinsons came and even Astoria (who had been two months pregnant and didn't tell anyone. Narcissa gasped when she saw Astoria) and her husband came over from America.ย 

She invited Sirius and James because she knew Florence was quite fond of them, (although Lucius wasn't so he stayed his distance from them) she also invited Andromeda who brought along her daughter, Nymphadora.ย 

It was a nice, peaceful ceremony, the sun was out and for once the Malfoy Manor looked alive. There was a table out for drinks and teatime foods, Narcissa wore a black dress and the bonnet Florence was wearing on that night. She watched as the guests mingled,

Evette placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and said in a strong French accent,ย  "I got you a gift if you want to see?"

Narcissa nodded unsure of what it would be,ย  Evette signaled to Lucius who nodded and told an elf something. Several elves apparated surrounding the white-cloaked structure in the courtyard of the manor. (She had been wondering for hours what it was, Lucius told her not to worry about it when she asked)

There it was. A woman in bronze, her curls carved perfectly to rest on her shoulders, the crinkles by her eyes as she was trapped in a smile and her beret that lay perfectly on her head. It was Florence.

Narcissa gasped, her eyes shiny. "What-"

"I made it ma cherie." Evette told her, "You made her truly happy and I couldn't bear the thought of you trying to survive alone. So I made a statue for you."

It rested on a marble stand with a plaque.ย 

Florence Giles Grimrose
A loving girlfriend
daughter, niece and dear friend

"Thank you so much," Narcissa said softly before hugging Evette.

"It truly is a beautiful statue." Astoria comments and everyone agrees with her.


LATER THAT EVENING IT was the originals (excluding Florence of course, they left a space in the circle for her) left. They all sat by the fire on the floor (even Lucius and he doesn't like sitting on the floor) laughing, Narcissa got to know Alexander and Isaacย  (She finally got to learn his name) properly.ย 

"I have an announcement," Briare said holding onto Alexander's hand. "I'm pregnant"

Astoria gasped and Narcissa laughed glancing at Lucius who nodded encouragingly, "How dare you steal my announcement"

Everyone looked at her, Briare's eyes widening. "No way."

"I'm pregnant."

Silence fell in the room, "Wait don't tell me you all copied me?" Astoria said jokingly.

"Are you serious?"ย  Briare asked and Narcissa nodded. "Wait so our children are going to be the same age? This kinda of stuff only happens in books guys."

"Have you guys found the gender yet?"ย  Lucius asked,ย 

Astoria shook her head, "We want a surprise."

"I do, mine's a girl," Briare said, "Was thinking of naming her Pansy."

Narcissa grinned, "Good, I need some more flower names around me, too many stars."

"Funny because we were going toย  name oursย  after constellations," Lucius commented,ย 

"Which ones?" Astoria asked.

"Cassieopea and Draco." Narcissa answered causing Briare to gasp.


"Twins. One boy and one girl." She confirmed, "Cassieopea was Florence's favourite constellation. Back when we were kids we would stargaze and she would point it out every time and her middle name is going to be Florence. Draco is my favourite constellation and his middle name is Lucius."

"Cassieopea Florence Malfoy and Draco Lucius Malfoy." Astoria said in an approving tone. "Cool names"

"Thank you," Narcissa said with aย  smile. "Lucius chose it."

" Oh, we could tell by Draco's middle name," Briare commented causing them to laugh.

These sorts of times were what made Narcissa forget that there was a dark, raging war outside.

authors note:ย not me setting up the future friendship of the Slytherins in the golden trio era. I don't know why I gave Draco a twin but I did so oh well. Anyway, the fanfic is almost done.
