authors note
this chapter is gonna start differently, imma try to write a short segment in Asteria/Sirius's pov which just settles things.


ASTERIA WAS STUDYING IN the library by herself, bored, her head leaned on her hand as she flicked through the textbook. It had only been a couple of weeks and they've already started getting their assignments.ย  So obviously you couldn't blame her for overhearing a couple fighting from behind the bookshelf she was at.ย 

Asteria peaked through the gaps of the shelf seeing two fifth years whispering angrily from across the table they were seated at. Needing a distraction from studying she decided to intervene. "hey, what are you two fighting for?"

The blond boy turned his head towards her, "Miranda thinks that I don't think she's beautiful because I never say it."

The black-haired girl or 'Miranda' glared at him, "All my friend's boyfriends always say these romantic things, but you on the other hand is different."ย 

They continued to bicker before Asteria pulled up a chair and pulled the girl away to talk to her separately."Miranda... Why do you feel it is so necessary for your boyfriend to always tell you that you're pretty?"

Miranda glanced away hesitant, her hand held her wrist as she ran her thumb back and forth across her skin in a comforting way. "No one thinks I am. Sometimes I feel like, 'Wow everyone is so pretty! I have to be like them.' and then when I'm not... I feel invisible. I often feel invisible every day and I need someone to tell me that I matter, Jack just doesn't really do that. I know he wants the best for me and everything but I sometimes need it to be told directly at me."

Asteria smiled softly, "Perhaps Jack doesn't know that, believe it or not, boys are completely clueless sometimes. Maybe he just needs a little push to start rolling down the hill, couples in movies and books tend to show them happy and perfect, but sometimes we need to sit down and talk about important things that we might not be able to talk about in day to day situations. I'm going to talk to Jack next alright? And then I'm going to leave you two together to smooth the ends."

She got up and sat next to the blond guy, "Miranda feels like you don't show enough verbal affection."

Jack sighed. "Is that what she told you?"

"I can't tell you that just yet."

"I'm just- I don't know... I don't have a way with my words so I use physical affection, I wish I could tell her what I feel about her, but whenever I try to my words get choked up in my throat and it's as if I completely forgot how to speak. And when I want to tell her what happens I keep thinking 'She thinks you're stupid. She's going to break up with you.' and it's annoying." He looked up from the table and at Asteria who nodded.

"I see what's happening here." She said after a long pause, she waved at Miranda to come back to her seat.ย 

"You two don't know how to communicate with each other. You see communication is a big key to a relationship, Miranda... You're insecure and need help, meanwhile, Jack doesn't know how to express his feelings. There are many different ways that can help with this lack of communication. If you don't feel like you can talk to someone face to face you could try going back to back and then talk, or write a letter, or a series of messages and spread them around for Miranda to find, or even come up with something better. With a problem there is a solution, now shall I leave you two alone to talk?"

The couple nodded, Asteria smiled and waved goodbye as she went back to her table to study again. There were two things she didn't realise that this moment had sparked, one was that a week later when she was walking with Narcissa Black she would bump into the couple again.ย  ("Heyy mystery girl, thanks for your help! Our relationship isย  now better because ofย  you." Miranda said with a wave as they passed. An amused look settled on Narcissa's face as Asteria waved back at her)

ย Two was that at that moment, she didn't realise that the Marauders were quietly (surprisingly) studying. James in a cushioned armchair reading a newspaper, Remus sitting properly over his book copying down some text, Peter writing slowly his face scrunched up in confusion and Sirius his grey eyes scanning the text as he drummed his fingers on the table. They heard the entire conversation.


SINCEย  HEARING ASTERIA BLOSSOMS conversation in the libraryย Sirius has been tempted to speak to her since. It had been three weeks, her popularity grew larger, everyone asked her for advice, she helped people from all houses.ย 

He often saw her talking to his cousin who hasn't spoken a word to him since the summer of the great 'tragedy'. Right now, he kept glancing at her in the Gryffindor common room (she was welcome to any house area) talking to Frank when he shook her hand and left.ย 

The other Marauders were plotting their pranks together when he decided that today was the day he was getting his advice. "I'm going to go talk to Blossom."

James looked at him sceptically, "Asking for relationship help? Do you really think Blossom's advice is good? I think it's all rubbish."

"Was that because she managed to get Evans and some seventh year to date?" Remus asked looking up from his book. "Or because your ego is too large to ask for some help with Evans and now it's too late?" Sirius glanced away with a smile.

James gasped dramatically clutching his chest, "That hurt Moony."

"Asteria helped a lot with making me and my girlfriend realise our feelings for each other." Peter interrupted, the three of them paused staring at their friend.

"Wait you have a girlfriend and didn't tell us?" James questioned,

"It's all-new, we're still figuring it out," Peter admitted shyly.

Sirius picked up his wand and twirled it between his fingers and tucked it behind his ear as he stalked his way to Asteria who was scribbling down something. He paused over her causing the girl to look up, "Hey." he said with a charming smile.

"Hey?" She said back brushing her braids off her shoulder. "You need help?"

"Yeah." He breathed, Asteria gestured with her hand at the free seat next to her. Sirius pulled it out and sat down. "How high is your success rate?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. But my hardest one yet was with Marlene and Dorcas, you know with them always thinking it the other loved them platonically. Also that a lot of people have a huge amount of hate for lesbian couples, it took them a while for their relationship to be fully out."

Sirius felt his heart start to race, "So... You give advice to..."

"Same-sex couples? Yeah, something wrong with that?"

"No! No no no of course not, nothing wrong." He stammered, the way she was looking at him felt like she already knew all his secrets and sins.

"Alright, that's good. So what do you need help with Sirius Black?"

He laughed awkwardly scratching his neck a little, "What do I need help with? Everything."

"Don't worry, all this information stays confidential, between you and I," Asteria said before leaning in towards him, her eyes glittering. "Tell me, Black... Are you crushing on a guy?"

"I-.. Yes." He sighed reluctantly, he could see that this sparked interest in her.ย 

"Who is this mysterious guy?"

"Remus Lupin." He muttered under his breath.


"Remus Lupin." He said a little louder.

"Sirius you got to speak up. I cant hear."

"Remus Lupin." He said loudly, the room fell silent everyone stared at him. Sirius glanced back at his friends who looked at him in question, he laughed awkwardly before sitting down abruptly.ย 

Asteria also awkward waved off the people staring, she looked back at him. "Right sorry. Uhm- Whos that?"

"Doย  you know Jamesย  Potter?"


"Blonde guy sitting near him reading."

He watched as Asterias eyes flicked back between him and Remus, "Oh him, he's cute. How did you come to your realisation that you held romantic feelings for him?"

"It started when I made him laugh once." Sirius started smiling softly to himself. "For some reason I liked it and so it was my personal goal to make him laugh at least three times a day. I realised when I looked at him it was more than friends, I was contemplating my life... I couldn't like a boy that's-that's gay."

"There's nothing wrong with being gay you know that?" Asteria told him,ย 

"Have I ever mentioned that I love your accent? You should hang out with us." He said.

Asteria blinked in surprise, "As in the Marauders?" she asked, he nodded, "Alright. Maybe I'll be able to get a nice conversation going with Remus."

"You will not," Sirius said in a mocking threatening voice pointing at her as he stood up. "Come on."ย 

He waited for Asteria to pack her stuff up and together they walked over, James looked up from his book annoyed, Peter grinned at them while Remus looked at Sirius with great interest.ย 

"Guys, met the Asteria Blossom." Sirius introduced, the dark-skinned girl gave a small wave.


"Just because Padfoot likes you doesn't mean I do," James stubbornly.

"He's angry that you got Evans and that guy together," Remus told her, Asteria nodded slowly registering the information.

"If this makes you happy Potter, I don't think they'll last." She said.ย 

"Really?" He said excited, sparks glittered in his eyes.ย 

"You shouldn't have told him that," Peter said, Sirius and Remus agreed.

"So...ย  I actually have a chance?" James asked.

"Yeah, if you weren't a jerk," Asteria said leaving him shocked, Sirius laughed before noticing Remus looking at him, he returned the gaze leaving the blond boy blushing.ย 

Perhaps he had a chance with Remus.

authors note
I can't be bothered to edit this chapter, so sorry for the bad grammar. But I tried to make it long since the other ones have been short.

The good news is my dad finally got me Disney plus but only for a month so I'm going to binge-watch the marvel movies. Bad news I've done a blood test and I have thalassemia and low white blood cell count (borderline thank god) and I have to re-do it.
