twenty two

liked by @pedrigonzalez and 100,00 others
@parishadid- got drunk and now camille can't find her phone πŸ€”

↳ comments

pedrigonzalez- wish it never happened tbhπŸ˜…
↳ you don't even have a hangover pedri wdym

pablogavi- gladly do that again
↳ oh hush you

camillesantos- i stole pedri's phone to log into my instagramπŸ˜” pls send help missing my phone rn
↳ so dumb

dominicfike- πŸ˜‚ make sure camille replies to her messages when she gets her phone.
↳ pedrigonzalez- don't worry she will

judebellingham- 🀣
liked by parishadid

neymarjr- Oh meu deus, make sure she finds her phone!
↳ we'll tryπŸ₯²



Camille couldn't help but be confused
when she woke up this morning and couldn't find her phone, she was sure she'd left it with her before she slept. Also she was confused by Dominic's comment, what did he mean, and what was so urgent that she had to reply to. She continued to look for her phone until Pedri had walked into the room.

"Camille, sit down we need to talk." Pedri told her with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Why, what happened? Is everything okay?" Camille's concern started to grow quickly until she saw her phone in the boys hands, and as she went to grab it he held her back.

"Just let me explain, you fell asleep drunk on the sofa last night and I kept hearing your phone notifications, so i turned them off but then i could still hear the buzzing and it was Dominic. I went to tell him that you were asleep but i'd accidentally seen the messages and i just wanted to say i'm so sorry." The boy explained before he showed Camille the text messages.



Dominic- dom 🫢🏼

dom 🫢🏼
hey, are you busy?

Camille, we really need to talk

Camille please reply
it's important

Jude's cheating on you



As Camille read the text messages from Dominic, tears started to form in her eyes. She didn't want to believe him, but Dominic was one of her best friends why would he lie about something like that? Camille could feel her heart breaking as she burst into tears clinging onto the boy in-front of her.

Pedri was very concerned about her, but he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. Why would Jude cheat on Camille? He loved her. But that wasn't exactly important right now, Pedri's main priority was focusing on his closest friend, his sister even. He held the girl as she cried in his arms, stroking her hair and telling her it'll all be okay.

"Why me Pedri? What did i ever do wrong!" The girl choked out in tears.

"You didn't do anything wrong mi amor, non of this is your fault and never forget that. You didn't choose for this to happen and you didn't do anything to deserve what happened, so don't think it's your fault." The boy tried to comfort her. Pedri wasn't the best at comforting people but the girl in his arms had been his friend for years, and he thought of her as a younger sister. So he'd do anything to protect her.

Camille had spent the rest of the day, stuffed away into her room, she had asked Pedri to tell the others what had happened. Except Vivienne, she wanted to tell Vivienne herself in case she went all physco.

Camille didn't want to talk to anyone, especially Jude or even Dominic. She didn't know how to feel or how to react she needed to tell her parent's what has happened too or even Jobe. She wondered if he knew what had happened, if he was just allowing Jude to do that to her. She shrugged that idea away though, because Jobe wasn't like that but then again she thought Jude wasn't like that either.



- currently sobbing to
SOUR, olivia ily

replies have been disabled

authors note
ily guys😁
also, i really appreciate all the love and support you've given driver's license, it's number1 in brazil, number2 in england, and also 1 in pedrigonzalez and jobebellingham and there's so many high ranks and i'm so grateful for all of you !
ALSO why do you all have so little faith in my baby camilleπŸ˜”
everyone saying she's the cheat poor girl she's too iconic for that typa stuff
