
To say Camille was just a little bit nervous would be a lie. The girl was beyond nervous, she was off to see her ex boyfriends or even new boyfriends family again. Jude wasn't exactly her new boyfriend, they went on one date
but she knew if he even gave a slightest sign he wanted her to be his she would take him back.

"Okay, come on we're here." Jude has told the girl clearly obviously noticing her anxiousness as he held her hand after they'd left the car.

"Mum i'm home!" Jude screamed out to everything and anything in his house. Camille laughed at his stupid behaviour as she noticed his mother and brother coming to greet him.

"CAMILLE OH MY GOD!" The girl heard Jobe scream as he through her into a hug. As his mother tried to push him away.

"Oh move boy! It's my turn to hug her!"His mother said as he swatted the boy away.

"Oh Cami! I've missed you so much, i'm so glad your with my boy again!" Denise said whilst laughing.

Camille laughed as she hugged the woman back, she'd always thought of Denise as another mother. Camille loved her mother but it was hard having her parents divorced. With her dad always away for football and Cami and her brother living with her mother. She was grateful her parents still got along and she was grateful her mom was happy too. Her mother had met someone else and they'd had her baby brother together, she wasn't mad that it had happened but she just wished it was her parents having another child together. She lost her train off thought as she heard another voice welcoming her.

"Oh Camille! I'm so happy to see you again." Camille recognised the voice as Mark, Jude's father.

"Oh i've missed you all so much!" Camille said as she laughed along with the family.

The family of four has always welcomed Camille with opened arms they made her feel so at home, she was always jealous of their bond with each-other but it made her so happy to see them as a healthy family.

The five had spent hours talking to each-other again, until Mark and Denise decided it was time for everyone to go to bed.

"Mum! I'm seventeen not seven, i don't need a bedtime." Jobe said rolling his eyes at his mother.

However he still obliged, as they all did. The family insisted on Camille staying for the night, but she couldn't. She'd promised her brother she would call him and it was already really late. Jude insisted on driving her home. So here the two were laughing and singing along to Jude's playlist.

"I LOVE this song seriously, i swear bro Dominic Fike is the most beautiful guy i've ever seen!" Camille almost screeched at the boy after 3 nights started to play.

"I should be really offended right now but honestly i can't disagree." Jude said making Camille burst out laughing. Honestly Jude thought her smile was the most beautiful thing ever.

They had finally reached her apartment and Camille was beyond grateful for Jude. He'd given her the best night and honestly she was just waiting for him to ask her to be his girlfriend.

"I had a great time tonight!" The girl smiled at the boy

"Me too Cami, i'll text you later yeah?" The boy said whilst he kissed her on the forehead.

As soon as she reached her apartment , she through off her shoes and started to get comfortable. She was waiting for her brother to pick up the call as she sat smiling to herself about her day.



liked by @neymarjr and 1,000,00 others
@camillesantos- ft calls with my favourite boys>>>

↳ comments

neymarjr ❀️
liked by camillesantos

parishadid- my baby!! i miss you

viviennemessi- i love calls from ur dad tooπŸ€—
↳ what..?

pedrigonzalez- davi is my favourite santos
↳ telling my dad
↳ pedrigonzalez- freak

pablogavi- counting down the days till u get to spain πŸ€”

judebellingham- ❀️
↳ 🫢🏼

authors note!
last chapter till i take my break, i've just been rushing to get this edited.
rip to my bestfriend x
