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แด€สœสœ สŸแด‡แด›'๊œฑ ส™แด‡ษขษชษด...
____ ___________________________________ ____


As I Sit up in my bed, I looked to the side where my phone was set, on my night stand, watching it with tired eyes as my alarm went off like crazy signaling that it was 5:00a.m.

I just wanted to go back to bed but, I knew I won't be able to.

Turning on my side I face my window. Seeing as though it was still dark out, I stared out my window for a while until I heard my alarm go off again, making me roll over and groan before turning it off and getting up out of my bed. As I stand up, I yawn and stretch my body almost falling back onto my bed from how weak my body went.

Thirty minutes later...



No, that's too tight.

To short.


Every outfit I tried on did not look good on me, so I was roaming through my closet to find something, because unfortunately I have 20 minutes to get ready.

"I'll just wear this I guess." I say before laying the clothes I decided to wear on my bed and heading to the bathroom to shower.

10 minutes later...

There's no way. Why the h*ll is time moving so fast.

I was literally rushing at the moment putting on my clothes.


Once I finished putting on my clothes and jewelry. I grabbed my school bag and phone, and headphones before heading hurriedly downstairs.

Buzz Buzz...


Looking down at my phone I see that my friend, my one and only friend Malaya is calling.

'She must be outside', I thought before answering.


"Get your ass out here." Malaya practically yells in my ear.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." I say before grabbing an apple and hurriedly heading out the silent house.

No one was home.

Parents at work.

I'm sibling less.

Lucky me hm?

As I walk out the front door the sun slaps me in the face with its brightness, making me use my hand to block out the sun. Once my friend sees me, she honks the horn making me glare at her a little before turning and locking my front door with my house keys.

"Hurry the fuck up Alei." She says loudly.

"Okay, okay I'm coming." I say before speed walking to her car and getting in the passenger side.

"You walk very slow." Malaya says.

"But you love me." I say after buckling my seat belt and turning to her and giving her a toothily smile like a little kid.

"In a way, yes." She admits before starting the car and driving towards the school.

"Can we stop at McDonald's?" I ask.

"No." Malaya answers sternly.


"No." She says making me pout as we pull up into the school parking lot, and parking.

"Sigh, check the back seat love." She says before turning off the car and unbuckling her seat belt not facing me.

Once I turn to check the back seat curiously. My face goes from confused and pouty to happy.

She brought me CANDYYYYYY.


once I notice it's candy, I scream so loudly with excitement as I grab the m&ms and gummy bears, and kiss Malaya on the cheek.

"Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyooooou." I chant over and over.

"You're welcome, now let's go before we're late." She says before slightly pushing me off her and grabbing the keys and getting out.

As she gets out, I notice the little blush the came across her face.

Sus of her.

"Come on." She yells.

As I get out the car, I grab my backpack.

Once I get out, I close the door and Malaya locks it with her keys.

"Come on grandma." She says while sighing.

"I'm cominnnng." I say before speed walking up to her and grabbing her hand.

Honestly people probably think we're dating at this point, but we aren't. Although I have a crush on her but, she doesn't do relationships, she's a one-night stand kind of girl. Plus, she's out of my league. Sadly.

10 minutes later...

"Okay so, how about we go to McDonald's after school, hm? How does that sound?" Malaya says while leaning against the locker, as she waited for me to grab my math books from inside.

"Yesss." I say excitedly while smiling happily up at her.

"Hey sis." Malaya sister Miles says as she approaches us with her confident walk.

Once she approaches us, I had to strain my neck to look up at her 6ft frame as she stared down at my 5ft frame making me blush as she stares into my eyes with a smirk on her face making me look down nervously not being able to handle the eye contact.

"Hi." Malaya replies sternly making me look at her.

She had her jaw clenched tightly while staring at her sister who was still staring at me.

As they talked, I closed My locker and stared at them.

They are so freaking hot. Like...gosh.

As I was waiting for them to finish, I was staring at what they were wearing which made my eyes wide and my face turn two shades hotter, gosh I probably look like I got slapped in the face.

'Fix yourself women'

'But their so freaking sexy like, it's like they wore sexy things on purpose.'

'Gosh Malaya's outfit...is like.'

'Okay calm your tits Aleena.'

"Sweetheart, why are you eye fucking me?"ย Miles asks making me snap my eyes up to her and Malaya, seeing Miles smirking and Malaya looking at me with her eyebrows raised.

Their eyes staring back at me causing my eyes to travel down south towards the ground, while I felt a nervousness creep up my neck to my cheek.

"I- I wasn't." I reply shakily.

"Hm, sure does seem like you were." I could hear Miles smirk when she said that.


"Look up." I hear Malaya say demandingly.

The change in her voice and actions Made me want to drop down on my knees for her.

Like oh-


'Yes ma'am?'

I looked up at them. And looked around only to notice we were the only ones in the hallway. Which made me nervous.ย 

"Why were you eye fucking my sister?". Malaya askedย 

Oh my gosh I could faint. I was trapped in between them. I was thinking about running but I can't Malaya has one hand on the locker to which is right on side my head. and Miles is closer than before.ย 

Oh my gosh I'm gay panicking right now this position is-

"I- I wasn't". I say quietly while looking at Malaya then at Miles who held a smirk on her lips.

A gasp comes out of Miles mouth as she puts her hand on top her chest, seeming like she's offended.

"Are you saying that I'm a liar.?" Miles says with a smirk on her face.

"Were you eye fucking my sister Aleena.?" Malaya asks as she leans in closer with her lips just inches away from my ear.ย 

The contact made me shiver and squeeze my legs together.

"No." I whisper and my eyes went to Miles who was smirking the whole time.

"So, your calling my sister a liar?" She asks and she slowly nibbles on the tip of my ear cause me to gasp a lightly.ย 

"N-no." I speak.

"Are you? Are you calling me a liar sweetheart?" Miles asks as she uses a finger to raise up my head.


Before I could finish what, I was going to say I let out a moan lowly when Malaya's hand slides into my skirt then into my panties. The contact made me shudder and weak in the knees once I felt her long soft fingers slide slowly against the folds of my pussy.

"Are you?" Malaya asked as she started kissing, nibbling and biting on a part of my neck. The action caused a moan to slip out of my mouth.ย 

"Are you calling my sister a liar?" Malaya asked as she thrusted a finger in me causing me to moan out load and my hands to shoot to her shoulders for support so that I don't fall.

"Mm- No-

Before I could moan out loud from Malaya pumping her finger into my wet pussy Miles clamped her palm against my mouth. Blocking me from making a sound.ย 

As she covers my mouth she leans in towards my ear.ย 

"Although, I want to hear your pretty moans my love. You're going to get us caught." Miles sayย 

'we're literally in the middle of the hallway. I'm pretty sure the cameras see'

As I was lost in thought Malaya started pumping into me faster causing me to wrap my legs around her waist and ride her finger while throwing my head back into the locker door.

As I was getting closer and closer. It was like Malaya and Miles knew because they retreated, they're hands from me and I was placed back down with my feet on the ground but, I felt like jelly. And I know my cheeks were a bit pink. I was flustered and a bit annoyed at the fact they stopped.ย 

"Aw, I think she wanted to cum Malaya." Miles say in a sarcastic tone making me look up at them.

"Sucks." Malaya said while smirking.

"Gosh what time is it. I think we're late to class Miles." Malaya said while looking at her watch and her and Miles looked at each other acting as if what just happened didn't happen and as if I wasn't here.

3min later...

(๐•ฏ๐–Ž๐–‰๐–“'๐–™ ๐–๐–“๐–”๐–œ ๐–œ๐–๐–†๐–™ ๐–™๐–” ๐–˜๐–†๐–ž)

After Malaya and Miles went to the classroom. I stood back for a minute to fix myself. Although I don't know what or how or-

"Get to class Mrs. Lynn!". Says the principle.

'Shit I didn't even hear or see her there'

As I hurried to class, I walked in gaining the attention of everyone in class. All eyes on me.

"Are you okay Mrs. Lynn? Rough morning?" My teacher Mrs. Baloney says with worried filled eyes.

ย I nodded as I scanned the classroom seeing Malaya and Miles smirking causing me to blush and look away.

"Well, okay. Go take a sit." Mrs. Baloney says while tilting her head as she folds her arms together while leaning against her desk.

I nodded before walking to the only seat available. Which was between Malaya and Miles.

Just as I take my seat both of their hands go to rest on my thighs.

-ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ------ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------ย  ย  ---------


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'~Bye, Bye<3*
