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แด€สœสœ สŸแด‡แด›'๊œฑ ส™แด‡ษขษชษด...


"Oh, come on you'll love it." My best friend Ophelia says as she drives us to a party.

'She forced me too.'

"Yeah, you say that every time you drag me to these parties." I scold as I look out the window.

"And each one of them was ass." I admit.

"Everyone there, was ass." I say.

"Shit I even seen someone eat someone's ass." I add.

"These parties are boring and wild." I say as I glance over to Ophelia as she rolls her eyes at me and keeps driving.

"Oh, come on, you'll love it." She says and I roll my eyes and look back out the window.

"Yeah, okay. We'll see." I speak.

"You may even get laid." She says and smirks.

"Mhm. What makes you think I want to get laid?" I ask.

"Oh. Don't make me say it-

"Never mind. Never mind." I say, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

We road in silence as Ophelia drove. As we drove closer and closer to the party, I heard the loud music they were playing. The whole neighborhood probably could hear it, maybe even a deaf person.

'No offense."

''Just describing how loud the music was.'

"And... we're here." Ophelia says as she pulls up towards the house that was filled with lights.

Teenagers were crowded inside and out.

It was honestly a normal high school teenage party, even chaotic.

"Come on." Ophelia says as she takes the keys and gets out while I do the same.

Once I closed the door the smell of must. sweaty ball must, alcohol and weed filled my nose making me use my thumb and pointer finger to cover my nose.

The smell made me want to throw up. The sight of all these people made me want to hide away. I felt like puking from the smell.

As me and Olivia walked inside, we had to push through bunches of people as we made our way to the kitchen where the rest of some of my friends were.

"Hey Ella. Getting drunk tonight?" My friend Carlos asked.

"No, but I would like a sprite to drink." I say as I jump my 5-foot ass onto the counter and started to swing my feet back and forth.

There weren't a lot of people in the kitchen. Since Carlos, the host of this shitty party always made a room cleared for me since I didn't like packed and are crowded places. And he always wants me to go so, whenever he throws a party, I always have a quiet spot for me.

"Here you go malady." Carlos said as he bowed in front of me and handed me my drink making me smile.

"Thankyou." I say as I open my canned sprite.

2hour later...

'I want to go the fuck home.'

"Since there's not many people here how about we play a game?" Carlos suggests as we all take a seat.

"A'mora do you want to play?" Carlos asked a girl that I honestly didn't know was here.

"Fine, why not."

God for fucks sake damn I didn't know her voice was that sexy-

Her hair was black, and she was muscular in a way but not as much. Her skin was a very soft vanilla color. She wore a black button up shirt with the first two buttons unbutton showing her cleavage. Boobs! She wore black slacks to match- slacks? to a party. Eh who cares she's hot, so it doesn't matter. She also has a silver chain that hung from her neck.

When I looked up to her face, I notice her halfway full lips that held a smirk on it, and her lip piercing. Her nose was button and upturned.

Once I traveled my eyes up, we made eye contact. Her brown eyes met my brown ones making me blush and quickly look down.

' she's hot!'

"Hmm...what are we playing?" Ophelia asked.

"Hmm...how about...dare or dare." Carlos asks and sends a smirk towards Ophelia.


"You go first." Ophelia tells Carlos in which he nods.

10min later...

'We've literally been playing this game for a few min and it's been a little boring, I haven't been picked yet though.'

'Lucky me'.

"Ella, I dare you to go 7minutes in one of the rooms with A'mora." Carlos dared making me side eye him so bad.

"I'm not doing that with her." I scoff as I lean back against the sofa and cross my arms.

"Oh, come on. I'll make those 7minutes feel like you're in heaven love." She says as she leans against the sofa across me and smirk.

"Cringe." I said.


"Well, a dare a dare. Go." Carlos says making me groan.

"I'm not-

"Oh, come on you'll probably love it. Who knows what'll happen." She says while smirking towards me.

"Unless you're scared." She adds.

"I'm not scared-

"Fine." I speak

"I'll go." I say before standing up and walking towards the room as she follows.

Once we're in the room I walk towards the bed and sit on the bottom edge of it and look up to where A'mora was standing. Right in front of me.

She was so hot. Like I would let her-

"I know I'm hot." Says A'mora making me think she could read my brain or hear my thoughts.

"You're not." I say sternly.

"So..." A'mora say as she slowly walking to me filling up the empty space between us.

Silence filled the air, and my heart was beating fast. Making me feel as though, I was only in here. My eyes went to her shoes.

"So what?" I reply.

'My feet so small compared to Hers'

After a few seconds of silence, I saw a soft muscular ring's looking hand creep into my eyesight and under my chin.

The contact made a wave a nervous (lust) indulge me.

My brown skin that you couldn't even tell were now a bit red and heated.

'Gosh its hot in here someone needs to crack a window'

All that was in my eyesight was her waist and hips that hugged her pants in all the right places. Til, she slowly raised my head up. Making my heart pound against my chest. As I made eye contact with her.

"You know. You're very bratty. Princess". She says as her voice goes raspy. Making me clench my thighs together.

"So?" I say out sassy yet, quiet. She's about to make me loose it.

She lets out a little laugh before pushing me down on the bed and climbing on top of me with one knee between my thighs.

"You're cute princess." She smirks before leaning down and traveling her hand up my shirt slowly. The contact made me squeeze my thighs together well try. I bit my lip and turn to face the wall next to me.

"Look at me." she says as she leans down and runs her lips against my neck making me squirm.


I slowly turned my head to look at her.

"Hi baby."

"Hi Mo-

She smirks knowing damn well what I was going to say.

But I whipped that smirk right off her face when I leaned in and kissed her deeply causing her to lean back in surprise before deeply kissing me roughly back.

One hand went to my waist and the other slid to my neck softly squeezing it. Causing a soft moan to slip out. My hands slid into her hair and softly tugging it causing her to curse out and make me giggle a little that quickly turns to a whimper once her hand that was caressing my waist goes down and slides under my skirt and is placed right on top of my panties.

She doesn't stop kissing me in fact she trails her lips down my neck causing me to pant and move my head in a way to give her more access.

She sucked a part of my neck while another hand crept under my shirt and under my bra gripping my boob causing me to whimper.

Her other hand that was on top of my panties slowly slid down between my legs and she slowly started rubbing my pussy through my panties. Causing me to close my eyes as i panted.

"Please." I whisper out.

'I wanted her to fuck me right here, right now. So badly'

"Please what?" She speak.

Her hand slid inside my panties throwing my off edge-

A person busting through the door caused me to quickly sit up but, I couldn't fully get up because A'mora didn't want to move. I looked at the person noticing it was my best friend. But she looks annoyed.

"Times up." She speaks.

'Awkward '

"Okay". A'mora says with a smirk on her face when I look up at her, and her eyes are on me. Causing me to blush and look down.

"Ready to go home Ella?". My best friend asked.

"Is the game over?" I ask.

"Yes." She says sternly making me look over at her with a confused look but she's staring at A'mora.

'She seems upset'

"Let's go."

"O-okay." I say before sliding from out of A'mora hold. And I start to walk towards my best friend and follow her out.

But before I do. I quickly look back and she's laying on her side with one arm propping her up. A thought pops up into my head and I quickly walk to her and grab her phone and I add my number.

"Ella?" My best friend called out making me jump a little.

"C-COMING!". I yell back while handing her phone back to her and quickly kissing her before quickly walking out and leaving.

I meet my best friend at the door before me and her walk to her car and get in.

"Are you okay?" I ask my best friend that's looking ahead as we start to drive away and to home.

"Yeah, just tired." she say.

"Are you sure, because it doesn't seem like it." I respond. She seems mad.

"I'm fine Maryella." She speaks.

"O-okay." I respond softly before sitting back and looking out the window as my mind fill with the event that just happened minutes ago causing me to smile.

'Gosh she's so hot.'



*~words: 1674<3

-How's everyone doing?!

-If there are any grammar or anything you think I can and should fix. Just let me know.

'~ฦัตาฝษพีพึ…ีฒาฝ ีฐฤ…ัตาฝ ฤ… ีฒรฌรงาฝ ีชฤ…ีพ. โฑฎเฐšิฑศบวถ!<ำ !!!!
