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Prompt -ย In which Lan Wangji loses his ability to create music. What will Wei Wuxian do to save his first and only love?ย 

โ›๐—œ๐—ณ ๐—œ ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐˜ ๐—ฐ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐˜๐—ฒ ๐—บ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ถ๐—ฐ, ๐˜„๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—ฐ๐—ฎ๐—ป ๐—œ ๐—ฑ๐—ผ? ๐—ก๐—ผ๐˜๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด. ๐—œ'๐—บ ๐˜‚๐˜€๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜€.โœ


Ship name = Wangxian {Lan Wangji x Wei Wuxian}


Difference in plot - Fierce corpses are everywhere and Wei Wuxian aint controlling them-. He formally meets Wen Ning's sister much later in this story. He met her before but on different terms which was when he had to give his core to Jiang Cheng [he never gave his entire core btw, only half of it, pretty dumb of me ik]ย 

Wen Ning also never told his sister, who saved him in the past and who holds control over him either.

Rating - Pg-15

Warnings - Mentioning of blood, and some swearing-

Type of oneshot - Angsty fluff [yet again-]


Have fun~


Another day, another mission. Both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji fought fierce corpse after fierce corpse and both were worn out in battle, neither looked any better than the other.

Blood dripped down Wei Wuxian's forehead, he himself wasn't sure how or when he got it, but it hurt like a bitch. His throat was also in extreme pain, blowing out roughly through a flute to produce sounds as loud as possible and in continuous intervals was obviously taxing.

Lan Wangji on the other hand, had blistered fingers, his always white clothes were no more plain, as they were graced with blood red. His hands were getting tired and his head was spinning rashly, he couldn't afford to lose consciousness as Wei Wuxian wasn't in any better shape than him.

Both of them had other minuscule injuries that they did not bother about, hell! They didn't bother about their important injuries either! All they thought about were each other and how they couldn't afford to lose the other.


Finally the fight was done. Lan Wangji breathed out raggedly but quietly, while Wei Wuxian sighed as loud as he could.

"Lan Zhan, you okay? You look worse than me?!" Wei Wuxian said, right after scanning him.

Lang Wangji grimaced, "I'm fine." He said, coughing into his hand and seeing red. He sighed and wiped his hand on his already red clothes.

Wei Wuxian being the 'perseptive-but-doesn't-tell-you-unless-he-cares-for-you' type, saw the extra line of red that occured after Lan Wangji wiped his hand on his clothes.

He then worried slightly, but didn't show it, "Lan Zhan show me your beautiful hands, I wanna kiss them." He said instead. Lan Zhan scoffed and murmured, "Shameless." Of course his ears were tinted red as he said that.

Wei Wuxian gave up, as he forcefully grabbed Lan Wangji's hand and gazed at the blisters on his hand. Lan Wangji winced slightly at the tug and Wei Wuxian noticed something off.

"Lan Zhan, your eyes look a little hazy..." He spoke, eyebrows furrowed as he stepped back to get a good look of Lan Wangji again.

Lan Wangji pulled a confused look and said, "Wei Ying?"

Wei Wuxian then gasped as he finally realised what happened, "Y- your co- your core?!"

Lan Wangji's eyes widened, "What do you mean Wei Ying? Don't joke around." He said, speaking an entire sentence, surprisingly.

Wei Wuxian shook his head rapidly, "I'm not kidding! Your core, it's-

it's gone?! "


Three days had passed and Lan Wangji had stopped talking, he had lost his drive for cultivation and could not even speak about it. Wei Wuxian on the other hand had searched and searched for an answer. Any reason to as why Lan Wangji lost his core, and how.

Wei Wuxian would go early in the morning looking squeaky clean but would arrive late at night with red all over his body. Lan Wangji still did not know whether it was Wei Wuxian's blood or another unfortunate one.


Now, a month had passed and Wei Wuxian had met Wen Ning's sister, a woman of class and also very brutal when had to be.

"Hey I remember you!" Wei Wuxian exclaimed loudly, Wen Qing on the other hand rolled her eyes, "So you're the idiot that wanted me to give your core to the purple man... And you're also the idiot that holds control over my brother?!" Wen Qing said, looking too pale for her liking.

Wen Ning smiled slightly at the interaction. "Master Wei, you wanted to tell big sister something?" He reminded politely.

Wei Wuxian smiled, "Ah! Yes, yes, I need you to exchange my core into somebody... Again, Wen Qing." He said, his voice changing from a very cheery tone to an extremely serious one.

Wen Qing widened her eyes ten-fold, "What?- Are you crazy?! You can't possibly be serious right now? You already lost enough of your core, now you wanna lose the entire thing??" She asked, anstonished.

Wei Wuxian just nodded his head again, "I'm already doing demonic cultivation, my cultivation core is wearing out as well. I might as well fully turn." He spoke calmly, completely contrasting Wen Qing's emotions.

Wen Ning finally spoke, "Master Wei, you didn't tell me this was your plan... Do you really care for him that much...?" He asked. Wen Ning may have seemed calm, but inside his head was in a full-on turmoil.

Wei Wuxian chuckled, "I'd kill myself for him, so a core is nothing!" He responded, smiling brightly.

Wen Qing on the other hand, sighed, "And why would this person agree to you, if you'd kill yourself for him, I'm guessing he would kill himself for you?" She spoke, unknowing of who it was they were talking about.

Wei Wuxian sighed, "That's for me to know and for you to find out. So are you in or not?" He spoke with finality, his facade wearing off.

Wen Qing grimaced as she nodded. "I'd rather let myself do it than let you go to some sketchy asshole who just wants your core." She said.

And that was how their conversation ended.


Wei Wuxian sighed as he reached the little hut Lan Wangji and him resided in.

He walked in and opened the door, "I'm home!" He hollered, his voice echoing across the entire hut.

It was exceptionally small and everything was easily spotted once entering. Wei Wuxian saw Lan Wangji sitting in front of the table drinking his soup, his face incredibly disorganised. He was no more the 'Lan Zhan' Wei Wuxian knew.

"Hey, Lan Zhan! I got these delicious veggies from the market and I'm about to cook something special!!" He spoke, feigning excitement to help bring the mood up a little. But to no avail, Lan Wangji just responded by nodding his head and giving an 'Mn.'

Wei Wuxian closed his eyes and sighed, he walked over to Lan Wangji and sat next to him. "Lan Zhan... Tell me how you feel, please." He pleaded, his happy facade breaking.

Lan Zhan widened his eyes hearing Wei Wuxian's true feelings. He then opened his mouth and spoke, "If I cant create music, what can I do? Nothing. I'm useless." He lowered his head even more, if that was possible.

He closed his eyes and opened them one more to look down towards Wei Wuxian.

Wei Wuxian on the other hand, upon hearing this felt his heart getting pierced by a thousand swords.

"W- what...?" He asked dumbly. His mind racing like crazy, he should've known that this was how Lan Wangji was feeling. After all Lan Zhan's cultivation was his... Everything.

Wei Wuxian closed and opened his eyes, "I'm sorry Lan Zhan I should've known this was how you felt. I've got good news though!" He spoke, remembering his conversation with both the Wen's.

Lan Wangji visibly brightened as he looked back at his soup, "You do?" He asked surprised. Wei Wuxian upon hearing two simple words, felt his heart race.

"Mhm! I can get you your core back!" He said happily, smiling kindly as he fidgeted with his sword case that laid next to his leg.

Lan Wangji's mood suddenly dropped. He looked down towards Wei Wuxian's face and asked with an alarmingly annoyed tone, "Your not planning on giving your own core, are you?"

Wei Wuxian laughed heartily, "I think I've given enough of my core to Jiang Cheng, I've got another way!" He said, hiding his fear of being caught.

Lan Wangji was still suspicious, "Tell me how you are going to do it then." He asked. Wei Wuxian gulped and spoke seriously, "Want me to show you?" He asked, a very suspicious tone hidden.

Lan Wangji, unbothered by Wei Wuxian's tone nodded, "Show me." He said. Wei Wuxian nodded his head and then suddenly kissed Lan Wangji's cheek then said, "Tomorrow."

"Wait, what."


The next day, Wei Wuxian blindfolded Lan Wangji's eyes and then held his hand asking him, "Do you trust me?" He asked. Lan Wangji nodded his head, somehow able to know where Wei Wuxian was.

Both of them, finally started their journey.

In between their journey, -suspiciously-, Wei Wuxian stopped walking and asked Lan Wangji to wait there. Lan Wangji had assumed that they had reached but they hadn't.

In five minutes, Wei Wuxian was back and held his hand yet again.

"I thought we reached, and why does your hand feel... Muddy? Did you dig something?" Lan Wangji asked.

Wei Wuxian widened his eyes, not trying to hide his surprised face as Lan Wangji was blindfolded.

"Ahaha! I fell Lan Zhan, stop jumping to conclusions!" He spoke, feigning innocence as Lan Wangji just nodded silently.

In truth he had gone to bury his sword, he felt like the sword deserved a proper burial considering he would no longer be able to use it and he'd rather not leave it to rot in a corner.


Finally after a long journey they reached the Burial Mounds, of course Lan Wangji did not know that and could only smell smoke, ash and what smelled like dead plants, and even though such terrible smells occurred, Lan Wangji had gotten a sense of familiarity, which meant they were in a place that he had been to before.

He finally spoke, "Wei Ying, were have you taken me?"

Wei Wuxian smiled, "A surprise~" He responded giddily.

They then entered a cave. Lan Wangji could feel no light hit his face anymore, and he could sense the jagged road ahead, "Are we in a cave?" He asked as his voice bounced around the rocks of the cave, "We are, aren't we." He spoke again, a sense of disappointment laying on his chest.

Wei Wuxian smirked, "How smart my boyfriend is! Indeed you are right! We're in a cave, trust me we aren't going to some sketchy place, okay?" He said, his tones changing as he spoke.

Lan Wangji just nodded his head, "I trust you." And before Wei Wuxian could tease Lan Wangji someone had called out.

"Wei Wuxian?" Asked a feminine voice, which instantly put Lan Wangji into a frown. "Who's this woman? Are you close to her?" He asked slightly annoyed.

Wei Wuxian guffawed, "I didn't know you were the jealous type Lan Zhan!! Don't worry, only you have a place in my heart.~" He spoke, his voice holding a sense of truth.

Lan Wangji instantly grasped Wei Wuxian's hand tighter, "Shameless." He mumbled again. Wei Wuxian just 'Hm'-ed in response.

"Hey! Lian Qing!" He said, calling Wen Qing with her fake name, knowing Lan Wangji would instantly turn around if it was a Wen considering the last Wen's are on Burial Mounds and he changed his core there.

Wen Qing grimaced, "How are you Wei Wuxian? I hope your good?" She continued conversation, finally being able to see the Wei Wuxian and... And the Hanguang jun?!

"Wait a minute!!!" She hollered, "The Hanguang jun?!?!" She asked in shock, Wei Wuxian laughed heartily, "Surprise Lian Qing!! This is who I want you to help!" He said happily.

"You didn't tell me it was someone famous!! You idiot!!" She scolded, face red in anger. Wei Wuxian just chuckled yet again, "Oh, calm down and help him." He said.

"Lan Zhan, listen to me. I can't remove your blindfold yet, but I need to render you unconscious so that we can do the core thing-a-ma-jig." Wei Wuxian said happily with a smile.

Lan Wangji instantly agreed but then reluctantly said with the reddest of ears, "Don't go anywhere."

Wei Wuxian's eyes widened, he then smiled cheekily. "Oh, Lan Zhan. You're making me want to do it every hour instead of every day!~" He said teasingly.

Lan Wangji's eyebrows raised, showing that he was surprised, "You're too shameless." He murmured again, while Wei Wuxian said abruptly, "I'm not going anywhere, trust me." He whispered into his ear.

Lan Wangji's ear looked like it was about to erupt, "Mn." He responded and was then knocked unconscious.


When Lan Wangji woke up his blindfold was removed and he was back in the little hut, he had a heavy feeling on his right hand and chest so he looked towards it.

There in front of him, was Wei Wuxian, with his head laying silently on his chest while his hand rested on Lan Zhan's. Wei Wuxian was asleep.

Lan Wangji not wanting to wake Wei Wuxian up had silently smiled and closed his eyes. Soaking in the silence of the hut.

An hour had passed, and Wei Wuxian finally woke up, he lifted his head of the comfy bed he laid on- he laid on Lan Zhan?!

Worst part, Lan Zhan was gazing right at him!!

"Ahh! Oh- Lan Zhan... Hehe, sorry for laying on you like that...-" He said, worried for his life. Hence, you can imagine the happiness he felt when Lan Wangji only responded with his iconic "Mn."

"Hehe, try using you sword Lan Zhan!" He said while ushering Lan Wangji out of bed and feeding him a spoon of his spicy bean soup.

Lan Wangji swallowed the food while silently crying on the inside, he then went out as quickly as he could. "Wei Ying." He said, basically meaning to say 'come quick, I'm going to try to use my sword!'

Wei Wuxian hearing the internal excitement of Lan Wangji responded, "Coming! Coming!" And immediately ran outside.

There Lan Wangji was, his eyes closed as he tried to lift his sword. Easily it flew towards his grasp, and instantly Lan Wangji's eyes widened.

"Thank you Wei Ying. I owe you my life." Lan Wangji spoke, his sincerity spoke more than a thousand words to Wei Wuxian.

"Will you give me yourself as penance?" Wei Wuxian asked with a small smile and a sincere tone.

Lan Wangji small smiled in response, "I'll give you more than myself, I'll let you taste my soul." He said.


Both of them had overcome another obstacle in life, and were now happy and healthy. Of course they went through many other hardships, but none were as hard as this was.

Wei Wuxian was yet to tell Lan Wangji about his own core and he was planning on never telling him. And never telling him is what he did.

All the way to his grave.


2549 words- holy shite

I hope you liked this oneshot!

Sincerely hope you'll vote!

Also comment please, I'm still lonely :')
