โ“‰โ“—โ“” โ“Œโ“˜โ“•โ“”

Prompt -ย โ›๐—œ๐—บ ๐—ป๐—ผ๐˜ ๐—ฎ ๐˜„๐—ถ๐—ณ๐—ฒ!โœ

Where Luo Binghe and Shen QingQiu switch personalities and bodies.


Ship name - Bingqiu {Luo Binghe x Shen Qingqiu}


Warnings - Talking about s3x, swearing, slight manipulation

Rating - 16+, there isย talking about s3x so-

Type of oneshot - Crackshot/fluff

Extra info - The actual Luo Binghe personality in Shen QingQiu when typed will be like this = Shen QingQiu [Luo Binghe/LB] | the same goes for Shen QingQiu's personality in Luo Binghe = Luo Binghe [Shen QingQiu/SQQ]


Enjoy fellow people :D


As morning arrived, sunlight poured into the room like gallons of water into a container. brightness greeted both men in bed, the early one being Luo Binghe.

"Ah! That stupid Binghe and his massive heavenly pillarย ! How will I teach my students with such a pain in my ass!? Both ways!" Luo Binghe spoke as he slowly got out of bed.

An hour had passed and Luo Binghe, sat on the bed waiting for his student to wake up. And when Shen QingQiu woke up groggily, and stared at his own face, he screamed.



Another hour had passed and both men were in their respective clothes. Lou Binghe [Shen QingQiu] was pacing around the room.

"I've got so many duties to fulfil! How will you fulfil them for me?!" He said, somewhat to Shen Qingqiu [Luo Binghe] but mainly to himself.

Shen QingQiu [Luo Binghe] on the other hand just smiled a toothy grin, "I know shizun is amazing at everything he does, so this disciple trusts you'll be able to easily handle all of my tasks." He spoke, sounding more excited than anything!

Luo Binghe [Shen QingQiu] screamed internally, "This master does not trust you to be able to fulfill my duties!! I want you to go to your own duties, it doesn't matter if your personality is in my body or not!

"Shizun... D- doesn't... Trust me...?" Shen QingQiu [Luo Binghe] asked sadly, Luo Binghe [Shen QingQiu] on the other hand just sighed, "This master cannot help but worry about his own disciples, forgive me Binghe." He responded tiredly.

Shen QingQiu [Luo Binghe] sniffled, and nodded his head, "This disciple understands. I'm sorry for troubling Shizun." He spoke, his dog ears [that appeared out of nowhere] lowered down as a way to show how meaningful his apology was.

Luo Binghe [Shen QingQiu] just huffed taking his fan, and turned around. He then turned back around and said, "You should probably take the fa- actually no, nevermind. The fan is mine." He said, changing his mind instantly.

Shen QingQiu [Lou Binghe] nodded his head, just agreeing to everything his shizun was saying.


"Luo Binghe..." Ming Fan spoke, his glare making Shen QingQiu's fingers twitch. Silently in response, he spread his fan and covered his face.

"It's your shizun. Shen QingQiu." Luo Binghe [SQQ] spoke. His body structure showing a certain sense of nobility that only Shen QingQiu could reach.

Ming Fan's mouth blew open, "Sh- sh- Shizun?! Why?- Luo's- how?" He asked in a broken manner. So shocked his speech deteriorated heavily, and it deteriorated so badly his own shizun could not understand what he was blabbering about.

A few minutes later and Ning YingYing had also reached, she gasped, "A-Luo what are you doing here? And where is shizun? Why do you have his fan?! Di- did you kill him?!" She asked, her imagination going hether-tether.

Luo Binghe [SQQ] sighed heavily, "Ming fan. Explain." He somehow droned out, not in the mood to explain for the second time. Was Luo Binghe's personality rubbing off on him?!

Ming Fan immediately nodded his head, "This is shizun." He said to her, face slightly sweaty as he spoke.

Ning YingYing gasped, "Seriously?!" She asked for confirmation, and confirmation she got. Ming Fan nodded his head.


On Shen QingQiu's [LB's] side of things, he was in the demon lair ordering every single person about things Luo Binghe would usually drone about. And every single demon/thing could not do anything considering Luo Binghe strictly told everybody that 'Nothing. Should. Happen. To. Shizun.'

And hence why everybody silently nodded and did their deeds.ย 

Shen QingQiu [LB] wanted things to be done as quick as possible so that he could touch his shizun's body as much as he wanted. And as wrong as that sounded, it was fine! Shizun and him were already married, and both have had sex. So, all was fine.


Ok, so maybe all was not fine, and it might partially be Shen QingQiu's [LB's] fault- okay okay, it was entirelyย Shen QingQiu's [LB's] fault. but who was he to know that the minute he started touching his shizun's body his shizun would enter...?!

It truly was his bad luck!!

Now all Binghe could do was cry silently and hope his shizun would forgive him for his mistake.


Three hours and it was right past evening. Luo Binghe [SQQ] was yet to forgive the unworthy disciple, and Shen QingQiu [LB] was basically crying the entire time.

Luo Binghe [SQQ] finally ticked off of the crying, went to his disciple and knelt down. He then kissedย Shen QingQiu's [LB's] eyelashes, wiped the tears away and sighed. [He's felt like he's been doing that a lot today.]

"Stop crying so much, what are you? A divorced wife?" He asked jokingly, one eyebrow raised in mock inquiry.

Shen QingQiu [LB] sniffled, "I'm sorry shizun, but the only wife here is you." He responded, his eyes glowering, due to the tears or half-assed rage,ย Luo Binghe [SQQ] didn't know. Yet, he continued to inquire, "Oh? And how's that?" He asked.

Shen QingQiu [LB] sniffled again, "You nag all the time, and complain about everything. Your always extremely annoyed with me and...-" He spoke, continuing on and on about how much of a wifeย Luo Binghe [SQQ] was.

And asย Luo Binghe [SQQ] heard this, the colour from his face drained completely. The system too came and asked "Are you alright, master Shen in the protagonist's, Luo Binghe's body?"ย 

Luo Binghe [SQQ] growled, "What do you think?! He's calling me a wife!!" He responded, ย sounding extremely annoyed.

System: ๐ŸŽ–Achievement unlocked!๐ŸŽ–= Luo Binghe's first true wife!

B-points earned = 600!!

"Good job and keep up the hard work!"

Luo Binghe [SQQ]: "...."

"BINGHE SILENCE!"ย Luo Binghe [SQQ] finally spoke, an irked expression resting on his face.ย Shen QingQiu [LB] immediately kept mum, "Sorry shizun." He said and then sniffled.

Luo Binghe [SQQ] heard nothing as he continued his tantrum, "I AM NOT A WIFE!" He continued.

Shen QingQiu [LB] then smirked, "You can become my wife! Starting off by calling me Luo-lang!" He spoke happily, his eyes turning into crescent moons as his smile rivalled the sun. Flowers bloomed near his face and his doggy ears reappeared.

[A.N. = 'lang' is like an affectionate way one calls their husband/lover in chinese culture (i think-)]

"You know you cant fool me if you're still in my body, right? Also, you should be callingย me Shen-lang."ย Luo Binghe [SQQ] spoke with a smile, his eyes also going into crescent moons as well, yet his smile was condescending.

"Why don't we take this to bed shizun?"ย Shen QingQiu [LB] said with the same face. Seeming to be the least bothered about the fact that he was Shen QingQiu.

"I've always wanted to know your point of view anyway, Shen-lang."


1255 words?! these getting long innit?-

Anyways, sincerely hope you comment!

Vote as well please! <3
