
Valhalla basically loss the fight since the Haitani brothers interfered because ofΒ  Y/N. They talked to you after the fight asking why are you in Tokyo or telling you to go back since it is far more dangerous here in Tokyo etc.

Valhalla is now affiliated with Toman and since Toman 'won' the fight they'll be the one in charge.

B/f/n returned to Yokohama since Hanma seems trustworthy and you know how to fight so it's ok for them to leave and take charge of Celestial because they can't be leaderless for too long.

You are currently walking on the streets of Shibuya wanting to shop peacefully butβ€”
"Y/N-chan~ what are you doing here?"
A guy with twin braids said. Fucking Haitani, you are still mad about them interfering the fight.
"Just shopping so leave me the fuck alone" You said while glaring at him
"Let us treat you, it's our apology since we interfered" The younger said with sincere eyes
"Fine but you guys will hold the bags" You said then shoving 3 bags of designer clothes at them.
"Sure princess~" The older Haitani said while grabbing 2 of the bags then giving his little brother the other one.

"Now let's go" You led the way to every fancy store you see. You just took one glance at clothes and decide whether you will take it or not. You don't bother looking at the size since you have a fit body and will look good if it's oversized, you didn't bother looking at the price tag too because you know that the Haitani brothers have a lot of money.

"Excuse me miss, do you have this dress in black?" You are polite if they're not a delinquent and is innocent. You don't want to comand innocent people do you?.
"I'll check the storage miss" She said then finally leaving.

The older Haitani flirts with every beautiful saleslady he sees while the younger just sits around and patiently waiting for you to be done he sometimes picks a punch other man because they're staring at you with a creepy look in their face.

"Ran! Can you stop flirting for just a second?! I can't concentrate here!" You're just having a hard time picking which shirt to buy and Ran isn't helping at all.
"They're the same just pick one" Rindou said then he took out his phone then play some games.
"Are you blind?! They're completely different!" You two are basically shouting at each other even though you are just meters away from each other making the saleslady relentless
"Miss can you please tone it down? You are scaring the other costumers." You smiled at her reassuring that you will keep it down.

Takemichi's p.o.v.

Y/N really saved Baji so it means the future will be changed again. I wonder how is she good at fighting? Who the hell is she? Why does she know the Haitani brothers? Why does she work with Kisaki? Does she know the future too? What exactly is her goal?

I have a lot of questions I want to ask her and maybe she'll answer some of it.

I was leaving Draken-kun's house when I suddenly saw her, Y/N with both the Haitani. They were entering a luxurious restaurant. Is Y/N rich? If she is then why is she fighting here in Tokyo? Again questions that who knows when will be answered. She truly is a mysterious person suddenly appearing and declaring that she is the headless angel that no one ever saw.

After almost 30 minutes of waiting outside the restaurant they finally comes out. Y/N looks like she's having fun, she truly looks like an angel when she smile this genuine unlike the times when she's Valhalla's president she always release this dangerous aura around her warning every single delinquent not to mess with her.

I followed the three of them and they seem to be shopping abnormally. When I say abnormally it's because all the stores that they shop in is either a famous store or a normal store but they mostly shop in the expensive ones.

I would like to approach Y/N the Haitani brothers are punching all the men who approach her and stares at her with lust. I don't want to be beaten by the Haitani brothers, they say that they broke their opponents bones. I don't want to be bedridden, I won't be able to change the future if that happens.

I kept following them looking for the chance to talk to Y/N without any bones broken, but the Haitani brothers didn't leave her side until she got in the cab.
*Sigh* I guess I really won't be talking to her any minute now. I'll just visit her school, she have the same school with Mitsuya-kun so it won't be a problem.

I'm currently waiting outside their school, Mitsuya said that he'll accompany me since I told him that I want to talk to Y/N.
"Hey! Takemitchy!" A man with a hoarse voice shouted, it sounds familiar so I turned around just to see Peh-yan-kun approaching me from behind.
"Mitsuya is really busy right now so I came to get you instead" He said then finally leading the way to Y/N's classroom.

"Call Y/N out this guy wants to talk to her"
"Y/N,-chan!! Someone is here to see you!!" The girl shouted but seconds pass and we still don't hear her answer.
"*Sigh* she's probably sleeping right now, wait here a minute and I'll wake her up" She said then finally leaving the door. Peh-yan bid his farewell saying he has somewhere to go. I watched the girl as she shake Y/N's body and waking her up. It took her minutes just to wake her up she probably is really tired because of the way she yawns while walking towards the door.

"What do you fucking want?!" Y/N shouted getting the attention of every student near us. This is embarrassing..
"Can I talk to you in a more quiet place?"
She nodded maybe she wanted this to be over quickly and go back to Dreamland.

When we arrived at the rooftop I didn't spare any second and bowed in front of her. She looks like she's bored she probably doesn't care with whatever I do to my life.
"Thank you for saving Baji but can I ask you a question?" She stared at me for a couple of minutes then finally nodding
"Why exactly are you plotting with Kisaki?" She laughed. She laughed like a psycho that got out of the rehabilitation center, she's creepy.

"Because it's fun" She said after laughing. Now her joking face is gone and only seriousness is visible on his face.
"Let me ask you this one thing" She then averted her eyes to the people walking, running and whatever they're doing below us, I just looked at her waiting for her answer.
"Why exactly do you fight?, Is it because of friendship? Trust? Or something else?.
Whatever your reasons are, you and I will always be the opposite of each other.I chose excitement as my fuel for my every fight and meeting Kisaki is a accident and I'll keep meeting him as long as he gives me entertainment"
