
"Darling new year can't wait you must go!" You insisted to stay and prove your friends innocent of what they accused them of but your parents simply can't agree with your plan.
"Dad... My friends... That lieutenant" You can't form words as foreign emotions flushed to your brain at the same time. Your hugged you as she saw your tears started to fall.
"Honey we know what happened we are worried about them too but you could be next you're fortunate you avoided that raid" Your mom tried to calm you down.

"I'll try my best to uncover what secrets that lieutenant have" Your dad reassured you.

You work hard just to build the reputation celestial have right now. Time, sweat, energy all sacrificed just for this very moment? Months of hard work just went down the drain and the worst part is your friends got arrested.

Everyone insisted that you return to Tokyo this instance and in return they'll do their best to make the things right.

You're not a coward but you agreed to them because you know that things will only get worse if you stay there

With that you returned to Tokyo earlier than planned. Haru escorted you while Hachi stayed at Yokohama to observe.

Haru unloaded your baggages from the car and followed you inside. The apartment isn't that big and isn't that small, it's just the right size for 1 person to live in.

You didn't know what to do and just stared blankly at the room trying to process what is happening in your life right now.

Haru noticed your expression and immediately pulled you in a hug. Your fast reflexes didn't even function that well because you only realized that he pulled you. He patted your head indicating that he's here if anything happens.

"I know it's hard for you but please try to compose yourself... For everyone" you looked at his eyes only to see tears are about to fall. There you realized that you're not the only one finding the situation hard but everyone else does.

You wiped the tear that falls down his cheek with your thumb and smiled to prove that you're okay now.
"Thank you... I needed that"

You two talked for a while planning on what to do next.

You two decided that Haru will go back in Yokohama and help Hachi to protect the gang's reputation and turf. He will check on you time to time.

With your final goodbye's you two parted ways. As soon as the car is out of your vision you returned to your apartment to grab some hoodie to warm you up a little since it's already December the weather is fucking cold. You have this habit of stress eating and even though you eat a lot you can't gain weight because of all the fighting you do almost every day.

"A ramen please" you said as you sat down at the counter. You took your phone and earphones out to kill some time while waiting for your ramen.

It's not even that long since you started listening to whatever song comes up when someone took your left earphone out and of course you look at whoever it is and to your surprise it's Hanma.

"I've been trying to grab your attention" he said then took your phone out of your hands, you didn't care because your phone is basically empty.
"What are you doing here?" You asked.
"Mmh this is my usual spot" He said and tapped your phone to whoever knows.
"I didn't know" you honestly said.

"Hey! You have a lot of followers!" He shouted as if it's the most surprising thing he learned.
"I just created an account, it's not like I post anything online" You said and shrugged it off.
"Your name as 'princess' really suits you, you look like a celebrity in this picture you might even become a model if you want" Hanma stated as he stared at your phone's screen. You realized what he said. Pictures? I've never took one except for family portraits what the fuck is this jerk talking about?.

"Hey lemme see the pictures" he showed you and true enough it is you who is on the picture but you're not looking at the photographers way and is entering a famous brand shop.
"It looks like a stalker to me" you stated and scrolled through your phone just toΒ  find a thousand more pic like that

"Here's your orders" A man who is probably the owner said.
"Thank you" you said.
"Thanks pops!" Hanma said and you didn't even question it because of his personality.

"Hey do you have somewhere to go after you eat?" You asked him hoping that he'd say no.
"Nope I don't have any plans"
"Come with me" it's not a question it's more like a command or something.

"Hey do you see any pattern at what time he post picture?" You asked him.
"Maybe around 3 in the afternoon" he said then continued to devour the poor ramen. You scrolled through the pictures and saw that they only photograph you when you're at Tokyo.

A thousand more questions pop up in your head.

You shrugged it off for a while to focus on eating and as stated before you stress eat and that fucking bastard who's following you around and photographing you in every angle he could is giving you more stress.

"So... what's your plan?" Hanma as he followed you to wherever you want to.
"You know the cafΓ© near the alleyways right? The one that sells delicious cakes"
"Yeah the one that you always go to" Hanma replied.
"Yeah I'll act as the bait and you stand by so we can confront them" you explained to him
"Yeah got it" He said and then followed you to the alleyway

"Here" you said and stationed him a few miles away from the cafΓ©
"Just smoke or something you look like a thug even if you don't do something they won't suspect anything from you" You said and took your phone out and proceeded to stalk the account
"You don't have to tell me that, I plan on smoking anyways" He said and took a box of cigarettes and light one up.
"Just wait here and when you see someone suspicious text me and confront them immediately so they won't escape" you said and finally entered the cafΓ©.

The bell chimmed as you opened the door and immediately everyone's eyes turned your way.
"Y/N-chan~ the usual?" The guy who owns the cafΓ© said.
You came here as often as you could and sure enough the people who work here starts to know your name and your favorite sweets.

"I'll just have one frappΓ© and some chocolate chip cookies" you answered.
"Mmh change of taste I see" the guy said and finally turned around to go finish your orders.

You sat near the glass window to see what is happening outside. You took your phone out waiting for Hanma's text but minutes later you didn't even receive any so you played with your phone until the guy placed your order on the table.
You thanked him and he bowed in return.

You took a bite at a cookie while still holding your phone on the other hand, still waiting for his cue.

You had a glimpse of flashes in your peripheral view and as you look to where it's coming from, a skeptical man is what you saw. He noticed that you were looking at his direction and immediately ran towards a alley.

You ran out of the cafΓ© and took a minute to look around the area to spot where the fucking guy is.
As soon as you saw some guy being skeptical you ran towards him and didn't even think about where Hanma could be.

"Don't fucking move a single muscle"Β  you ordered as he don't have anywhere to run. He slowly turned around and had this very malicious smile on his face
"So we finally meet miss Shimada" with that he immediately charged at you with a knife on hand. You took your folding knife out to counter his.

You two fought in the tight alleyway and his smile even got wilder than before. You struggled to fight him because most of the technique you know requires a wide space for it to be executed perfectly.

In the end you lose the fight because of his knife skills and his swift moves. And now you're pinned against the wall and a knife pressed to your throat.
