𝕨𝕙π•ͺ π•ͺ𝕠π•ͺ 𝕛𝕖𝕝𝕝π•ͺ 𝕑π•₯2

Final part not the end of the story tho

Your pov

The girl was Katie...
Is he serious right now katie whatever
I'm not gunna cry at the beach...
Imma go in the water with mattia and Kai...

Mattia: y/n your here

Kai: you came to hang with the cool kids

Y/n: yep I did

Mattia: come deeper in the water

Y/n: no I don't wanna get my hair wet

Then mattia and Kai look at eachother and back at me

Kai&Tia: Ahhhhhhhhh

They both scream running at me
Then I turn around and run out of the water with them chasing after me while we are all screaming

End of your pov

Ales pov

What is yet supposed to mean we weren't ready for a relationship yet
Ugh and why dose Derek like him more then me
What dose she se-

Y/n: hey you good

Ale: im fine

Y/n: you sure

I don't know why i was so mad he's in Texas and im in NJ were she is but I was so mad and I was about to take it out on her

Ale: Y/N I SA-.....

I thought I told her to change

Ale: why are you wearing that

Y/n: uhh are we jus gunna ignore the fact that you we-

I can't right now is she still mad about the baby thing is that why she didn't change no it can't be

Ale: why the hell are you wearing that Y/n I told you to change

Y/n: cuz I payed for it so imma wear it

Ale: y/n I swear to go-

Then I saw katie two can play at This game

Ale: you know what Y/n you can wear whatever you want and imma talk to whoever I want

And with that I left

I felt her eyes on me as I walked over to katie

Basically she was all over me and I wasn't saying anything she was doing all the talking...
Untill I hear screaming...
I look over and see y/n thrown over my mattia's shoulder and them laughing and having fun....
Then I see mattia throw y/n in the water then she grabs his hand and pulls him into the water onto her body and wraps her arms around his neck and he wraps his hands around her WAIST no no no no no not today she is not going To win so I asked Katie if she wanted to come over for dinner and she said


I was already regretting it

End of Ales pov

Your pov

Then mattia caught up to me and threw me over his shoulder and ran to the water and threw me in there then I said

Y/n: ok help me up bro

Mattia: ight

Then when he stuck out his hand and when I grabbed it and tugged on it and his body fell onto mine

Mattia: awww you bitch
Imma get you back

Y/n: ya sure

I say while I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist and spun me around

(Ya you go sis forget about ales stank-ass)

I was having fun with mattia, Kai, and derek untill ale walked over to us with katie and her minions and when I saw his arm around her neck I wanted to cry

K: hey mattia, kai, y/n, and I've never met you before

D: I'm Derek y/n's brother

He put out his hand to shake hers and she put out her hand to shake his and then they shook hands

Cynthia: hey babe

She said walking up to mattia

Celia: hi baby

She said said walking up to Kai

Y/n: c'mon Derek I'm hungry

Katie: when are you not

Then her and her minions laugh I just rolled my eyes and walked away with Derek

End of your pov

Ales pov

When me and katie first walked over to them I saw y/n's face drop and it looked like she was about to cry when she saw my arm around katia I wanted to drop my arm and walk over to her and jus kiss her untill I run out of air but I couldn't so I jus stood there then y/n said she was hungry I wanted to walk her to the ice cream shop and by her ice cream but she told Derek to go with her then katie said

K: when are you not

And y/n jus rolled her eyes and walked away with Derek

I felt bad no scratch that I felt horrible
Cuz I love her but it didn't look like it

End of ales POV

Your pov

We walked over to the ice cream shop I got my ice cream first and Derek was waiting for his....

Am I that fat

Why is he with her

Dose he not love me anymore

How am I gunna tell him I'm pregnant

Am I not as pretty as he-

???: hey

Then I covered my stomach

???: hey don't do that your body is beautiful no no no scratch that your body is amazing

Y/n: really

I said shy and blushing

???: absolutely

Y/n: thank you

???: no no no don't thank me for telling facts

When you said that it made me blush harder

Y/n: hey what's your name

???: Alex

Alex: and yours

Y/n: y/n

Alex: beautiful name for a beautiful girl

Y/n: omg stoppppp

Alex: itz true and I like seeing you blush

Y/n: wanna walk around the beach

Alex: sure

Y/n: ok lemme jus tell my brother

Alex: ok

Y/n: Derek!

D: ya!

Y/n: imma walk around the beach with alex!

D: ok Jus call me if you need anything!

Y/n: ok!

Y/n: ok lets go

Then we start to walk back to the beach area and we were talking and walking around untill we made it back to where i left all my stuff so we sat down...
Turns out we have a lot in common
We we were having a good time but again ale, and katie and her minions

Ale: who's this?

Y/n: oh all of the sudden your talking to me?

Katie: my bf can talk to whoever he wants to talk to and if I were him I wouldn't want to talk to your fat ass either

Then I look him in the eyes with my eyes all watery and look away and give Alex a paper with my number on it and walk to the car with tears running down my face

I can't believe him really

I gunna have his baby I'm not gunna let him treat me like that...

I was sitting there sobbing in the car

Then I called derek and told him I was ready to go He said ok he was on his way to the car...
A little later all the boys came to the car
Ale sat I the front and Kai n mattia sat in the back with me
I sat in the middle
Kai was asleep and I was tired so I layed my head on mattia shoulder
And he wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear

Mattia: your not fat ok

I jus shook my head yes and fell asleep in his arms...
I woke up bye Ale shaking me

Y/n: what?.

I said annoyed

Ale: its time to get up

Open my eyes and look around and there's nobody but us in a car I jus roll my eyes

Ale: look I am really so-

Y/n: you and I realize about you Ale

Ale: what?

Y/n: you're always telling me sorry

Ale: okayyyy

Y/n: sorry isn't good enough for what you did today you just let her say that to me you stood there and did nothing

Ale: well what do you want me to do im trying to say sor-

Y/n: so that makes me think when someone is telling you baby that they're fat or ugly or not good enough your just going to stand there and do nothing

Ale: what?

Y/n: ale I lied to you I'm pregnant it was positive it wasn't negative and I'm happy it was positive and I'm not going to let you in my babys life at all I don't care how hard it is I'll get my own apartment because I don't want you in my life anymore this whole situation made me realize that

Ale: w- what it was positive

Y/n: I'm not going to wait around for you to change. And I don't want my baby have to be waiting around for you to change either so I'm done waiting it's over be with Katie I don't care I don't need you

And with that I got out of the car and walked inside to my mom crying.....

End of your pov

Ales pov

Oh my god

What jus happened

She was pregnant the whole time

Wait imma be a dad

I was gunna be a dad untill I fucked it all up


I called Katie and told her not to come cuz of a family emergency

Then I walk into the house and see y/n helping her mom pack what?.....

To be continued.....

Oh my God yeah I'm literally bawling my eyes out right now like I can't this is so sad but yeah it's not over guess y/n did win ale but seriously y'all ain't ready for this yeah I'm going to sleep now cuz I have school tomorrow but just now I just finished bawling my eyes out and I know this is fake but it's so freaking sad like she kept ignoring what he was saying and oh my God I just can't good night ya'll ughhhhh word count is..... 1672 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭πŸ˜ͺπŸ˜₯😭😒
