
Your pov

Y/n: hey mama what happened?

Y/m: he cheated on me Y/n

Then I look up at ales dad in disgust

A/d: I was drunk it was an accident

Then ale walks thru the door

Ale: why are y'all packing

I looked him in the eyes and said

Y/n: cuz your dad cheated Alejandro

Y/n: mama do you want me to call Derek

Y/m: yes pls and pack you stuff were going to live with Abuela

Y/n: ok

Then I call Derek and he says he is on his way he was at his friends house or something but whatever

I went up stairs and packed everything then I heard a knock on my door I thought it was my mom so I went to go open it i opened it and it was ale

Y/n: what ale I'm busy

Ale: are you really pregnant?

Y/n: yes

Ale: do you want me to pay childsupport

Y/n: no I'm fine

Ale: y/n?

Y/n: what ale?

I say turning back around to face him

Ale: can you at least tell the baby that I'm their father?

I shake my head no cuz there is a lump in my throat and if I discuss this any longer with him imma start to cry

Ale: why not y/n

Y/n: cuz I said no

Ale: well what happens when he/she asks who their dad is

Y/n: who ever I am in a relationship with and whoever is committed to being with me and treats he/she like their own will be their father

Ale: what happens when he/she realize they look nothing like their supposed father

Y/n: that will be a talk for another day

Ale: can I at least see them once a year

Y/n: no

Ale: pls y/n

Y/n: no I'm sorry

Y/m: y/n and Derek let's go

I was about to walk out of the room but Ale grabbed my hand

Ale: y/n I promise the next time I see you I'll make things right

Y/n: bye Alejandro

Ale: bye y/n

Then I walked out of the room down the stairs and out the door and into the car

Y/n: mama

Y/m: yes mija

Y/n: can we stop 3 places befor were gone

Y/m: yes but we need to drop Derek off at the air port

Y/n: wait why are you going back early

derek: cuz theres not enough room in Abuela's house but on your birthday I'll be back

Y/n: promise

Derek: promise

Y/n: ok

Then I lean over to his side in the car and whisper in his ear

Y/n: Derek I'm pregnant

Then his eyes widened

Derek: Deadass

He whispered back

Y/n: yes

I whispered

Derek: you better tell mom when I leave for the airport

Y/n: in will I promise

Derek: good now after you tell her call me so we can all talk about baby names

Y/n: bet

Skip to when Derek went on the plan

Y/m: ok Y/n were are the three places we need to go

Y/n: ok actually wr only need to go to one now

Y/m: ok were

Y/n: the hospital

Y/m: is everything alright

Y/n: ya everything is fine its jus that Charlie is in the hospital and me and my friends are gunna meet up there

Y/m: oh well after the hospital were going to a hotel

Y/n: ok

Skip to when you were at the hospital

Y/n: marc!

I yell running up to him

Marc: y/n!

Then we hug then I see addi pull up

"Addi" me and marc say

Addi: you guys what is the emergency

Y/n: we're gunna tell marc and I have other news but I want to tell all of you at the same time

"Ok" addi and marc say

Skip to when your are in Chariles hospital room

Y/n: ok marc I have something very important to tell you

Marc: ok

Y/n: im.... Im pregnant

Then marc smiles big

Marc: so imma be an uncle

Y/n: yessir

Marc: yes yes yes yes

The real start to laugh

Y/n: ok ok not to ruin the Good Vibes but I have to tell all of you something

"Ok what is it" all of them say

"I'm moving to Florida" I said

Addi: wait what no

Y/n: I know I know but I'll come visit once a month or maybe not once a month cuz of the baby but I will try and visit as often as I can and you guys can visit me too

Charlie: yeah I guess we're going to miss you

Then Marc and addi say ya

" I know I'm going to miss you all to come here give me a hug cuz I have to go and wish me luck cuz I have to tell my mom though me and Ale and the baby" I said

" Lord Keep y/n safe in Florida keep the baby safe in Florida and make sure the when Y/n tells her mom about the baby and Alejandro that it's not too bad for her amen" addi says

"Amen" all of us say

Y/n: ight bye I love you guys

Y/n: oh and addi can you tell them about me and ale after I leave

Addi: ya ofc

Y/n: ok thanks bye y'all love you

"Bye love You too" they all said

Now all I have to do is tell my mom that I'm pregnant with my used to be Stepbrothers baby

Y/m: hey sweetie whos that marc guy

Y/n: mommmm he's jus a friend

Y/m: okayyy

Y/n: speaking of boys I have to tell you something

Y/m: I already know your pregnant

Y/n: you do

Y/m: yeah and you're not getting an abortion

Y/n: good cuz I didn't want to me and addi were going over baby names

Y/m: OoOoOoOo me you and Abuela can go over baby names

Y/n: ohh ya that wil be so much fun

Y/m: when I saw the pregnancy test I was so happy

Y/n: oh um there is something else I have to tell you

Y/m: what is it

Y/n: um....ok the father of the baby is Alejandro and me and Alejandro were a thing but he fucked up and now I don't want him near the baby at all

Y/m: it's ok is that why you were crying when we came in

Y/n: kinda but he got excited when he thought it was negative and Then I thought that he didn't want to have kids with me then he told me he was jus scared

I finished saying as my mom pull into the hotel parking lot

Y/m: ok we've both had a long day lest jus get some rest and forget about those childish Rosario boys

Y/n: can do

I say walking into the elevator

Y/m: I can't wait to find out if it's a girl or a boy

Y/n: same I want a boy but it would be fun having all girls in one house

Y/m: Yan especially abuela and her boy drama

Y/n: yess like she's had four sugar daddies in one month imma live
Like Abuela when I get older

Y/m: preach

Then the elevator stopped and we walked out and my mom opened the door and we plopped down on the bed
Then I got up and did my night routine
And changed into this...

And a sports bra cuz im jus with my mom and I put my hair in a ponytail

Then I got under the blankets and fell asleep at the thought of have a baby

End of your pov

The end

To be continued....

Y'all I'm just kidding I'm just kidding it's not the end we still got a baby to give birth to so imma make another Part later cuz I'm in the middle of science right now bye word count is..... 1410 ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ซโœจ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ˜ผ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ€๐ŸŒš๐ŸŒšโ„๐Ÿ˜—๐Ÿ’ญ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ๐Ÿข๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
