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Frankie parked her jeep in the Hawkins High School parking lot. She looked in rearview mirror, making sure her eyeliner was in place and not running from the mild panic attack she had on the way to school.

Her eyes wandered over the parking lot, stopping when she spotted Steve's car. As she took out a cigarette and lit it, she noticed Carol, Tina and Vicky leaning against Tina's brand new car. Frankie stood in her jeep until the cigarette was done, throwing it out the window. She grabbed her backpack and slung it on her shoulder.

Frankie jumped out of the car and turned on her walkman, putting the headphones on, 'Another One Bites the Dust' drowning out all the noise around her. She walked for a little, until a foot shot out in front her, causing the girl to fall, pain shooting up through her hand.

Her walkman flew from her and smashed against the concrete. The beat of the Queen song was quickly recognized by the girls, the three taking advantage of it.

'Looks like your song predicted the future.' said Tina while loudly chewing her gum.

'Guys, I think she might actually be alive. Ghosts don't trip.' Tina and Vicky laughed at Carol's remark, as Frankie rolled her eyes.

'Oh yeah, watch out Carol. I'm back from the dead so I can haunt you. Because I'd rather follow you around than go to heaven and have peace.' she said and the girls rolled their eyes at the comeback.

Frankie got up and cradled her injured hand, examining the bruising that was starting to form. She bent down to grab her walkman, frowning at the scratches along the surface and the slight bend in the headphones.

Tires screeching against the pavement and a loud engine brought everyone's attention to a blue Camaro entering the parking lot. The shiny car parked next to Frankie's jeep, making it look like a piece of garbage in contrast to the beautiful beast to it's left.

The driver opened the door and stepped out, causing all the girls to ogle and drool at the sight of a blonde boy, clad in denim and black boots on his feet. From the passenger side, a small redhead girl jumped out, and skateboarded towards the middle school.

The boy watched her go, before his eyes met Frankie's, a smirk rising on his lips.

'Hi, there. I'm Billy. Billy Hargrove.' He extended his hand towards Frankie.

'Frankie. Frankie Hopper.' she grabbed his hand and shook it, raising a brow when he brought it to his lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles.

'Well you're a charmer, aren't you?' asked Frankie, moving her weight to her left leg. Billy took a drag of his cigarette, shrugging. 'Guess so.'

'Frankie!' the girl looked behind her, spotting Steve and Nancy next to his BMW. She faced Billy again.

'It was nice to meet you, Billy.' His smirk widened. 'Pleasure was all mine, Frankie.' She walked backwards, keeping eye contact with him, until she reached her friends.

'Who's your boyfriend?' Frankie rolled her eyes at Nancy.

'Not my boyfriend, and his name is Billy.' Steve finally got a good look at her and noticed the ever so slightly runny eyeliner and red eyes.

'Hey, you okay? Have you been crying?' Frankie's eyes widened, knowing that even if she lied, Steve would see right through her.Β 

'What? No.' she chuckled nervously, cursing Steve for being able to read her so well. 'I just smoked some good ass weed.' she whispered so only the two could hear. Steve could tell from a mile away she was lying. His eyes then lowered to her hand which she was cradling.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, what happened there?' Nancy took a light step backwards as Steve stepped right in front of Frankie and gently grabbed her hand. Chills crept up Frankie's spine t the feeling of his skin against hers.Β 

His brows pulled together as his thumb ran softly over her wrist. He looked up, trying to find her eyes, but failed as her eyes were set on something over his shoulder.

The brunette scowled at Carol and her friends who were glaring at her.

'Nothing. I'm fine.' She cleared her throat and gently pulled away from Steve's touch, finally looking into his eyes. His brows twitched slightly as he got a good look at the red veins surrounding her blue irises.

'Fran, that doesn't look fine.' Nancy agreed with Steve. Frankie rolled her eyes and turned around walking towards the high school.

'I'm fine. It's okay. Doesn't hurt.' Steve grabbed said 'not painful' hand to slow her down, and frowned at the hiss that slipped past her lips.

'Doesn't hurt, huh? We're going to the nurse.' He turned towards his girlfriend. 'Nance, can you please tell Kaminsky where Frankie is?' The small girl nodded.

'Yeah, but don't you have class too?' Steve waved his hand. 'I'll deal with it. I'll see you later.' The couple kissed and Steve placed a hand on Frankie's back, directing her to the nurse's office. When she wasn't paying attention, he looked behind his shoulder at Carol and her friends. If looks could kill, they'd be six feet under.

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'So,' Steve began as they waited outside the office, 'you gonna tell me what happened?' Frankie played with her fingers and avoided his gaze.

'Nothing happened. I tripped.' Steve scoffed.

'Oh, so you just happened to trip exactly in front of them?' Frankie nodded.

'They didn't do-'

'Bullshit, Frankie. I can put two and two together. I'm not that stupid.' Steve leaned his head on the wall.

'You're my best friend, Fran. I can't believe I used to hang out with that...that...'

'Bitch.' The two laughed as the door to the nurses office opened.

'Frankie Hopper?' Frankie and Steve stood up and the nurse gestured them to come inside. Frankie sat down on the small bed while Steve lingered by the door.

'It's the 3rd time this month you've come to me with injuries, Frankie. Something you wanna tell me?' Steve's brows immediately furrowed.

'3rd time?' he asked Frankie, and she gave him a sheepish look.

'I'm really clumsy. I trip a lot.' The nurse gave her a look.

'Uh-huh. You expect me to believe that?' Steve had to hold back a laugh. Frankie avoided the nurse's gaze and played with her fingers in her lap. The nurse sighed and grabbed the supplies to wrap Frankie's hand.

'Mr. Harrington, you can sit next to her if you want.' Steve did as told and grabbed Frankie's uninjured hand. Frankie watched the nurse examine her hand, nervous about the diagnosys.

'It's just some bruising, honey. Nothing serious, luckily. Put some ice on it and don't strain it too much.' Frankie sighed in relief and dropped her head on Steve's shoulder. The nurse wrapped a her wrist and gave her a painkiller.

Steve could tell she was hesitant to swallow the pill, but after an encouraging smile from him, she did it. The nurse looked between them with a knowing look.

'You're a good boyfriend.'

Frankie choked on her water and Steve shook his head wildly, hair flying around.

'Oh, no, no. We're not together. We're best friends. I uh, I have a girlfriend.' The nurse chuckled.

'Sure, baby. You're free to go, Frankie.' The brunette smiled and thanked the nurse.

Just as they entered the main corridor, the bell rang, signaling first period was over. Steve lightly pulled Frankie against the wall and put his sunglasses on, urging her to do the same. Frankie threw him a confused glace until she noticed Nancy and Jonathan walking down the hall.

Her and Steve leaned against the wall, trying to look as casual as possible as Nancy and Jonathan passed them. Steve rounded the wall and picked up Nancy, causing her to yelp in surprise.

Frankie came out of her hiding spot and her and Jonathan fist pumped as Steve and Nancy expressed how much they missed each other and kissed. Jonathan signaled that the had to go and Frankie wished he could join him, but she had the next class with Nancy. The couple pulled away as Frankie cleared her throat, signaling they weren't alone.

'How's your hand?' Before Frankie could answer Nancy, Steve beat her to it.

'Nurse Jenny said it's just bruised. But she said to not strain it too much, so we gotta keep an eye out on her.' Frankie rolled her eyes at Steve as Nancy looked in the direction Jonathan left.

'You, missy,' said Nancy and faced Frankie, 'are coming with us, to this.' Frankie grabbed the orange paper from Nancy's hold and read it over.

'Tina's Halloween Bash. Come and get sheet faced'' Really, Nance?' Steve laughed loudly at the pun.

'It could be fun! What are your Halloween plans anyway?' Frankie thought for a second.

'Staying home with my dad, watching every horror movie ever released and getting fat.' Nancy groaned.

'Boring! Come on, Frankie! Jonathan's coming too.' The brunette rose an eyebrow. 'Jonathan. Jonathan, the male version of me, is going to a party.' Nancy nodded, and Frankie sighed.

'Nance, do I have to remind you what happened last time I was at a party?' Images of Frankie passing out on the sand flashed before Steve's eyes.

'I promise that won't happen Fran. Come on! Pretty pleaseee.' Nancy batted her lashes and pouted.

'Nance, Tina doesn't even like me. She hates me. I mean you saw what happened this-' She stopped in the middle of the sentence as Steve's eyes widened.

'I knew it! I fucking knew it!' People around the trio threw them odd looks.

'Steve, take a chill pill, alright?' He made an incredulous face.

'T-take a chill pill?! Frankie, your hand is messed up because of her!' Frankie winced at his loud tone.

'Okay, one, it's just bruised, two, technically, it was Carol but...' The two began to argue, until Nancy brought their attention back to her.

'Hey, Frankie, the entire school is gonna be there. I don't think anyone will even look for you.' Frankie thought for a second. She didn't want to leave El and her dad alone. But she wanted to hang out with her friends. It's a highschool party. What could go wrong?

'Yeah, you're right, I guess.' Steve's eyes widened even more.

'Fran, you sure? If you don't want to come, you don't have to.' said Steve and took a small step towards her.

Frankie smiled reassuringly. 'Yeah. I won't stay too long. I just need to find a costume.' Frankie opened her locker and looked in the small mirror, fixing her hair.

'Oh, Fran, these are the notes.' said Nancy and handed her friend a notebook.

'Goodie, I love chemistry' said Frankie, voice full of sarcasm. Steve snickered and hugged Nancy from behind.

'Yeah, we can tell.' He started playfully biting her neck, causing Frankie to look away. It sucked having your best friend date your crush and having to hang out with them all the time.

The bell rang, causing students to slam their lockers shut and head towards second period. The loud sound caused Frankie to jump slightly.

Nancy chuckled at her. 'Easy, there. Just lockers.' Frankie plastered a fake smile on her lips.

'Yeah. Just lockers.' She grabbed her english book and notebook and threw one last glance in the mirror, rubbing away some excess eye makeup under her eyes.

'Let's go. Don't wanna make Mrs. Roberts mad. You know how she gets.' Nancy nodded and pecked Steve on the lips, before grabbing onto Frankie's arm and walking to class.

Steve watched the girls go, sighing at Frankie trying to make herself look small as she passed a group of kids, who then began whispering. He knew the comments bothered her, but he also knew she was strong enough to handle them, and had enough comebacks to last her a lifetime.

Though, he did wish people would leave her alone. So as he walked by the group, he threw them a nasty glare, making them shut up. He still had some power over the school, so he was gonna use it.

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Frankie took the keys out of the ignition and jumped out of her car, grabbing her backpack and jacket. She walked quietly through the forest, avoiding the traps her father set up, until she got to the cabin. She knocked the small jingle on the wooden door, and waited for a few seconds, before the lock undid itself and the door opened lightly. Frankie smiled slightly and walked inside, dropping her keys on the entryway hanger.

Eleven perked up and smiled widely at the older girl. She chewed furiously on the Eggos, before wiping her mouth and running towards Frankie.

'Hey, kiddo' said Frankie and ruffled El's curly hair. The young girl frowned when she saw the white bandage around Frankie's left hand. She gently grabbed and ran her fingers over the rough material.

'What happened?' Frankie bent down to meet Eleven's height and fixed her overalls.

'Mean kids.' Eleven's brows furrowed deeper.

'Mouthbreathers.' Frankie smiled softly. 'Yeah, mouthbreathers.' She stood straight and unwrapped the scarf from around her neck.

'Excessively loud gum chewing bitches if you will' she said but spun around to face El. 'Don't tell dad I said that in front of you.' Eleven nodded and pretended to zip her lips and throw away the key. Frankie ruffled her hair and took off her jacket, hanging it next to the keys.

Frankie finally realized what El had been doing before she arrived.

'El, were you eating Eggos?' The small girl nodded shyly. Frankie sighed and scratched her brow. 'Did you eat lunch?' El shook her head, holding back a smile.

'Okay, get rid of the evidence. If dad finds out, he'll grill both of our asses.' Eleven's eyes widened and she gently patted her backside, making Frankie laugh loudly.

'No, no no, not literally. It's a saying. It means we're both gonna be in trouble. Our asses will stay perfectly fine.' Eleven visibly relaxed and quickly finished the leftover Eggos, before washing the plate and letting it dry.

Frankie turned up the TV, a jingle playing on it. Frankie hummed along as she looked at the clock. 4 P.M. Dad gets home at 7, dinner takes half an hour to cook.

'Okay, kid if you need me, I'll be in my room, around 6:30 start heating up dinner, if you need help, tell me.' Eleven nodded and slumped in the arm chair, changing the channels.

Frankie grabbed her bag and closed the door, face planting on the soft bed. She sighed and turned on her back, looking up at the poster on her ceiling. A lightbulb turned on in Frankie's brain.

She smiled as she grabbed money from her piggybank.

'100 bucks. Okay. That works.' She opened her door, the wind making a page of a magazine flip.

'Kid, change of plans. I'm leaving. If dad gets home before me, tell him I'm getting a Halloween costume.' Eleven nodded and watched as Frankie grabbed her keys and left, running back inside to grab a dark red leather jacket and throw Eleven a wink.

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Hopper opened the door for his daughter, frowning at the bags she was holding.

'Where were you?' he asked while chewing. Frankie dropped the bags on her bed and took off her jacket.

'Shopping. I told El to tell you.' Jim nodded.

'She did. But she said, and I quote, 'went to get Halloween a costume.' Frankie snorted and ruffled El's hair. As she sat down, Jim took notice of her bandaged hand.

'Hey, whoa, Frankie, what happened?' Frankie rolled eyes and shoved food in her mouth, hoping to avoid the conversation. Bad idea, as Eleven stepped in.

'Excessively loud gum chewing bitches.' Frankie choked on her chicken and Hopper's eyes grew three sizes.

'El, I told you not to tell him I said that!' Frankie coughed, trying to get rid of the chicken in the wrong side of her throat.

'What is she talking about?' Hopper's voice was demanding, but also concerned.

'Nothing,' started Frankie, but Jim rose a brow at her. She sighed and played with her fingers.

'Just some girls, they tripped me and I landed on my hand . Nothing bad happened, it's just bruised.' Jim sighed and rubbed his eyes.

'Frankie,' he began, 'if kids are being mean to you, just tell me. I can arrest them, throw their asses in jail.' Frankie smiled softly.

'Dad, it's fine. I can handle it. Now let's enjoy this, beautiful, gourmet....$5 dinner.' No other words were said while the family ate their dinner.

'So, you won't grill their asses?' Hopper gave El a weird look as Frankie stifled a laugh.


cute lil chapter ig, i still need to think of a ship name for steve and frankie, and billy's in the house

till the next one

peace <3
