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Frankie wrapped her arms tighter around Steve's neck to keep him in place, as she rested her still pounding head on his, soft hair tickling her cheeks. Dustin handed her an ice pack, and she held it against his head. She sighed, wiping away a small amount of blood from his lip, before looking forward again.

'How far are we?' Frankie asked, doing her best to look over Lucas's shoulder at the map.

'A few miles. Why?' the boy asked, looking at her. She pointed to Steve who thankfully was still unconscious. 'Since when he wakes up, he's gonna start yelling. And it's not gonna be pretty.' Dustin sighed from next to her. 'I promise, he'll be cool, alright?' Frankie scoffed.Β 

'No he's not. Just wait. He's gonna freak out, he's gonna yell, he's gonna distract Max, and we're gonna die. So zoomer, speed it up, please.' Max nodded and pressed harder on the gas pedal, the car jolting slightly.

The movement triggered Steve's awakening, the boy groaning in pain. His head turned towards Mike, and he frowned.

'Nancy?' Mike made a face, and Steve groaned rubbing his eyes.

'Hey, Steve, no. Don't touch it.' His neck practically broke as he tried to look up at Frankie.

When he couldn't he faced the other way, looking at Dustin. 'Hey, buddy.' the boy smiled at Steve. 'It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a fight. You're okay.' Steve groaned again and held onto Frankie's knee.

'Okay, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai.' said Lucas from the passenger seat.

Steve sat up slightly, as much as Frankie's hold allowed. 'What's going on?' Finally, he noticed Max driving, and he began panicking. 'Oh, my God!'

'Just relax. She's driven before.' Mike scoffed again looking at Dustin. 'Again, in a parking lot.' Lucas turned his head to look at his friend. 'That counts.'

Steve began having a minor freak out, holding on to Frankie's knee for dear life. 'Oh, my God.'

'I promised you'd be cool.' said Dustin and Frankie held Steve tighter to her chest.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on?' Max floored it, causing Steve's minor freak out, to turn into a major freak out. 'Oh, my God. No! Whoa! Stop the car. Slow down.'

'I told you he'd freak out!' exclaimed Mike as Steve held onto Frankie even tighter. 'Stop the car!'

'Everybody shut up! I'm trying to focus!' yelled Max, looking at the four in the backseat. Lucas then perked up.

'I told you this would happen!' exclaimed Frankie, getting a glare from Dustin in return.

'Oh, wait, that's Mount Sinai. Make a left.' Max looked at him. 'What?'

'Make a left!' Max did as told, the car basically drifting. Everyone screamed and Frankie buried her head in the crook of Steve's neck, not wanting to see anymore of the road and Max's driving.

The car revved loudly as it drove towards the hole the Chief had dug. The car came to a forceful stop, making Frankie tighten her arms around Steve as he flew forward a little. 'Hello!'

'Whoa!' exclaimed Dustin.

'Incredible.' Mike said, causing Frankie to smirk. 'That's my girl.'

'I told you. Zoomer.' said Max and the kids began spilling out of the car. Dustin helped Frankie out as well, before he handed her a pair of goggles and a bandana to cover her mouth and nose. Steve, oh so gracefully flopped out of the car, and used the door to hold himself up.

'Guys. Oh, no. Guys. Hey, where do you think you're going?' he said to Mike. 'What are you, deaf? Hello? We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear' Frankie helped Mike and Max tie rope to Billy's car so they could use it to get back up. 'Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right? This ends right now!' He grabbed a backpack from Dustin's arms and angrily threw it in the trunk.

'Steve, you're upset, I get it.' started Dustin. 'But the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance, and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now, I know you and Frankie promised Nancy that you would keep us safe. So, keep us safe.' he finished and handed Steve his backpack with the bat inside.

Steve sighed but grabbed it, and Frankie quickly helped him gear up. 'I can't believe you agreed to this.' said Steve, but it came out slightly muffled due to his face covering.

'Steve, we know what these kids are capable off. And you were kinda...passed out so I couldn't ask for a second opinion.' Steve sighed, looking at them. 'Yeah. Little shits are brave.'Β 

Frankie smirked, putting her goggles and bandana on. 'Yeah. They are. Now come on. Let's keep them safe.'

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Steve was the last to go in the hole, eyes widening behind the goggles as he looked around. 'Holy shit.' he said, Frankie nodding in agreement from next to him.

'Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way.' said Mike while looking down at the map he drew. Frankie whipped around to face him. 'You're pretty sure, or you're certain?'

'I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know.' exclaimed Mike. Of course, someone had to protest.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so.' said Steve and grabbed the map.

'Any of you little shits die down here, Frankie and I are getting the blame. Got it, dipshit? From here on out, we're leading the way.' Frankie approached Steve.

'Actually I'll stay in the back. Make sure no one ventures elsewhere.' Steve was about to protest, again, but Frankie grabbed the sides of his face. 'Hey, I'll be okay.' She gestured to the pipe in her backpack. 'I have this bad boy.' Steve sighed but nodded and began walking.

'Come on, let's go. Come on. Hey, a little hustle.' The kids all followed Steve, as Frankie did a headcount. 4 kids, 2 teens. Steve, Mike, Lucas, Max, Dustin, herself.

Frankie decided to take advantage of the fact that she was the last, and slowed down to look around. Weird white particles were floating around everywhere, and the ground didn't look like ground. It looked and felt slimy, like the demo-dog's skin. Chills crept up her spine and she picked up the pace as she heard Steve yell at the kids from too far away for her comfort. In the process she bumped into Dustin.

'What the hell?' they both asked as they looked at a weird thing in the ceiling. Frankie tried to pull Dustin away from it, but it was too late. Just as she stepped away from the thing, it sprayed more of the white particles in Dustin's face. The boy began to scream ,making Frankie scream, making Steve turn around and run back.

Dustin fell to the ground as Steve grabbed onto Frankie's arm and shoved her behind him. Dustin kept screaming and coughing, saying that some of the particles got in his mouth. Everyone watched with scared expressions as he coughed some more, before he looked up at them.

'I'm okay.' Frankie rolled her eyes and stepped around Steve.

'You serious?' asked Max and turned away, the boys following her, also calling Dustin an idiot under their breaths. Frankie helped Dustin up and readjusted his mouth covering.

'Hey guys. Wait. Wait. Hold on.' the two picked up the pace and catch up to the group. After a while, they reach 'the hub'.

'All right, Wheeler. I think we found your hub.'

'Let's drench it.'

The group sprayed and poured gasoline all over every wall, on the floor, the ceiling, before Steve pulled them behind him.

'Alright you guys ready?' Everyone confirmed and Steve pulled out his lighter. Dustin's hand wrapped around Frankie's as he spoke. 'Light her up.'Β 

Steve looked at the two, then to the hub and sighed.

'I am in such deep shit.' He threw the lighter, and the entire room caught on fire. Weird, vine like things rose up in flames, looking like octopus tentacles. The brightness caused them all to back up and cover their eyes slightly.

'Go, go, go!' yelled Frankie and pushed everyone to run, before she followed after them. Steve took the lead again, as Frankie remained in the back.

She could hear Dustin saying 'oh, my God's' as he ran, which caused her to lose focus, and stumble into Mike, who fell to the floor. The vines from earlier wrapped around their ankles as the two screamed for help.

Frankie felt for her pipe, and almost screamed in frustration when she noticed she didn't have it anymore. One of the vines wrapped around her neck, cutting off her air flow. As her vision got more and more clouded, she yelled for a single person.

'Steve! Help!' she screamed and in the blink of an eye, Steve was repeatedly hitting the vines while Lucas and Max were pulling her away from them, Dustin doing the same for Mike. After they were freed, another obstacle hit them. Growling came from behind them, and they all whipped around to see a demo-dog looking at them.

Steve pulled Frankie behind him and she held onto his extended arm. He rose his bat as Frankie tried to shove Dustin behind her, but he wouldn't move.

'Dart?' the demo-dog snarled softly as Dustin walked closer to him, causing Steve and Frankie to almost pass out.

'Dustin, get back, now.' said Frankie through gritted teeth, and everyone urged Dustin to not get any closer to Dart.

'Trust me, please.' he said and kneeled in front of Dart and uncovered his face.

'Hey. It's me, it's me. It's just your friend, it's Dustin. It's Dustin, all right? You remember me? Will you let us pass?'

Dart's face opened up and he snarled loudly, causing Frankie to yelp and extend her arms in front of Max, Lucas and Mike, as Steve got his bat ready and stepped in front of them.

'Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry about the storm cellar. That was a pretty douchey thing to do. You hungry? Yeah?' Dustin took off his backpack.

'He's insane.' whispered Lucas, causing everyone to shush him.

'I've got our favorite. See? Nougat.' Dustin unwrapped the candy and put it on the floor, making frantic hand moved to make everyone move while Dart was distracted. Frankie pushed the kids in front of her, before she followed them and Steve.

'There's plenty. I've got more.' he unwrapped more candy and put them in front of Dart, as the group watched. He put his goggles back on as Dart looked back at him, before continuing to eat the nougat.

'Goodbye, buddy.' said Dustin and put his mouth cover back on. Frankie grabbed his hand and led him away to safety.

'Come on, kid.' They started running, until the ground shook, causing them to lose balance.

'What the hell was that?' Frankie questioned, hand reaching for Steve's The boy interlocked their fingers, clutching the smaller hand tightly. A roar caused them to look at where they came from. 'What was that?' asked Max.

'They're coming. Run! Run!' Everyone began sprinting, Steve and Frankie leading, hands connected. They reached the rope and Steve pushed Frankie out first, before he handed her the kids.

'Dustin, Steve come on!' Frankie, Lucas and Mike looked down in the hole at the two boys. The snarling came closer and Frankie was ready to see them torn apart.

But that wasn't the case, as the demo-dogs ran past them, like they didn't even care they were there. Frankie and Mike exchanged a look.

'Eleven.' they said together, relief flooding them. Steve grunted as he helped Dustin up, the kids and Frankie grabbing him by the arms. Then, Steve pulled himself up, and Frankie grabbed him, helping him.

She fell backwards, and Steve landed on top of her, both breathing heavily.

'I like this position.'Frankie laughed and pulled both of their mouth covers off, connecting their lips.

They got up as the lights from the car began getting brighter, the group shielding their eyes. It kept going, Frankie working the lights might explode.

The group shared looks as they went back to normal, all of them confused.

'Think it's done?' Lucas asked, looking at Steve and Frankie. The two shrugged, not having an answer.

'I guess so.'

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A month later, it seemed like things were normal again. The Holland family had a funeral for Barb, which Frankie attended along with Steve, Nancy and Jonathan. Hawkins Lab was shut down after the events that took place inside were outed to the public, and Steve and Frankie were officially together.

In school, no one even looked at them wrong. Although, Frankie did hear some whispers, about how people knew they were gonna end up together. Same with Nancy and Jonathan, who were also officially a couple.

Billy didn't bother them anymore. Steve did get in a good punch, revenge for Frankie getting a concussion, which Hopper was not happy about. The concussion, since he supported the punch 100%, and threatened to tell Billy's parents about the way he was acting towards his stepsister.

'All right, close your eyes for me.' Eleven did as instructed and Frankie gently placed the purple eyeshadow on her eyelids. When Hopper gave El the green light to attend Hawkins Middle School's Snow Ball, Frankie had never felt happier.

She immediately dug around in her closet and found her old Snow Ball dress, which happened to fit El perfectly and had remained untouched since 1979. After Frankie was done getting El ready, she felt like crying. She didn't get to do anything like that with Sara. El was so much like her late sister, it scared Frankie sometimes.

But she felt like Sara was still with her. Thanks to El. Or Jane, which was apparently her actual name, but Frankie felt weird calling her that. So she settled for El, or Eleven. The younger girl prefered those names anyway.

'Frankie, can you come in here for a minute?' yelled Hopper from somewhere in the cabin.

'Yeah, gimme a sec!' responded Frankie, applying lipgloss on El. 'Okay now, rub your lips together, like this.' She showed her sisterthe motion and the girl did it, evenly coating her lips.

'Perfect. Let me talk to dad and I'll get my camera.' Frankie stood up from her bed and went in the kitchen.

'What's up?' Hopper handed her a white envelope. 'What...'

'Open it.' Frankie was confused by his cheery tone. She opened the envelope, and took out the paper inside, reading it over.

State of Indiana

Certificate of Birth

Name: Jane Hopper

Was born in: Hawkins

Child of: Teresa Ives

Tears filled Frankie's eyes and she looked up at her father. 'Dad...' He nodded, also teary eyes and the two embraced. Frankie sighed happily and let tears spill down her cheeks.

'Does she know?' Hopper sniffled and the two pulled away. 'Not yet. I'm giving it to her on her birthday.' Frankie looked at the paper.

'February 19th. That's a week before mine.' Hopper nodded. 'I know. I chose it. Thought it might bring you guys closer.' Frankie sighed and put the birth certificate back in the envelope.

'We're already close, dad. Now come on. It's picture time.' Hopper groaned loudly and pocketed the white paper as Frankie skipped to her room, where El was looking at herself in the full length mirror.

'You look beautiful, El.' Frankie hugged her from behind as they looked in the mirror.

'You know, I won Snow Ball Queen with that dress.' El looked at her sister through the mirror.

'Really?' Frankie nodded.


'And who won king?' Frankie snorted. 'Steve, of course. It's what started his entire reputation.' Eleven chuckled and soothed down her dress. 'Come on, let's get some pictures. We're already running pretty late, and I'm supposed to give Jonathan a lens for his camera and meet up with Steve.'

Frankie looked through the viewfinder, using her hand to direct her dad and El.

'A little to your right. Little more, little more. There! Perfect. Okay, now say 'Frankie's the best photographer in the world.'' Eleven and Hopper smiled as Frankie took the shot. They waited for the photo to develop and laughed at the outcome.

El had a toothy grin on her face, and Hopper looked in pain. 'Okay, okay, enough pictures, we're late.' he said and snatched the photo from Frankie.

'Okay, coats on, we don't want anyone getting sick.' Frankie said, shrugging on her jacket.Β 

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'Jonathan!' The boy stopped pacing and looked towards the voice. he ran over to Frankie and grabbed the lens, hugging the girl tightly. 'You just saved my life. Thank you.' Frankie laughed and patted his back.

'No biggie. I'm meeting Steve anyway. By the way, wheres Nancy? I wanna see the dress she was talking about.' Jonathan pointed to the drinks table.

'Nance! Oh, my God, you look beautiful!' The girls embraced and laughed as Frankie urged Nancy to spin.

'You look amazing!' said Frankie.

'Thank you. Are you staying? Jonathan could use some help with the pictures.' Frankie shook her head.

'I can't. Steve's picking me up after he drops off Dustin. We're gonna go watch Christmas movies at his house.' Nancy awed.

'Look, Dustin's here.' Frankie turned around and her eyes widened. 'Whoa.'

'Go, I'll see you later.' The girls hugged one last time, before Frankie approached Dustin. She noticed girls whispering next to him, and decided to offer a bit of help.

'You're looking handsome.' Dustin's face lit up at the sight of Frankie.

'You think so?' Frankie wrapped him in a hug, careful with the hair. 'Duh. You look awesome. Steve did a good job.' Dustin smirked.

'He's waiting for you outside.' Frankie pressed a kiss to his cheek, making the girls' next to them jaws drop at the leftover lipstick stain on his cheek as he turned around to watch Frankie leave.

Her face lit up as Steve came into her view, leaning against his BMW.

'Hey, there.' Frankie practically skipped towards him and pulled him a kiss, both of them smiling.

'Hi.' Steve kissed her forehead and opened the door for her. 'M'lady.' Frankie chuckled and slid inside, rubbing her hands together to warm them up. Steve got inside too and turned up the heat, before he began driving to his place.

'Your parents home?' Frankie asked as she interlocked her fingers with Steve's the boy nodded, not taking his eyes off the road. 'Yeah, they miss you.' Frankie chuckled, raising Steve's hand to her lips, kissing his knuckles.

'Dad adopted El. Like officially.' Frankie spilled the news, a smile taking over her face. Steve cheered, kissing her hand.

'That's awesome. So you two are officially sisters, huh?' Frankie tilted her head. 'Technically, half sisters, since we have different mothers, but yeah. Hop is our dad.' Steve nodded, continuing to drive to his house.

Finally, Frankie built up the courage to say the words her heart had been urging her to say for a while.

'I love you.' Steve slammed the brakes, the car jolting to a stop. He looked at Frankie, eyes wide. 'What?' he asked, tone resembling the one he used when Frankie told him she liked him. She nodded, her eyes stinging.Β 

'I love you.' Frankie had never said those words to Steve before. They felt unfamiliar on her tongue, but she could get used to them. 'R-really?' The words hadn't been said between them, as Steve let Frankie figure herself out. Hearing them made the love he had for her skyrocket.Β 

Frankie nodded, a grin on her lips. Steve breathed out in disbelief, but began grinning as well. 'I love you, too.' He said, and Frankie chuckled, pressing her lips to his. They both smiled into the kiss, the happiness radiating off of them.Β 

Frankie Hopper was finally happy.Β 



thank you sm for reading this, i love each and every person who read and voted on this book, y'all make me HAPPYΒ 

the sequel is up, it's called 'R.I.P 2 My Youth' (the neighborhood has entered the chat), you can find it on my profileΒ 

