Chapter 4: "Laparwah kahiki!"


Purvi opened the door to her room and motioned him to get inside, she went inside afterwards.

She closed the door and took a deep breath before folding her hands, she turned back to see Aarav standing looking at her with his arms folded near his chest.


They glared at each other, again.

โ€œMr. Did you know-โ€ โ€œNo! I did not know that my family was fixing my marriage with an ill-mannered womanโ€Aarav spoke.

โ€œIll-mannered kise bola?haan?!โ€
[Whom did you call I'll mannered?! ]

โ€œWoooh yeh to andhi ke saath saath behri nikli!โ€

โ€œUgh!!โ€ Purvi exclaimed with frustration โ€œListen let's leave yesterday's incident for now because we have to face our parents once we go outโ€

โ€œUh- yeah so what-โ€ he started only to get interrupted by her.

โ€œI'm marrying just because my father, just because he wants me to give myself a second chance and-โ€ she paused, gulping the knot that was forming in her throat โ€œAnd I hโ€ฆhope you a..and your fโ€ฆfamily know ab..about my past, about my mi..โ€

โ€œYeah, we know and I hope you know about me being a widowerโ€ he spoke in between after watching her struggling to speak.

She nodded before continuing โ€œI know you must have some expectations from your wife but I can not give you the assurance of being a good wife who will be wholly devoted to her husband...
Iโ€ฆI'll try my best to be a good wife, I'll try my best to be a good daughter-in-law to your parents, if you have any kind of problem with that you can say no and do not think I am telling this because we met on ugly terms, I would have said this to anyone who would have come, I just don't want to give any fake expectations to anyoneโ€ she said in one go as if she was delivering a speech.

โ€œSame, I will try to be a good husband and a good son-in-law to your parents they can marry their daughter off without being distressed about their daughterโ€™s well-being, but I can't give you any assurance of loving you like a wife, but ofcourse you will have all the respects of being my wifeโ€ Aarav spoke, sincerely.


โ€œJust like you, I'm here for my Mother, she wants me to get married and after listening to you I don't think it will be a problem as we are on the same page and there's no point in saying no cause if not you then maybe my mom will come with more rishtasโ€

Purvi's mouth formed an โ€˜Oโ€™ and she nodded.


Aarav noticed how her whole face and tone changed while speaking; he couldn't believe she was the same girl who was arguing with him yesterday. He looked at her the entire time she spoke, he noticed her beautiful eyes becoming watery but she blinked it away.

โ€œHer eyes are beautiful butโ€ฆ.something is missing in them,โ€ he thought to himself.

โ€œChaley?โ€ Purvi asked.
[Let's go?]

โ€œYes yesโ€

They exited her room and went down to the Hall where everyone was waiting for them with hope.

โ€œSo what have you both decided?โ€ Aarav's father, Avinash asked.

โ€œWe are okay with this marriageโ€ Aarav spoke as everyone sighed in relief.



Never in my wildest dreams did I think the girl with whom I am going to meet is the same ill-mannered girl from yesterday who refused to apologise for bumping into me!

I dislike this girl so much.

But about refusing to get married to her? That would be of no use cause my Mummy was very much adamant in getting me married to her and these meetings and all were just a formality.

And moreover her thoughts about this marriage were similar to mine so yeah.

But one thing I am sure about is I am never going to fall in love with someone in this lifetime. It was not like I was dying to fall in love.

But after knowing that I'm going to get married to her, I'm confident.

I saw her father whispering something in her ears, and she gave a small nod afterwards.

She's pretty right? My subconscious asked


Just then my eyes widened thinking about what I was thinking. What the fuck is wrong with you Aarav!?

I must be going crazy damn it!

โ€œToh date fix karle?โ€ My mother suggested suddenly making both Purvi and me look at her in shock.

[Let's fix the date?]

Isn't she hurrying too much?

โ€œDon't you think it's too fast?โ€ I asked Maa in an undertone but she decided to let everyone know that!

โ€œKyu? Shubh kaam mein deri kis baat ki kaunsa kal ke kal hi shaadi karne ko bol rahe hai engagement kar lete hai phir koi acha sa date dekhke shaadi kara dete hai, kyu bhaisaab?โ€

[Why should we delay such a good event, it's not like we are asking you to marry tomorrow only, let's do the engagement then we'll fix an auspicious date for the marriage, right? ]

โ€œJi bilkul bilkul! Purvi, baccha tumko koi dikkat hai?โ€ Her father asked her.

[Yesย  yes, of course, Purvi do you have any problem? ]

โ€œNo, Papa,โ€ she said softly.

โ€œOkay then, why don't we do the engagement by the end of this week and we can call Pandit Ji and fix a good date for the wedding??โ€ Dad suggested.

[Pandit: a hindu priest]

Everyone nodded while I kept looking at Purvi who had kept her head down all this time, it looked like she was in some deep thought. Is she not sure about the engagement?

Oh come on Aarav she just said she has no problem.

My thoughts were interrupted by one of these mischievous young adults โ€œBhai, we know Bhabhi is pretty but stop looking at her all the time you are coming off as some creepโ€ Aarohi whispered while both Aansh and her giggled.

I glared at both of them while they stopped giggling.

I was not looking at her!!

Okay you wereโ€ฆ you were Aarav!!


โ€œSo on friday! Final!โ€ Her mother exclaimed while everyone nodded in agreement.

They decided to finalise the date of engagement today itself! What's the hurry I don't understand! Bhag thodi raha hoon?!

Suddenly both of my siblings got up and went towards Purvi who was sitting beside her father. She was quiet the whole time and nodded when she was asked something. It's not like I was chit chatting but she was awfully quiet.

She wasn't like that yesterday.

โ€œCongratulations bhabhi! We can't wait to welcome you to our home! Aarohi congratulated her while Aansh did the same.

They didn't congratulate me. I was sitting right beside them!

โ€œThank youโ€ She smiled thanking the both of them while Mr. Ahuja made some space on the couch for both of them to sit beside her.

I feel left out now, no one is giving attention to me. I am also the one getting married right. Aansh and Aarohi too are talking with Purvi even though she isn't talking too much.

โ€œBhabhi give us your number so that we can chat daily!โ€ Aarohi spoke with excitement.

โ€œSureโ€ with that she typed her number in Aarohi's phone โ€œI'll forward it to Ansh bhaiโ€ she'll forward it to Aansh and not me? What the-

Well I don't care, it's not like I'm gonna chit chat with her!

Wait- why do I feel like I'm forgetting about something?

Am I?

Finally after hours of chit chatting, it's time to go home.

โ€œSo, we will be going thenโ€ My Dad said while getting up from the couch.

โ€œPurvi, go beta walk them outsideโ€ Mr. Ahuja, her father asked her to walk us outside to which she nodded while getting up.

One thing I got to know about her is that she listens to her father a lot.

Mumma Papa were walking in front of us while Aansh, Aarohi, Pai- I mean Purvi and I were walking behind them. Both the siblings kept talking to her as if I do not even exist for them.

Mumma suddenly looked back and both Aansh and Aarohi had some โ€˜eye talkโ€™ with her.

โ€œBhai we will be going, you come with bhabhi we will be waiting for youโ€ Aansh said and both of them almost ran outside leaving the both of us alone.



Why did they leave abruptly???? At least all this while it wasn't awkward! Gosh!

โ€œWe- ouch-โ€ she stumbled and was about to fall when I held arms tightly and pulled her up. Who the fuck stumbles on flat surfaces??

Your soon-to-be wife! My subconscious mocked.

โ€œLaparwah kahiki!โ€ I muttered under my breath but she heard it.

โ€œW-what did you just say?!โ€ She asked in disbelief.

โ€” ห—ห‹ เญจเญง หŠห— โ€”

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