1.4 | 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗜'𝘃𝗲 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲

.𖥔 ݁ ˖꩜ 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 ꩜ ˖𖥔 .

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 【 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬 4 - 5】

𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐖𝐎 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐒 went downstairs to leave, even Steve looked impressed with Molly's look. Of course he wasn't foaming at the mouth by any means, he still only had eyes for Nancy, but he still gave her a nod of approval which was their mutual way of showing love. Molly had to admit she was a little disappointed at Steve's costume with how simple it was but then again, she hadn't seen Risky Business (the film the couple were replicating) so she held her tongue. She also imagined their costumes were more mobile than hers. Yes, she look absolutely gothically gorgeous but there was a reason Morticia always walked so unusually, because how else could a person walk in such an ensemble. Nevertheless, the three teens left the Harrington house for the Halloween party with excitement.

"Have fun, kids!", Mrs Harrington called out as they left.

˖𖥔 .
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

Time began to pass and the party only got rowdier and Molly's confidence from earlier soon faded. When the trio (or rather couple plus one) left, she felt like the belle of the ball, but now she just felt invisible. Actually she felt worse than invisible when a couple of idiots insulted her costume choice for being outdated. She tried not to let it ruin her mood in the moment but just after the idiots' backs were turned, she told Nancy and Steve to hold her back before lunging after them.

Ugh. She really hoped Jonathan would arrive soon. She was really worried all the third wheeling was getting on the couple's nerves. She could tell Nancy hadn't been in the best spirits lately and the party seemed to only worsen things. She couldn't exactly blame her though. She didn't know how this stupid party could get any worse.

And then Billy Hargrove started walking up to them.

Molly would never admit it but while she had been keeping an eye out for Jonathan, her eyes had been wandering over towards Billy. She told herself its because he appeared intoxicated and aggressive, thus establishing a possible threat, but she did find herself forcing down a gulp when she first saw his costume. Tight black jeans and a black leather jacket. No shirt. She had no idea what he was actually supposed to be but she did appreciate the look at his body... So she could determine his strength if he started a fight that she'd need to finish, of course! Why else would her eyes flick across his abdomen whenever he turned around?

Her jaw wasn't on the floor for him though, he still had plenty of detestable qualities, including the crude keg chugging he just performed before spitting it out all over himself. Such an animal. Though Molly couldn't tell if such a comparison made him more detestable or appealing. Nonetheless, she still balled her fists behind her back as he and a few other drunken idiots approached them, in case he tried to start anything.

However, it seemed they only came over to boast.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Yeah. Eat it, Harrington!"

As his little fan club cheered him on, Molly noticed Billy's eyes tracing down her body, as usual not saying a word. Molly glanced over at Steve. He looked annoyed but he wasn't making any moves against them. Good, he was taking the high road. As much as Molly loved him, she knew he wouldn't win this fight, even if the others were way more drunk than him. She was glad he seemed to know that too.

Nancy then huffed and went inside to the kitchen, Steve following after her. Good, he knew his girlfriend was more important than these assholes.

"You saw that, Gordin?"

Molly turned her head from where her friends headed inside to the beer-stinking shirtless animal in front of her. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Harrington's scared. He doesn't give a shit about you."

"Thanks for insulting my friend," she scoffed before heading inside after her friends.

Once again could she feel those fake blue eyes burning holes in the back of her head. She spotted Steve and Nancy in the kitchen as Nancy was chugging some of that... well god knows whatever that was and Molly quickly accepted that she was going to have to be the sober one if Jonathan doesn't show up soon.

˖𖥔 .
↻ ◁ II

After several hours of trying to dance amongst the crowd, trying to avoid Billy's intense stares from across the dance floor, and trying to keep an eye on Nancy as she was clearly getting more and more unstable as the night went on, Molly decided to stop waiting for Jonathan to show up and have some fun. The last time she had any kind of alcohol was when her grandmother would tell her to try a bit from her drink. She didn't know what it was but it was usually a brown liquid that burned her throat. She went up to the cabinet full of spirits and found a familiar name; Smirnoff. She flicked off the cap, took a breath and tossed her head back, gulping down a mouthful of it.

She couldn't believe the taste. It was like nothing she'd tasted in America. Bitterness. Cold. Hell on Earth. She'd never be able to answer why but Molly strangely found a feeling of nostalgia as she tasted it.

"Ypa," she muttered to herself before downing another mouthful of this secret hellish concoction.

She found the vodka comparative to herself. It was so clear, so innocent looking, you'd confuse it for water, the most innocent drink imaginable. But the moment you let it into yourself, it all but kills you.

"You do not hold back, do you," an impressed voice said from behind Molly.

She turned around and saw a guy with long frizzy brown hair, heavy eyeliner and a black metal shirt.

"Well, I was getting bored," she smirked, "And it seems if anything can liven something up, its this terrifying concoction."

"Don't you have a way with words," he smirked back, "I'm Eddie."

"Molly," she introduced herself.

"Yeah, I've got some in my car, but it'll cost a few," he explained to her.

Molly couldn't tell if it was the loud music or her quickly diminishing sobriety but she had no idea what he just said. The English language evaded her once more.


The boy's eyes then widened in realisation, "Oh, Molly's your name!"

She wasn't sure why but Molly then started laughing with great gusto, "You're funny, Eddie," before taking the cap from the bottle, filling it with the demon liquid and saying, "Ypa, drink up my friend."

Eddie smiled and downed the spirit before cheering. Molly hadn't even realised the Russian slipped out. Thankfully the party was too loud to properly make anything out so Eddie just thought she made a strange noise. And its likely that even if he did hear the word and somehow identify it as Russian, its entirely likely that he just wouldn't give a shit.

"Hey, I gotta say, I fuckin love The Addams Family," he slurred to her.

"Finally! It's so good, right? Its so silly and fun and nobody hates each other!", she exclaimed.

Eddie started laughing, "You get it, Molly."

Molly and Eddie would continue drinking, behaving like strange creatures and doing bizarre Addams Family inspired dances until Molly finally spotted a familiar pale introvert walk into the party. She bid farewell to Eddie, who bowed for her, as she quickly ran towards Jonathan, or as quickly as her dress would let her, to greet him.

"Nice of you to finally show up. I get that you had to drop Will off for trick or treating but I thought that would've been like two hours ago!", she scolded him before noticing his attire, "And where is your costume."

"I'm sorry, okay! I didn't... I wasn't sure if this was the best idea, I was worried I'd make everything weird," he tried explaining himself.

Molly understood what he meant and immediately softened her tone, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm glad you're here at. It means I have someone to cling to while the prowling lion stalks me," she said, gesturing towards Billy on the other side of the room, "Oh by the way, I don't think Nancy is well."

"What happened? Is she alright?", he asked.

She was about to elaborate when their attention was turned towards an argument between Steve and a very drunk Nancy. Everyone fell silent when, after having a tug of war between a cup full of that mystery liquid, Steve spilled the cup's contents all over Nancy's sweater, leading to her stumbling away to the bathroom with Steve following after her. Molly and Jonathan turned to each other.

"What should we do?", she asked him.

"I dunno, I mean, Steve's got her, she'll be alright with him," he shrugged.

"Alright, but I think you should get your car started just in case," she advised him.

He nodded and headed outside towards his car. Unfortunately, the moment Jonathan was out of sight, Billy approached Molly again.

Billy swooped at his chance to get Molly alone. Sure, he still thought she was a priss but damn if she didn't look hot in that dress. And if there was anyone at this party he wanted to get some action from, it was her. He was sure he could wear her down here. Harrington, that eyeliner freak, and this weirdo were playing a sick game of keepaway but they made the mistake of leaving her alone, even if it was only for a second, especially when she was all tipsy. Alcohol always makes flirting a lot easier. When she saw him walking up to her, she rolled her eyes. Still playing the stone cold heartbreaker. Too bad Billy's played this game before.

"Who's he?", he asked. He could tell she thought less was more coming from him.

She kept her eyes on the bathroom door as she replied, "Why the hell do you need to know?"

Dammit. He wanted her eyes back on him, even if she was rolling them at him, it was better than seeing her so worried over that idiot, Harrington.

"He's some loner, right? Is that what you're into? The creepy silent type," he taunted her in a deep tone.

Her eyes immediately shot over to him, giving him just what he wanted, "How dare you call him that."

"So he is your boyfriend?", he raised his eyebrow.

Molly rolled her eyes and prepared a response, Billy preparing a smirk in tandem, however both were cut off when Steve burst out of the bathroom, swiftly walking out of the house. At the same time, Jonathan came back into the house, just dodging a very upset looking Steve as he did.

Molly stepped away from Billy and quickly said to Jonathan, "Take care of Nancy, I'll go after Steve."

He nodded and the two quickly went in opposite directions. Molly had her eyes on the quickly disappearing Steve, her dress continuing to make movement a pain in the ass, when she was nearly yanked out of her skin by an ever-persistent Billy.

"You're making a mistake," he warned her.

"You're the one making a mistake if you don't let me go," she warned him before tearing her arm away, ripping a slit up her dress, and chasing after Steve.

"Steve!", she called out to him just as he was getting in his car, "Steve, please, what happened?"

"Just shut... I don't- I don't know", He continued getting in, so Molly went in the passenger seat.

"Steve, please. I swear I won't tell a soul, just please don't keep secrets from me. Tell me what happened," she pleaded with him.

"She...", he gulped back tears, "She said it was bullshit. She said everything was bullshit, that our friends are bullshit, our lives are bullshit, she said... she said she didn't love me. Us. She said that us, we are bullshit."

The tears started to fall and Molly immediately pulled him into a hug. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew Nancy had been stressed out with everything about Barb and having to keep the secrets about Hawkins Labs, but she didn't think it had gotten this bad. She felt bad for Nancy since she had been sitting on all of these feelings but she felt worse for Steve after he got all of those feelings spat out onto him like venom. Sure, Steve had been a jerk sometimes but he was a good guy and clearly loved Nancy so seeing him like this was like seeing a puppy get punched.

"Oh, Steve," she sighed as she held onto him a little while longer, "Let's get you home."

As they drove away from the party, she saw Billy still lurking outside the house, those ocean blue eyes once again staring like a hawk. Or actually, Molly preferred the comparison of a magpie staring at something it thinks is pretty and shiny. Molly would never dare give him the satisfaction of thinking he had her too flustered to stare back, so that's exactly what she did. She stared right through him, his facade of pride and muscles and tan. All she saw was an annoying desperate puppy... who just so happened to be six inches taller than her.

"I just... I didn't think... I know she's been upset and stuff but... I thought at least she still loved...", Steve cut himself off before he choked.

Molly felt guilty that she wasn't particularly helpful with comforting. She gave it her best shot though.

"It's okay, Steve. She probably didn't mean it, she was absolutely wasted. You can just talk to her about it tomorrow. You both just need to sleep it off," she tried comforting him.

He groaned in reply and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride back. When she was getting ready for bed, she could hear him crying through the walls. Oh Steve.
