1.2 | 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘁, 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄𝘀

.𖥔 ݁ ˖꩜  𝐓𝐖𝐎 ꩜ ˖𖥔 .

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 【 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬 2 - 3】
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

𝐌𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 infamous new boy in her math class. He was introduced by the teacher as Billy Hargrove. Those fake-looking blue eyes lazily traced across the classroom past each eager-eyed student before he strutted to the back of the classroom to take his seat directly behind Molly as it so happened, glancing at her and giving her a smirk as he went.

Such a gesture felt foreign to Molly. Yes, boys had given her a similar smirk but it was always accompanied by a word or two. Idiotic words, but still words. Billy's confident silence sparked Molly's suspicion. It felt like he was planning something, something he wouldn't want anyone else to know.

Billy, however, was keeping his eyes glued to the back of the head of this girl who couldn't keep her eyes off him since he showed up. He wasn't too concerned with female attention since most of the single girls were already drooling all over him. But this girl had a certain look that drew him in. She didn't have those dreamy, hungry eyes like the rest of his fan club. She looked at him like she was trying to figure him out. Beyond that she didn't seem like anything special but hey at least he's got an effect on one of the weird lonely girls too. This shithole must be more starved for excitement than he thought.

As the teacher started reading out whatever the hell they were supposed to be learning, Billy started turning his attention elsewhere. Everyone around here looked like idiots except for the handful of nerds at the front of the class. Even the girl with the green eyes he was sitting behind seemed to be off daydreaming, staring out the window. As he continued to stare at the back of her head, the more her pale blonde hair reminded him of the sand from the beaches he missed from California.

After a while of him looking at her looking out the window, the girl suddenly shot back into reality and started writing faster than the speed of light. But how? She wasn't even listening to whatever the teacher was saying. And nobody would write that quickly if they were bullshitting. She put her pen down and finished before Billy could even comprehend what had happened.

Figuring it would probably be easier to just copy from her, he started leaning forward slightly to get a better look at her paper. Not super close but just enough to start reading the top of the page. He fought back a smirk at the thought of teasing this girl by getting a little too close for comfort. It'd be hilarious to turn her stone cold face all flustered. The girl then picked up her pen again and Billy quickly leaned back into his seat.

She wrote something else somewhere else and before he could blink, Billy had a note from the girl on his desk. Was it just him, or was this girl superhumanly fast?

"If I give you the answers, will your eyes stop burning a hole in the back of my head?"

How the hell? He didn't even make a sound! Are people just a different breed in this town?

Billy then realised that she was literally offering to let him cheat off her so he turned the note over to the other side, wrote back "yes", scrunched it up and tossed it at her back. She grabbed it before it hit the floor and hid it in her lap before the teacher had half a second to notice it. She must be good at this stuff.

She then got out another page from her notebook and started writing quickly again, however she took slightly more time, as if she had to put in effort for this. She then slipped the new page onto Billy's desk. He was astonished. It was his exact handwriting. Would the teacher even care about that? He hadn't spent enough time to gather the vibes from every single teacher, it was his first day after all, but based on the near enough complete silence in the class, you'd guess this teacher was pretty strict. Even so, he'd never met a teacher strict enough to identify individual handwriting styles. Either this teacher is straight up psychotic, or this girl must have a reputation for helping out less academically inclined folks. Either way, Billy was grateful and kept in mind her special skills to dodge trouble from teachers.

↻ ◁ II

Throughout the class, Billy continued absentmindedly observing the strange girl in front of him until the bell shot him out of his trance and saw the girl shoot up, somehow having packed up everything already and walking out into the crowded halls. He was adamant about not losing her so he could talk to her about helping him out a little more, so he quickly grabbed all his stuff and chased after her.

As it turned out, the girl's locker was only a few spots away from Billy's. He quickly shoved all his crap in there before walking towards her open locker and turning on the charm. He was just about to close her locker door for her, revealing himself behind it (classic move), when she put her hand over his and shoved the door closed, forcing him to tear his hand away before it slammed into the locker. She finally met his gaze and it was the same no-nonsense look from before, perhaps even a little more so.

He bounced back from the slight shock and flashed his killer smile again, "Hi."

She blinked, seeming slightly confused and a little indignant, "Hi..."

"What's your name?", he asked smoothly.

She looked down at the book in her hand and pointed to the name on the front of it in an obvious way. 'Molly Gordin'.

He was a little thrown. Normally, it didn't take much more than the locker move and a smile and a girl would be wrapped around his finger.

He cleared his throat and remembered what he was actually supposedly there for, "I wanted to know so I could say thanks for helping me out in class. I owe you," he threw in a sly little glance down her body. That's gotta work like a charm.

"Aren't you sweet," she said dryly and began walking away.

Crap, he is really off his game today. He chased after her and said, "I was just wondering what I could do to get you to make this a regular thing."

"The only thing you owe me is to stop staring at me when you're bored. I can feel it, you know," she told him as she stopped.

Finally, he saw a way in and began pressing her towards the wall, "Really? So I get you worked up when I look at you, huh?"

She pushed him off by his chest and moved away from him, "It's not really you per say. The same thing happened with the guy who sits across from me, Tommy H. I didn't care for him staring at me either," she explained.

Billy had to admit, he didn't really get a good look at the guy across from her, but he mustn't have been particularly attractive.

"Oh yeah?," Billy smirked at her, "What did you do to make him stop?"

She looked him dead in the eye, leaned towards him, and said in a low voice, "I told him I'd kill him."

This surprised Billy a little but he managed to keep his composure, "Cute. And he believed you?"

"Well, when I got him in a wrist lock he did," she told him as she started walking away again, "We have reached an agreement, yes? I help you cheat, you stop staring at me."

He got in one last flirty remark before she left, "I can try, it's gonna be hard though."

He was in shock. What the hell was this girl's deal? He couldn't help but follow her with his eyes until she turned a corner. Just before she did though, a boy with brown floppy hair caught up to her and had his arm around her shoulders. So that's why she was acting all frigid, she's got a boyfriend. Well, Billy had done worse than breaking people up, and he was prepared to do what he had to so he could flunk through the year with the help of an admittedly pretty attractive girl.

˖𖥔 .

At the end of the day, Molly caught up to Nancy and Jonathan as they headed towards their lockers. She spied a flyer of some kind or rather, upon further inspection, an invitation. She also overheard Nancy saying something along the lines of, "... alone... halloween... not acceptable."

So, Jonathan was still making excuses to not leave his damn house and live his own life? No matter how close as friends they got, at times, Molly really had trouble understanding Jonathan. This boy was born in the land of the free! He was friends with pretty much the prettiest girl in school and had been invited to a party with the rest of his peers. After spending five of the most important years of her life isolated from society, of course Molly found the thought of willingly hiding from social interaction barbaric. She was going to this party, shit time or not, and after already getting a good taste of third wheeling with Nancy and Steve, she was not letting Jonathan force her to go to this party alone.

She casually snuck up behind the two and waited a little bit (just to scare them that little bit more) before saying, "Party, huh?"

They both jumped, "JESUS," "GOD, Molly."

She chuckled at their reactions before teasing Jonathan, "So, you're still making excuses to stay home, alone and sad?"

"Shut up," he lightheartedly brushed her off, not seeing Nancy vigorously nodding, "And I'm not gonna be alone. I'm going trick-or-treating with Will."

"All night?," Nancy questioned, to which he nodded.

Molly then gave him the look of a disappointed mother, "Jonathan, you're pathetic."

"You're gonna be home by 8:00, listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut... or something," Nancy analysed him.

"I would've said The Clash, but yeah that is basically spot on," Molly nodded, "Please Jonathan, I'm thinking about going and even if its terrible, it'd be better if we were having a shit time together."

Suddenly, Steve crept up behind Nancy and span her around in the air, making her squeal. The couple flirted causing Jonathan to close up and start walking off.

Trying to prevent brooding, Molly followed him and added, "And I don't want to keep having to third wheel with these two. I'll even kiss you if you want!", teasing him about his crush on Nancy.

"Quit it," he started chuckling.

Seeing her plan working, Molly started laying her teasing on thicker as the two went through the doors out to the school parking lot, "Come on Jonathan, don't you want to give your pretty preppy girlfriend a kiss? Mwah, mwah, kiss me you sexy brooding photographer!"

The two were in fits of laughter as he pushed her off, "Quit it you weirdo!"

She chuckled, "Hey, we're weirdos together, Jonathan. Don't forget that. So, will I see you at the party?"

He groaned, "I dunno..."

"Ugh for god sake!", she exclaimed, "At least come to pose as my boyfriend. I think that new California boy wants me and the thought frightens me."

"Okay fine, I'll come to make you feel safe," he finally caved, accepting a sudden hug from her, "And what do you mean it frightens you?"

"I'm worried he's gonna try and drag me away to the land of sunshine and sweat", she joked, "Think of the sunburns, Jonathan! I'll die of heatstroke before he gets the chance to kiss me!"

Little did either of them know, across the parking lot, the very Californian they were talking about was watching them, specifically Molly, like a hawk. It seemed this Molly chick had more guys flocking after her than he expected. He thought for a minute if she'd be worth the trouble. However, his decision was sealed once he caught a glimpse of those dark green eyes staring back at him, right through his soul. It didn't matter that at that moment she was getting into so-called 'King Steve' Harrington's car.

He was gonna make it worth it.
