
πŸ“Qatar πŸ‡ΆπŸ‡¦




XAILA LOOKED AT the table and then her hand flew to her purse. she looked at Jude and then back at the boys. she gave them all a smile , a smile which you could clearly see was fake. "you know , not to be a buzzkill , but Jude is very tired. i think we're going to be heading home"

"what?" Declan asked. "it's still early" Jesse complained. the women at the table all cleared their throats and Xaila gave the two men a look. they immediately nodded their heads.

"yeah , yeah i guess you should go"

Xaila gave Jude a smile. a smile which he didn't think meant good. "you're tired and want to go home , right Jude?" she asked him as her eyes stayed on him.

Eliza frowned and peeked at Xaila. "i think he's fine" she said. Bukayo fake gagged and Reece's sister β€” Lauren , laughed under her breath.

Xaila shook her head. "no , no he's tired. i can see it. right Jude?" Jude snapped out of his trance , cleared his throat and nodded his head.

"yes , super tired" he said. she gave him a curt nod and grabbed her purse. "food's on me" Jadon smiled cheekily and Xaila stared at him gratefully. "thanks , J" he nodded his head with a smile.

the couple both stood up from their seats and greeted the people around the table. "you really need to go?" Eliza asked with a pout. Marcus scrunched his face up at her failed attempt to be cute.

Jude nodded his head , but said nothing. he dabbed everyone else up and hugged the women.Β  Xaila kept her purse and her phone by her side before waving at them.

"beat his ass" Tolami mouthed , causing the girls to snicker. Xaila playfully rolled her eyes. "see you girls tomorrow" she waved , receiving many 'bye's' from them in return.

like a lost puppy , Jude followed Xaila outside to where the car was waiting for them. he was nervous , he knew what he did was wrong. and Xaila's silence wasn't a good sign.

Jude cleared his throat and went to open the door for her but she was quicker and opened the door , climbing inside and shutting the door behind her.

the footballer groaned and ran his hand down his face before walking to the other side and getting
in. the driver drove towards the hotel while Xaila scrolled aimlessly on her phone β€” most likely looking for perfect places to hide Jude's body after she was done with him.


she gave him a sharp glance. "fuck off , don't talk to me" her words cut him deep and he frowned. Xaila kept looking at her phone , ignoring Jude at all costs.

after about 15 minutes of awkward silence , the car finally stopped. Jude let out a sigh of relief and before he could blink , the girl opened the car door and got out.

"shit" he muttered under his breath and hastily got out , slightly shivering from the cold wind that was slapped in his face.

Xaila gripped her purse in her hands and hastily walked inside of the hotel , being relieved that she could finally get into a bed. the coziness of the inside of the hotel , was a huge contrast to the cold wind outside.

wordlessly , Jude followed Xaila up to her room , his thoughts running wild. the hallways were empty , which indicated that many people were either sleeping , or having dinner.

it seems like the Bellingham family were doing the latter since Mark and Denise came out of their room. Denise smiled once she saw the two. "oh hey , you're back"

"how was it?" Mark asked. Jude side-eyed his girlfriend , his eyes slightly widening when she gave them a convincing sweet smile. "it was great , right Jude?'"

he looked down at her to see her green eyes mixed with anger and innocence. he looked back up at his parents. "yeah , it was good"

"okay , well , we're going down for dinner. see you guys tomorrow?" Denise asked as she looked at them over her shoulder. Xaila smiled , nodded her head and waved at them.

Jobe's door room opened and he walked out , wearing casual sweatpants and a zip up hoodie. "ew" he said , scrunching his face up once he saw them. "fuck you" Xaila shot back. she opened the door with a push and walked inside.

Jobe raised his eyebrows , his lips slightly turning up in a mocking smile. "what did you do?" Jobe asked , putting his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants as he stared at his older brother.

Jude scratched the back of his head. "Eliza" he said. Jobe's eyebrows raised to the roof. "Crazy Lizzy?" he asked , refraining himself from bursting out in laughter.

Jude rolled his brown orbs. "don't call her that" he defended and Jobe scoffed. "and that's why Xaila should beat your arse" he said. he turned around and hastily walked down the hallway, in the direction where his parents went.

Jude threw his head back and sighed , opening Xaila's hotelroom door. he saw her taking her jewelry off and shut the door behind him.

"Xaila" he said , putting his phone on the vanity. she took a deep breath before putting her jewelry neatly in their little case.

"don't" she spoke , moving to her suitcase. Jude's heart dropped at her words. she took her high heels off and threw them in the corner of the room.

"Xaila , come on" he whined and she turned to him , her eyes filled with fury β€” she was scaring him a little. "what do you want to talk about , huh? how you gave me the bracelet that you and your ex girlfriend slash childhood friend got together?" she asked.

"do you know how that made me feel? and infront of all your friends?" she scoffed loudly, throwing her suitcase open.

Jude took a step forward but she made him stand in his place with a glare. "if you take another step , i'm throwing you with this haircurler" she warned him. Jude was getting annoyed.

"this is ridiculous , Xaila" he said after he groaned. Xaila looked at him before letting out a humourless laugh.

"ridiculous? okay , I'll show you ridiculous"

she threw all her clothes on the floor , rummaging violently through her suitcase. she found the black box that had the bracelet in and grabbed the bracelet out of it. she looked at it in disgust and threw it at his chest.

she grabbed the black box and threw it in the trash can. she took a dubble look at the golden bracelet that was now in Jude's hands.

"matter of fact..."

Xaila walked closer to him and grabbed the bracelet out of his hand. she opened the door of the balcony that was connected to the hotel room. Jude's eyebrows raised as she threw the golden bracelet out of the balcony , onto the dark streets.

she walked back inside and nodded her head to the door. "go get it" she said and walked back to the suitcase.

"Xaila , are you fucking serious? are you going to be jealous everytime i talk to another woman?" Jude was getting annoyed and his voice was getting louder and this humoured Xaila since she was the one who should feel this way.

she looked at him and scoffed. she rummaged back in her suitcase, looking for more comfortable clothes. "i'm just going to pretend to not hear you cause there's no way in hell it's me you're yelling at"

she threw the pajamas on her bed before looking at him. "do you know how you made me feel tonight? telling me how you forgot about me?"

her nose burned but Xaila refused to let a single tear fall. "it wasn't even like that!" he yelled at her and she laughed loudly, throwing her suitcase on the floor.

she threw her dress off of her body and threw it in her suitcase before putting her pajamas on in a hurry.

"me and Eliza are just friends. we always have been. why do you have to be so clingy all the damn time?"

his words were like a stab to her stomach. "mention her name again and I'm throwing you with this damn slipper. watch" Xaila's green eyes bore into his.

"you're the one acting immature" he tried to defend himself. "me? so you're not even going to talk about the fact that you gave me the bracelet that you and her got together?"

his furious eyes softened at her words. "did you do that because you still love her?" she asked , her green eyes pooling with tears. "or is it because you're trying to look for her in me?"

"because trust me Jude , if you are , you're not going to fucking find any of it"

Jude ran his hand down his face. "no , i didn't even think about Eliza when i gave that to you" he spoke. the next thing he saw , was a slipper flying towards him and hitting his arm.

"told you not to say her name around here" Xaila muttered, making sure all the clothes were back into the suitcase.

"i think you need to go" she spoke and he sighed. "what? Xaila , come on. you know mum's going to be angry at us" he trailed off and she scoffed, looking up at him through her curls.

"no , not at us , at you. because what the fuck were you think treating me the way you did tonight?" she asked , her full attention on him now.

"how many fucking times do i need to tell you that it wasn't like that?" he yelledΒ  , trying to make his point clear. they were sure the whole hotel could hear them.

"it sure looked like it was like that , Jude" she said , waving her arms around.

she took a deep breath. "okay , let me give you a scenario" she suggested. Jude's chest was heaving up and down for air as he looked at his girlfriend who was , without a doubt , angry.

Xaila turned to him, clearing her throat. "okay , so boom."

"i invite you out with some of my friends. my ex boyfriend or best friend or whatever the fuck , comes up to us." she started , trying to explain.

"then , i totally ignore you. i don't talk to you or even acknowledge you as my boyfriend, so he obviously thinks he has a chance , right?"

"i don't pay attention to you and i give him all my attention, and i'm ignoring you" she continued to rant , trying to make her point. "i let him touch me around my waist or on my arm , with my boyfriend sitting right next to me. and then you find out that i gave you something that was actually meant for him..."

"how would you feel?' she asked. she crossed her arms together as she waited for an answer. his eyes went to the ground and a sighe escaped his lips.


"how would you feel , Jude?" she asked once again , waiting for his answer. "embarrassed , right?" he nodded his head. "betrayed and angry , right?" he nodded his head once again.

"and you have the audacity to say I'm ridiculous" Xaila let a scoff escaped her lips.

"i think you have to go now" she spoke. a frown was sketched between Jude's eyebrows. "Xaila , I'm sorβ€”"

"no , Jude , just go. you have training and I don't want you to perform bad on the pitch" she spoke , rubbing her eyes. she was so tired. all she wanted to do was sleep.

"Xaila , we can talk about this..." he trailed off and she shook her head. "i just need sleep , Jude. it's all i want"

he sighed, his throat aching. "fine , i'll go. " he grabbed his phone and opened the door , turning around. "i'll see you tomorrow" he said and she hummed , hearing the door closing behind her.

Xaila walked over to the door and locked the door before walking over to the bed. she opened the covers. "Eliza" she mocked under her breath and smacked her teeth.

"pequeΓ±a perra" she muttered and crept under the covers , making sure that it was warm before moving around.

she turned around , putting on some music to help her fall asleep , since her thoughts was still running wild in her head.

Xaila knew that Jude would never cheat , but she had a gut feeling that Eliza was going to be around more often now that she saw Jude again.

