
πŸ“Dortmund , Germany πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ



'only for you , yeah?'


"WELL , WELL , WELL. if it isn't my favourite couple" Mahary said as she spotted Jude and Xaila sitting at one of the tables. she walked closer to them with two menu's in her hands and a smile on her face.

"we're not a couple" Xaila said with a raised brow and Mahary rolled her eyes as she sat the menu's down infront of them.

"what are you guys doing here?" the brown skinned girl asked and Jude looked up. "to eat..." he trailed off and received narrowed eyes from Mahary.

"yes i know that. but why here? missed me?" she asked with a smirk and Xaila nodded her head. "i sure did. come by mine tomorrow night?"Β  Xaila asked , pouting as she looked at her best friend.

"hmmm , i have a date with Gio tomorrow night. but you two can join?" Mahary suggested with a cheeky smile.
Jude looked at Xaila who gave him a look and sighed. "great , we'll be there"

Mahary excitedly clapped her hands. "great. it's at our usual restaurant so just come at 8" she spoke and turn around to leave , leaving the two with their menu's.

Jude shook his head with an amused smile. "that girl is something else" he muttered and Xaila chuckled.

the two scanned their menu's in silence until Jude decided to break it. "heard Uni is ending soon?" he started and she nodded her head. "what are you planning to do?" he asked.

"i don't know yet. i'll probably go back to the US to visit family" she said , the same thing she told Mahary.

"you know...um..." he trailed off and scratched the back of his head. Xaila grew concerned. "what is it?" she asked and he shook his head with a smile. "nothing , it's fine"

Xaila tilted her head. "tell me" she said and he let out a breath. "our last game of the league is next weekend and then we have a two week vacation until International break...if you would like...you could come to England with me?"

Xaila processed his suggestion and before she could say anything , Mahary walked over , interrupting their moment. "ready to order?"

"uhm uh...the regular" she said and MaharyΒ  nodded slowly as she put the order down. "what's the regular?" Jude asked as he cleared his throat.

"chocolate and mint muffins with hot chocolate" Mahary said and the footballer nodded his head before closing his menu and handing it back to the girl.

"then i'll have the same"

Mahary nodded her head and told them she'll be back before walking to the back to get their stuff.

Jude turned his attention back to the girl. "it's okay if you don't want. was just a suggestion" he said with a shrug , feeling a bit sad.

Xaila shook her head , a smile gracing her lips. "no , i'd love to come to England" she said and watched as he began to smile and took her hands in his.


"yes. i've never been before" she said with a shrug and his eyes lit up even more. "then i need to take you around London then"

she smiled and looked down and then felt a kiss pressed to her already warm cheeks. she looked up to see him stretched over and a smile on his lips.

Mahary cane back with their food and set it infront of them. "thanks Mahary" Xaila said and the girl hummed. "and i expect a big tip" she said with narrowed eyes and walked away.

as the two made conversation and ate their food , Jude took out a pair of sunglasses and put it on her eyes , making her frown.

"what's this for?" she asked and he sighed. "there's photographers" he said and she sighed. "but they already know me. they've already seen my face so it doesn't really matter"

"you'rr right" he said and went to take the sunglasses off but she slapped his hand away. "no , these are mine now" she said and he chuckled.

"fine , take it" he said and she hummed. "hmm , not like you don't have thousands of them at home"

as they were done , Xaila took out her purse. "i'll pay" Jude said and she slumped in her chair. "fine , but I'm giving the tip"

they paid and left Mahary her big tip like she asked before saying their goodbyes to their friend and exiting the bakery.

photographers were still taking photos but atleast they weren't that many this time. all Jude wanted , was for the girl to get safely in the car and he did so , before going to his side of the car.

"you okay?" he asked as he buckled himself in and she nodded her head. "always" she replied and took out her phone while Jude reversed the car.

they decided to just drive to Xaila's house to have dinner there. Jude had planned to sleep over since he doesn't have training tomorrow but he know he'd have to ask Xaila first.

the ride was silent , only the sound of a random song blared through the radio. Xaila would often find herself bobbing her head to the unknown tune.

they finally arrived in Xaila's driveway. "can i stay over?" Jude asked as he leaned back in his seat. that question made the girl turn to him.

"don't you have training?" she questioned as her eyebrows furrowed and he shook his head. "cancelled"

Xaila hummed. "sounds good. just let your mom know" she said and grabbed her bag bfore exiting the car , Jude behind her as he texted his mom.

they entered her house and Jude instantly got hit with the warm air. Xaila took off her beanie and jacket and threw it on the couch.

Jude was sitting on the couch , flicking through movies on Netflix when Elmie walked over to him and laid in his lap , purring as she did so.

"i'm gonna change" she said and Jude pouted. "i don't have any clothes here" he realised.

Xaila waved him off and walked to her room and got dressed in her pajama pants and a black zip up hoodie.

she walked downstairs where she just shook her head in confusion when she saw Jude take selfies with Elmie.

"you okay?" she asked with a raised brow and Jude turned around. "just spending time with my bestie" he said , flashing her a smile.

Jude put Elmie beside him and stood up , his eyes raking down her clothes. "cute" he said , pointing to the unicorn pajama pants.

Xaila waved him off and walked towards the front. "let's go get your clothes. we can pick up some dinner on the way too" she suggested.

Jude nodded his head and soon , they were both on the road , towards Jude's house.

Jude had glanced at Xaila's profile every now and then , smiling everytime he did so. she was effortlessly beautiful.

they soon arrived at his house. "hello. i thought you were staying over at Xaila's?" Denise asked Jude as she brought the girl in for a hug.

"yeah , turns out i don't have any clothes" Jude said and they entered the house. Xaila was surprised to see Jobe sitting on the couch , since she thought he went back to England.

Jobe stood up from his seat. "my wife" he said with a wide smile as he wrapped his arms around the smaller girl. "hey Jobe"

"so , you and Jude having a sleepover , tonight?" he asked with a smirk as he bumped his shoulder with hers. Xaila rolled her green eyes with a smile.

"yes , but only to sleep" she said with a pointed look and Jobe put his hands up in surrender. "if you say so."

he walked with her to the couch since Jude was getting his clothes and his parents were in the kitchen. "did Jude ask you yet? to come to England with him?" Jobe asked as he got confortable on the couch.

Xaila nodded her head. "he did" she said and he nudged her in the ribs. "so , we'll see each other there?"

"of course we will"

Jude came back upstairs, sighing as he saw his brother and Xaila in a conversation. "no need to be jealous" Mark laughed as he passed his son and Jude rolled his eyes.

"Pretty? come on" Jude said , waving her over. "pretty" Jobe said as he hummed and looked over at his brother.

Xaila hugged Jobe and his parents before exiting the house with Jude. "should we go get the food?" he asked her as they buckled themselves in.

"of course"

after a while of arguing about what they should eat , Jude and Xaila settled on Mc Donalds.

"happy now?" Jude asked , seeing as he wanted sushi. Xaila smiled cheekily at him. "yes"

he smiled and shook his head as they drove towards Xaila's house. "should we have a High School Musical marathon?" she asked him.

she glanced at him as she scrolled through her phone and he groaned. "no but i know you want to so , i guess"

Xaila excitedly clapped her hands. she had watched High School Musical atleast a hundred times.

it was getting darker when they finally stopped in the girl's driveway. "take the bags , Jude" she said and let him take the two bags while she opened the front door for them.

Jude walked towards the livingroom , putting the bags on the table and Xaila took his bag with clothes.

after putting it in her room , she went downstairs where Jude was sitting on the couch and eating a burger. "traitor. couldn't even wait for me" she scowled and put on the movie.

"stop whining and sit down" Jude wrapped his free hand around her waist and let her fall next to him on the couch. Xaila smiled at his touch and threw the gray fleece blanket over them.

after a couple of hours , they were now on the second movie and Jude was laying on Xaila's chest , his hand under her tshirt on her left boob as she just lightly scratched his scalp.

Xaila felt very comfortable , despite them not being a couple. she didn't even know if he wanted that since he hadn't talk about it or mentioned it yet.

she looked down when she felt his eyes on her and raised a brow. "what's wrong?" he just shrugged at her question.

"i want to get you pregnant"

Xaila gasped and smacked him at the back of his head. "you're crazy , Jude. absolutely crazy" she said and he laughed and pulled her closer to him.

"i'm serious" he whined and she shook her head. "shut up. you're so dirty" she said and he laughed.

"only for you , yeah?"


β€” guys idk should i
continue this book?

β€” also guys i've been a Jude
fan for so long and i had no
idea he had a whole ass girlfriend
this whole time. πŸ’€

β€” but don't worry Jude girlies ,
she's not a mountain, she can be
movedΒ  πŸ₯°

β€” heard they broke up though
and Jude is on a celebrity dating
app 😭

β€” okay bye just wanted to
share that useless information
