Ch 11 β˜†"AN AUTON?"

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"You don't pick who you fall in love with and it never happens like it should"

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IN THE QUIET OF STILLNESS, BELLE CAN ALMOST hear the clogs in the sheriffs mind turning, to be honest Belle is still confused on why she is here, her and Vicki had no form of a relationship (Belle didn't have many relationships. Period.)

A silent sigh escaped the older women's lips as if she too is not quite sure why Belle had been called but proceeded with her job "Did Vicki tell you where she was going?"

Belle's eyebrow rose slightly, she felt the sheriff already knew the answer, so the fact she had asked the question puzzled the redhead "I don't talk to Vicki, or anyone really..." Belle murmured trailing off at the end upon noticing the look of pity Liz had on her facial features.

"Are you still getting bullied Belle?" Liz Forbes was one of the few individuals in this god awful town that didn't let terms of social status, heritage or weight effect her opinions on a person, which was a total contrast to her daughter.

Belle awkwardly shuffled in her seat, her doe brown eyes glued to the floorboards, while her hands fidgeted with denim on her dungarees. "Can I please go home?"

Once again the stillness returns, nothing being heard but the ticking of the clock and the sound on the clogs in Liz's head. After a long moment, she released a dejected sigh, running her hand down her tiresome face before painting a small smile on her lips "Yeah. I suppose you can."

A thankful smile makes its way to the redhead lips before she rises heading towards the door intending to depart only to stop upon hearing her name pass the elders lips "Be careful, Belle"

Belle cringes at the irony. As of late Belle had been swimming in the deep end and she was certain she was a breaststroke away from drowning. Being careful would have been staying in the shallow end but of course Belle has gone to deep to swim back.

But despite all that, her lips tilt up, her head bobs slightly as she pushes up her glasses "I am always am Sheriff.

(liar liar, vampires ass on fire!)

'I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE YOU TO FILL THE EMPTY PARTS OF ME' The sound of her mother's huffing makes Belle part away from her book that perched on her lap "You're wallowing" Belle mutters pushing her glasses back to their rightful spot.

Jenna doesn't even look her way, yet she mutters back just as harshly "Yeah, well so are you." She bites back. The sommers women although often give the illusion that they were strong and tough, secretly they were fragile like mosaics made of broken pieces, often having to stick each other together again.

"Well, Logan's a jerk" Logan, an apparent love interest for her mother to which Belle had no idea about, had left town abruptly no explanation or goodbye in his wake.

"Can you two keep it down, I'm trying to do homework." As if someone had called wolf, Jenna and her daughter looked at each other in pure disbelief before snapping their heads to the young boy

"Did you just say you're doing homework?" Belle inquired. Jeremy sighed in annoyance rolling his eyes "Yeah, I'm way behind and I need to finish it."

The redhead gaped, rubbing her eyes as though she was dreaming. Her mother mirrored her actions "Finate Incantatem." Belle muttered before turning to her mother "Mom it's not a spell."

"Prehaps it's an Alien.Like something from Doctor who." Jenna replies her eyes still locked on to her nephew whose eye twitched slightly from the comment. "An Auton prehaps."

"He can hear you!" Jeremy mutters yet a ghost of a smile lingers on his lips. Jenna and Belle giggled and all that was bad was forgotten.

LATER THAT NIGHT BELLE HAD AWAKENED TO THE SOUND OF SOFT SNIFFING. Flustered and scared she put on her glasses and flicked on her bedside light. Shock coursed through her upon seeing none other than Stefan Salvatore hunched over.

Cautiously Belle moved towards him, the image of Damon snapping Vicki'a neck flashing through her mind briefly. Only to remind herself that this was Stefan, her best friend, he would never willingly hurt her.

"What's wrong BooBear?"

"He killed her, Peaches. Damon killed her." All hope for Damon vanished as Belle held her broken best friend in her arms, rubbing soothing circles on her hand.

(Damn why do I fall for the bad guys)

(This was short, but my hands are killing me. Maybe I'll update tomorrow, we'll see)
