゚: *✧ο½₯゚:* ✧ο½₯゚: *✧

"she loved me for the dangers i had passed, and i loved her that she did pity them"
゚: *✧ο½₯゚:* ✧ο½₯゚: *✧

BELLE HUMMED QUIETLY AS SHE DOODLED on her history book (not that Alaric was boring her, she just had other things on her mind), her lips twitching upwards slightly as she doodled a vamped out Damon on the margin.

damn i got it bad, don't I?

"Miss Sommers" The sound of Ric's voice snapped her out of her daydream. "Are you staying her for lunch, again?" While Belle had gained some friends that viewed her for herself and not her weight, the rest of Mystic Falls had stuck to their backwards view of the world.

Ever since the pie incident and Tanner's death, Belle had been spending her lunch indoors with her new teacher. The redhead smiled sheepishly "If you don't mind Mr. Saltzman."

Alaric gave the girl a small smile grabbing a chair and sitting across from her "First of all out of class, call me Ric. And second of all you're always welcome in my presence."

She giggled and began to launch into her discussion of her new book, her mind successfully distracted from the raven haired vampire that haunted it.

"Well this one is about two lovers in fair Verona."

"Sounds boring."

BELLE INHALED DEEPLY AS HER CLENCHED FIST tapped on the Forbes residence door. It swung open and standing there in all her blonde glory was Caroline Forbes.

The blonde sneered at the redhead "You're here for the dresses right?" To scared to speak in case she would upset the perky cheerleader, Belle simply nodded. Caroline disappeared and
reentered with a small bad in her hand "Don't get used to this big belle, just doing my charity .If you're going to the dance you should actually wear something that makes you look pretty." She snarled pushing the bag into the freckled girls outstretched hands and slamming the door in her face.

thank you?

Belle sighed and shook her head with a small smile. That had to be the nicest Caroline had been to her since middle school. She placed the package in her backpack and got ready to mount her bike, when her phone suddenly rang.

Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion upon not recognising it but netherless she answers it, in apprehension "Hello?"

"Hello Belle" A eerie voice emits from the phone speaker causing the girl to shuffle uncomfortably "Who is this?"

"You hit me with your car." Belle released a small gasp and struck herself gently in the forehead "Oh my god, I forgot I was gonna make Stefan cookies for totalling his car." She then beamed down the phone "Thank you random stranger!"

"Wait, what?" The stranger asks confused as to why the redhead wasn't freaking out. Said redhead giggled excitedly muttering about making 'the best cookies that BooBear had ever eaten' before ending the call and hiking her bike.

"BOOBEAR!" BELLE YELLED COMING into the Salvatore household only for her voice to disappear when she saw her distraught cousin in his arm. Immediately she dropped her cookies and her large grin had slipped away from her lips.

"What happened." Upon hearing her cousins voice Elena rushed without warning into her cousins arms, kissing her cheeks "You're okay Belle. Thank god your okay." Belle smiled wrapping her hands around her cousin "I don't know what's going on but I haven't got a hug from you in about a year. So I'm going to savour this moment."

"A vampire called her this morning." Stefan's solemn tone of voice caused the blissful redhead to snap towards the tanned vampire "He said he was going to finish you off" Belle tilted her head reminding Stefan of a lost puppy "Like in mortal Kombat?"

Elena ignored her cousin and turned to her boyfriend in desperation "I don't understand what's the point of calling her?"

"That's because we're predators, Elena. We hunt. We stalk. It's often as exciting as the kill"

"She's gonna be okay right" Elena inquired both the doppelgΓ€nger and the vampire looking at the girl who was now muttering 'finish her' in a deep voice under her breath.

They both withheld chuckles and Stefan let a genuine smile overtake him (one that appeared whenever she was around) "I'm not going to let anything hurt her, Elena"

BELLE WALKED OUT OF ELENA'S BATHROOM self consciously adjusting her dress. Elena sighed softly seeing her cousin from her peripheral vision "You look lovely Belle."

A soft pink dusted the girls cheeks and she let out a small mutter of thanks while grabbing her book bag. Her brunette cousin raised an eyebrow "Why are you bringing books to a dance."

Belle scowled at her as they both descended down the stairs "Listen if your making me come to this dance, let me at least bring my fictional date ,Thomas Shelby."

"Alright but if you start slow dancing with your book. I'm out." Bella giggled while pushing the brunette playfully their moment came to an end upon hearing the soft ping of Elena's phone.

"It's Stefan he said he's on her way." Belle nodded gently, awkward silence filling the once happy atmosphere. Elena's loud gasp fills the silence. To Elena's horror, on the ceiling, lay a black clad vampire looking at Belle.

Upon noticing her cousins quiteness Belle looked up "El?"

"Belle move!" Upon Elena's scream, the black clad vampire jumps down and grabs the redhead causing a loud scream to elicit from the girl. Like a knight in bloody armour Stefan swooped in successfully throwing the vampire off.

Belle flailed clumsily from the sudden movements and landed in an undignified heap on the floor. A sudden force lifts her up and she's surprised to see her favourite raven haired vampire (who had been on his way to surprise the redhead anyway) "You okay, Princess?"

"Hi" she whispered in a daze. Damon chuckled placing her carefully on the couch with his arm over her shoulder, smirking when she voluntarily leaned in.

His cold mask then made it's appearance his head snapping to the doppelgΓ€nger, ignoring his brothers glare, he inquired "How'd he get in." His tone was sharp, clearly he wasn't happy with what had just occurred and blamed Elena.

A breathy sigh escaped the doppelgΓ€nger "He was invited in."

"Did he say what he wanted." Elena raised an eyebrow ad looked at the vampire as he had lost a brain cell "No he was too busy trying to kill my cousin. Sorry we couldn't sit and chat with him."

Stefan who had somehow found himself on the other side of the redhead, their arms holding each other (much to Damon's dislike) attempted to diffuse the tension filled atmosphere "And you have no idea who this is?" He said raising an eyebrow at the elder Salvatore.

"No" Damon sneered "Don't look at me like that I told you we had company." Stefan sighs removing a hand from Belle and rubbing down his face "Damon, he was invited in."

Damon turned to the redhead who had been quiet all this time, his voice loosing it's cold edge "Are you okay? Princess you've been really quiet."

Instead of breaking down like most of them expected the redhead to do (Stefan already learnt to expect the unexpected with Belle Sommers) she instead let a giddy smile take over her lips "Does that mean I don't have to go to this dance and can spend my night with Mr.Shelby"

Stefan turned the redhead around to face him "Do you understand the gravity of the situation."

Belle's face dropped and she faced the vampire with a serious expression, one he hadn't seen her wear since they met "You said you won't let anything happen to me right?"

Stefan nodded hesitantly sharing a look with Elena. "Yeah."

"Well then I completely trust you! So let's have some fun tonight, and go to this stupid dance." She finished off beaming at the forest eyed vampire. Her contagious smile caused the other three to share their own.

Damon shaking his head as he grabbed the redheads hand and began bringing her to his car (fully intending to be her date for tonight) " You really are a peculiar girl, Belle Sommers."

Belle's face exploded and she looked at the ground.


Comfortable silence filled the two as the walked slowly to his car (which Damon had parked farther away from the house in order to spend more time with the girl)


"Yeah Dames?"

"Who is Mr.Shelby and should I be worried?"

FOR AS LONG AS SHE COULD REMEMBER CAROLINE FORBES HAD PASSIONATE HATRED for Belle Sommers it all went back to kindergarten, where her mother would not stop preaching about the beautiful redhead that she met in the library.

Although she would never admit it out loud, Belle Sommers entered the decade dance looking like a true goddess. Her shoulder red mane had been tousled lightly and her yellow dress painted her figure beautifully.The blondes eyes moved towards the Salvatore that was by her side.

And instead of the hurt she expected to feel, Caroline felt happy. For what reason? She wasn't entirely sure but prehaps it had to do with the fact that Belle Sommers was happier than she had been in a long time. And for some reason that didn't bother Caroline like it used to.

And that terrified her.

"What's he doing here?"Bonnie sneers looking at the raven haired beauty who was trying to feed the redhead next to him a strawberry, to which she refused (after glancing briefly at the skinny blonde watching her) Elena sighed resting her head tiredly on her best friend.

"He won't leave Belle alone, he's infatuated with her and it's really creepy."

Bonnie hummed narrowing her dark stormy pools at the couple who was trying to tickle each other (well more Belle trying to find out if Damon is a ticklish as her, much to his amusement) "Does she like him?"

The brunette Gilbert sighed "I hope not. Belle's sweet sometimes too sweet and Damon... is Damon. If she falls for him I might have to step in. For her own benefit of course, I can't stand the thought of her being hurt."

And as Caroline listened to the Gilbert girl's answer, for the once in her high school life she couldn't help but wish Elena Gilbert would mind her business and leave Belle Sommers alone.

BELL LIKE GIGGLES ESCAPED THE REDHEAD AS her date spun her around. Damon's grin out matches her own as he wraps his arms around her waist and brings her smaller frame into his chest.

a rose petaled blush sat upon her cheeks as she excused herself to gather a drink. Only to be stopped by a hand on her shoulder, curiously she turns around "Hm, excuse me are you-" Her words die out as her captors irises grow in size "You'll follow me and not make a sound."

A monotone voice soon repeats the words and it takes her a little wide to realise it's her own. Like a puppet Belle follows, the black clad man. He stops in the school canteen, a pathological grin overtaking his previous frown as he traced her cheek with a finger "I've wanted to have a taste of you for a while."

He leans in slowly, his fangs almost reaching their expected spot. Unable to do anything else Belle closed her eyes.

"Hey dickhead!"Damon's voice makes her eyes fling open and if she were able to do so right now she would scream with glee, she watched with sick fascination as her best friend and his brother brought the unknown vampire to his knees.

"Why are you doing this." Stefan questions holding the make shift stake in his arms. The same pathological grin is shown on the vampire "Because she's so much fun to play with. I've never had pray like her before, so pure, so naive-" before the vampire can utter another word Damon grabs the stake from his brother and shoved into the vampire mercilessly.

The compulsion now worn off, Belle released a little shriek as the grey corpse fell by her feet. Not remorseful at all Damon simply shrugs at his brother's disappointment "What. He was talking about my girl as if she was some toy. You we're going to finish him off anyway. I just beat you too it."

Stefan sighed but agreed internally with his brother's statement. He turned to his best friend "You okay peaches?"

"I know I should have stayed in with Thomas."

(okay so horrible ending but my hands hurt and i feel really shitty and tired so here y'all are. I hope you love belle as much as I do!)

QOTC; do you think there's another reason why the vampire had a particular interest in bby Belle?
