chapter five: weird nights.

Melanie sat with Ash in the back room of the store while Fez sat by the cash register, Faye sat on top of the ice cream freezer, and Lexi stood with her hands behind her back as she spoke to Fez.

"I think they like each other or something because they are kinda awkward." Melanie stated and Ash laughed. "Shut up, I'm tryna hear them." Ash nudged his sister. "Hear what? Them talking about something to drink?" Melanie laughed, Ash laughed along.

Fez offered to help Lexi look for any drink she wanted, it was cute, but it made Melanie laugh. "Even I can talk better with boys than Fez talking to Lexi." Melanie joked, Ash sent her a glare. "Don't say that." Ash said, he didn't like the thought of her having a boyfriend. He says it because 'you can't trust anyone these days' but, Melanie thinks its because he's jealous that he's gonna be replaced by Melanie's new "favorite person" but Ash would always be her favorite person. "It's true, I met this boy named Elliot-and please don't do that stalker shit where you find him on Instagram and try scaring him away." Melanie said.

She found it funny how she had to even tell her little brother not to try to scare a boy off she spoke about. "You're the first person I spoke to about Elliot, I trust that you won't fuck things up for me." She pointed at him. "Alright." He shrugged. "I'm serious, Ashtray." She warned. "Damn, I said alright, Mel." He raised his hands in defense. She nodded as she focused back on the conversation that was happening between Fez and Lexi. But before she could make another smart comment a familiar man with grey hair walked into the store.

"What the hell?" Melanie mumbled to herself. Everyone grew quiet as they watched the man walk around. Melanie could barely even hear what the Fez and the man were saying to each other because they were talking so low, besides, she was too busy watching Cal like a hawk to even care about the words that came out of his mouth.

Once his hand went in his pocket, she tensed up. Making eye contact with Fez. Fez then looked at Ash, and Ash got up, walked over to the cereal box and grabbed the gun inside.

The brown girl held her breath watching as Cal's hand retracted from his pocket, he pull out a twenty dollar bill and placed it on the counter and walked out of the store. Melanie's body relaxed as she groaned. "The people in this town, man. I hate it here sometimes." She shook her head in disbelief, watching as Ash placed the gun back inside of the cereal box.


"So basically she asked you if you liked Rue, then asked you if you wanted to fuck Rue?" Melanie cocked her head as she questioned the boy, he nodded. "Yeah, and that basically led to talking about sex-and how many guys she's fucked...it was weird. Like, really weird. But I guess we're friends now." Elliot shrugged. "You guess?" Melanie was confused by what went down while she was at the store.

"Yeah, I mean, I told her I wanted to be friends with her. She didn't mind." He said and the girl nodded. "So, you met Jules. That's nice..I guess." Melanie shrugged, she didn't know why, but she felt jealous. Not only that, she was still questioning why exactly was she mad at Jules.

Not only did Jules leave Rue to cry on Melanie's shoulder for weeks, but she also fucked over their friendship and tried talking to her the other day like nothing happened.

You see, Jules and Melanie got close, Rue actually made the two get close. She'd always say 'I want my best friend and girlfriend to be close friends.' It was something along those lines, so Melanie and Jules gladly got to know each other and they all started hanging out everyday.

The girls were like the three musketeers, that was until Jules disappeared and blocked Melanie's number after Melanie tried calling her. Melanie was only calling Jules to see what Rue meant by 'she left me' but right after that first call, she was blocked. And it threw Melanie off and made her feel a certain way ever since.

"What's wrong?" It was like Elliot could sense whenever she was upset. The girl shrugged as she mindlessly played with her earring whilst staring down at the bed. "I just feel like I'm the only person who hasn't forgave Jules completely. It's like, the moment she came back everyone was so quick to continue their friendship with her. No questions, no worries, nothing at all. I guess I'm sensitive, but when she left and blocked me that shit really hurt my feelings. She had me thinking that I wasn't a good friend or whatever. And I just can't seem to forgive her..and maybe that's because she hasn't even apologized to me. But it's fine, I'll get over it." Melanie finally looked up from the bed and smiled sadly. "I've learned how to get over a lot of things." She grabbed her phone. Elliot reached over and grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers.

"Yeah, that does sound fucked up...If it makes you feel any better, I won't ever disappear and block you." This made Melanie laugh. "You sure do know how to make me laugh, huh?" She scoffed. "It's one of my many talents." He shrugged.

"Anyway, this has been a weird night for both of us, I'm glad I got to talk to you before I could go to bed." Melanie said as she laid on her back, their fingers still intertwined, mindlessly.

"Oh yeah? How was your night weird?" Elliot raised his eyebrow as he followed her position, laying on his back. "This guy..Nate's dad came to my family's store tonight. And I'm pretty sure that guy lives on the other side of town with all the rich people." She said, looking over at Elliot."Was it because of what happened at the New Years party?" He asked. "Yeah, it had to be, I didn't hear what he was saying to Fez, but I knew it had to be about Nate. Because why else would he be there? Not only that, it was just a bunch of intense stares and I thought some other shit was about to go down. And Faye didn't seemed bothered by a thing. She's probably used to this shit." She laughed. "Shit just get crazier everyday for you. I could listen to you talk for hours-and who is this Faye person?" Elliot smiled at her. His comment made the girl's stomach flutter but she ignored it. "Faye is this guy's girlfriend. She'll be staying with us for some time, I don't know how long-but, uh, she's cool." Melanie nodded, Elliot smiled once he got an idea.

"This may seem random, but do you wanna spend a night?" Elliot asked.

edited: yessss😭🫢🏽
