chapter four: two blondies.

After leaving Elliot's, Melanie had spent all night taking down her braids. They were getting old and she wanted to enter school with a new hairstyle. It was only her natural hair down and out with her curls frame her face, but it was still a different hairstyle. Melanie made sure to wear a cute but simple outfit: a tank top with a fishnet black long sleeve shirt on top, pants, and black and white vans. She made sure to keep a sweater in her backpack for if she got cold.

The girl snapped out of thought as she realized they were parked in front of the school.

"See you later, Fez." She spoke as she got out of the car. "See you, Mel." He called out and she chuckled to herself as she walked into the school. She disliked school, not because of the teens, but the teachers. She'd rather be back at home or at the store, dealing with grouchy people who looked like they woke up around the afternoon. As she walked down the hall, she mindlessly thought about how she didn't even want to look or hear a teacher's voice today. They were so unintentionally annoying to her, and she disliked the way they taught the class.

"Hey, Lanie." The familiar voice snapped her out of thought as she stopped in her tracks and turned around. "Elliot, you're here." She laughed as ran up to him pulled him into a hug. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He laughed as he wrapped his arms around her. "Because I-yeah that was stupid to say, wasn't it? Fuck, I'm just tired, I was up all night taking down my braids." She muttered as they pulled away from their hug, she stopped herself from rubbing her eye because she remembered that she had on make up. "Well, I think you look pretty and I like your hair." He said.

Melanie's POV

Those sly-little fucking compliments.

"Thank you." I smiled up at him. "Oh-there's Rue, let's go." I said once I spotted my best friend. Elliot followed behind me as we made our way to Rue. I then noticed Jules, she chopped her hair. Now, I would say it looked good, but I'm slightly upset with her and I'll admit that I'm being petty and don't even want to compliment her.

"Yo, Rue. What's going on?" Elliot asked. "Hey." Rue said awkwardly, I almost cringed. "Hi." Jules spoke softly, her eyes adverted to mines, softly waving. I didn't wanna be rude, so I waved back.

Jules was acting as if nothing ever happened, as if she didn't leave Rue. Rue spent almost everyday in my room crying to me about how much she missed Jules, and now that Jules was back, it was like everything went back to normal.

"Hi." Elliot said to Jules. "Nothing." Rue answered awfully late.

I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't, it was getting a little too awkward. And if I were to laugh, things would've gotten way more awkward than it already is.

Im just gonna keep my mouth closed.

"I'm Jules." She spoke. "Sorry-this is Jules.." Rue awkwardly introduced the girl. "Hey, I'm Elliot. Nice to meet you." He said. "Sorry, introductions are usually very, um, overwhelming and debilitating for me...at least." Rue spoke, I dropped my head in embarrassment.

Fucking hell, Rue.

"Uh, so, how do you know Elliot?" Jules asked. The two stayed quiet for a second, I don't know why I'm even standing here, but I just can't seem to walk away. The awkwardness was sort of intriguing. "We met on New Years." Elliot spoke truthfully. Rue pulled about fifty facial expressions in one, soon playing it off like she remembered. "Oh shit. Yeah, that was it..New Years. That's...that's where we met." Rue nodded, I watched as they all looked at each other, making me cringe more. Rue then looked over at me.

Was I supposed to speak up or something? Rue's looking at me like she needs me to speak up...

"Jules is my girlfriend." Rue stated while nodding. "Wow, I didn't know you were, uh-" Jules spoke before Elliot could even finish his sentence. "Im a relationship?" Jules asked, she wanted to cry, I could tell.

"Um, it was nice to meet you, uh, I'll see you later Rue. It was nice seeing you again, Melanie." Jules said as she walked away. "Nice to meet you!" Elliot called. "Nice seeing you too." I said. "I love you, bye." Rue said.

"That was awkward." Elliot stated. "Yeah it was, it was so awkward I was afraid to speak. I'm gonna go find my locker..I'll see you two later." I spoke as I quickly walked away.

Find my locker? Really?

Narrator's POV

Elliot watched as the girl walked away, he looked back over to Rue. "What was that?" Elliot pointed towards Melanie who was walking away. "She hates when things are awkward, but she can never find a way to escape the situation fast enough. She's been like that since I've known her. She's an awkward person." Rue shrugged, it was true. Melanie always found herself in awkward situations and could never find a way out because she was either intrigued or just too embarrassed to leave. Either way, she just needed to get to class.


After school came around faster than Melanie thought. She had found out that she had three classes with Elliot and two with Jules. But who she had classes with weren't her worries anymore, her worry was why her brother wasn't out in front of the school to pick her up, or why he wasn't answering her calls.

She pursed her lips as she went through her backpack, grabbing her sweater and searching for her house keys, which she didn't find.

How the fuck did I leave them?

She thought as she put on her jacket and started her way back to the apartment. The whole walk home she thought of how she wanted to cuss her brother out for not even answering her calls. Melanie was worried about him, because being a drug dealer was super dangerous and you never know what could go wrong.

By the time she made it back, she was banging on the door, standing with her hands in her sweater pockets. After a couple of seconds the door opened revealing someone she's never seen before.

"Umm, hi?" It was more of a question when she said it. "Hi, you're Melanie right?" She asked, all Melanie did was nod, she was too taken aback to answer. "Yeah, Fez mentioned you.." She talked slowly as she opened the door. "Yeah, well, Fez never mentioned you, I'm confused by this." Melanie squinted her eyes as she walked past the girl, the blonde girl closed the door behind them as Melanie turned around to look at her. The teenager was confused to why a random blonde haired girl was in their apartment opening their door as if it was her place.

"Yeah, I just got here. I'm Faye. I'll be staying with you guys for a while." She smiled softly. "And where is Fez?" Melanie cocked her head, smiling awkwardly back at the girl. "He said that he'll be back. He said something about a store?" She questioned. "And what about Ash?" Melanie asked. "In there." Faye pointed towards his room. Melanie nodded as she slowly walked away, soon speeding towards Ash's room.

She knocked on the door, hearing Ash call out 'come in.' Which she gladly did and closed the door behind herself quickly. "Who the fuck is Faye and why is she in our house?" Melanie whispered as she pointed back towards the door. "That's Custer's girl, she'll be staying with us cause she did some shit. I don't know." Ash shrugged as he continued to scroll on his phone again. "What the hell, today I had two awkward moments with two blondies." Melanie said, which caused Ash to look at her weirdly. "What? You try being in a shit ton of awkward situations today. I'm taking a nap." Melanie walked out of his room, going to hers.

edited: yes🫢🏽
