✧ | 8

chapter 8.
[ triggers ]


I look around the room, realizing that I was still at Ranboo's house.

"shit." I mumble, getting up and running down the stairs.

Ranboo was sitting on the couch. "oh, good morning."

"what the fuck do you mean good morningβ€” why didn't you wake me up when i fell asleep?"

"you'd get mad at me if i woke you up. plus, you looked peaceful."

"now i'm too tired to walk back to my house." I mumble. "what's today?"

"tuesday." He replies.

"don't we have school?" I asked.

"yeah, but we don't have class in an hour so we're fine."

"ranboo." I mutter, looking at him.

"hm?" Ranboo hums as he turns over to me. "no."

"why?" I said.

"no, you aren't skipping school again." He spoke.


"fine, but if you're not going then i'm not going." He says.

"no. you're going." I sit down next to him.

"okay. i'm going but you're coming with me." Ranboo wouldn't give up.

"fine." I lean my head on his arm.

I lifted my head when I hear light tapping hit the window. The raindrops lay there on the window, some sliding down, some staying still. I watched as more drops of rain splashed onto the clear window. Together they made such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit beautiful.


"yeah?" He says the word in a hum kind of way.

I spoke. "i don't think i can go."

"why not?" Ranboo questions.

"it's raining and i forgot my hoodie at home." I look back down at my lap.

"oh? well, you could take my hoodie if you want."

"what? what about you? you'd be freezing." I query.

"i have extra hoodies in my closet." He stated as he took off his hoodie and gave it to me.

I put the hoodie on, it was a bit big but I liked it. I flapped around the sleeves a little.

"your valentines gift, i guess.." He jokes.

I faint smile comes on my face, although I kmew he was joking so I didn't bother replying.

Ranboo put the hood up onto my head. "why do you look a quite different. you looked different yesterday too."

I slightly frowned. "is it because my hairs down? i can put it up into a bun if you want." I grab the hair tie that was wrapped around my wrist.

"no," He puts the hair tie back on my wrist. "i meant it in a positive way."

"oh.." I whisper to myself.

"i'm going to go get another hoodie and we could head to school." Ranboo walks up the stairs.

I looked down at the hoodie, when I first put it on it felt as the hoodie hugged me like the same way Ranboo did. It brought me that same sense of safety. I felt more calm with this hoodie, it made me feel as I was in a place of comfort, regardless of the world around me.

I slowly made my way over to the window, opening it a bit.

The air breeze tousled my hair. The washing of the rain and a sweet, steady sense of joy was carried with the fragrance of the earth.

The soothing sound of the rain now sounded like a lullaby, not the ones that give off a wave of creepy vibes, but the one that gives you a comforting delight. I couldn't tell if the delight was from the hoodie or from the rain.

The fresh air filled my lungs, coming with a sense of calm. The air was almost sweet and floral as the pace of living relaxes to a steadier rhythm. As I breathe the image of waves gently rising over wet sands comes to my thoughts, and with them the sound of water splashing into each other. There was something soothing about the sound of the crystal blue ocean waves, the smell of salt water, and the feeling of the sand beneath your toes.

As my mind reached the meditative state that I usually get, I couldn't help but imagine and hear the sound similar to the waves crashing gently on the beach. The repetitive sound that was created as a result of my rhythmic breaths and ears being submerged in salt water instantly putting me at ease.

When you first step onto the warm beach sand and allow your lungs to he filled with that salty misty air. I got the fresh air of the rain and the misty air mixed up.

That's when Ranboo tapped my shoulder, bringing me back into nothing but reality.

"lorelai. is everything alright?"

"yeah." I answer, nodding my head.

"i'm always here if you need to vent."Β  He pats my head.

I mumble. "liar."


"uh- i said, it's fine. i was just in my imagination." I mendaciously said.

He hums in response. "mm. lorelai, just tell me if you need another hug."

I sigh as I turn back around to close the window, I did need one but I didn't ask for it.

I turned back around, Ranboo was still there. I looked up at him, immediately looking back down.

I was going to walk away, but instead I embraced him into a hug.

He did the action back, just with a sense of more passion.

I put my arms down and grabbed my backpack.

"are you ready to go now?" I asked Ranboo.

"mhm." He grabbed an umbrella.

"hold on, i've always wanted to do this."

Ranboo raised an eyebrow at me. "do what?"

"this." I touch his hair, feeling as if it was snow. "what the fuckβ€” you weren't lying when it felt fluffy."

He laughed. "why would i lie about that."

"well, i don't know."

We both walked out of the house as the umbrella flicked open, Ranboo putting it above our heads.

Upon the umbrella was the rhythm of the rain, each drop a clear beat. There was something about being underneath the umbrella that it made me feel as if I were flying instead of walking.

I watched as Ranboo's fingers tightened around the curved plastic handle of the umbrella as I leaned my head onto his arm.

I let myself watch the drops cascade from the umbrella rim as pretty as any waterfall. The water playing with the cloud-filtered light.

[ time skip ]

"bye, i'll see you at period 2 and 4." I give him a small wave with the sleeves of his hoodie I was wearing.

He returned the wave back and headed to his class.

I exhaled as I saw Jayde and Leilani at my table.

"oh, hey lorelai!" Jayde laughed.

"bye." I sat down in my chair.

"we're still hβ€”" Leilani's sentemce got cut off by the teachers.

"jayde. leilani. your desks."

They both groaned. "fine."

They sat down at there desks, I looked back at them as a mischievous smirk snuck onto my face.

Leilani infuriatingly rolled her eyes as Jayde gave me a grimacing scowl at me.

I turned my head back to the white board.

[ time skip ]

I unlock my locker and swing it open, putting in my books from the previous class and getting my new books.

I felt someone take the hood off my head behind me.

I turned around as I shut the door of my locker, finding Ranboo behind me.

"hm."Β  I hummed as I put the hood back on my head.

"comfortable?" He asks.

"yeah, only because its oversize on me."

Ranboo raised an eyebrow, taking it as an insult "oh?"

"i'm kidding. it would've still been comfortable even if it wasn't oversized for me." I chuckled.

Someone taps my shoulder, I turn my head to them. It was a girl who had short hair, her hair was brown but had burgundy highlights.

"hi!" She greets.

I don't respond, all I did was get behind Ranboo and hug his arm.

I couldn't tell if she was going to bully me or actually socialize with us.

"hello." Ranboo said with his normal monotone voice.

"oh- whatβ€” your voice is deep."

Ranboo sighs. "mhm."

"i like your voice, ranboo." I mutter to him.

"aw." The girl smiles. "i assume you guys are dating, right?"

"no." Ranboo shook his head and turned to look at ne. "i'm going to head to class now because she looks like she wants to talk to you, tell me if something happens."

My mouth opened as if I was going to say something, but I never did and just nodded my head.

"bye!" The girl waves as we watch Ranboo go to our next class.

She turns back around and looks around us like if she was checking if there was anyone around us. "okay, i know you like ranboo but back off. he's mine."

"did he ever say that? no, i don't think so."

"soon he will." She furiously said.

I walked past her, heading to my next class but she harshly brushed her shoulders against mine as she walked past me, making me drop my books.

"motherfucker." I mumbled as I picked up my books and walked into the classroom.

I sat down in my chair and placed down my books, leaning my arm on the table and using my hand to support my head.

Ranboo tapped my shoulder, making me turn my head to look at him.

"what happened?" He mouthed.

I shook my head and grabbed a sticky note.

I wrote, 'i wanna skip school and go to the shop'. I handed the paper over to him.

He handed the paper back to me, the words 'why? what happened?', written on it.

'nothing :(' I spelt and gave him the note.

He gave the note back to me, I read the words; 'we can skip school tomorrow :]'

I smiled at him and he returned it back as I nodded my head.

[ time skip ]
[ messages ]


ur research is wrong

but lets make google
change the 'wrong' to

also did you just tell
the teacher you needed
to go to the bathroom
just to send me this

stop it was a

oh :(






wait no :[

chapter 8.
[ words ]
