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Her eyes began to slightly open as the sun made it through her long red curtains splashing her room with a lively vibe making her sit up and stretch her arms up while breathing in the fresh morning.

While breathing out a sudden painful whine from beside her made her jump.

She moved closer to him as she caressed his soft cheek.

"Hey, Nathan are you alright." She whispered softly as the sight of him sleeping made her heart melt.

His closed eyes kept on twitching and shutting tightly as she figured that he was having a nightmare.

Nathan started to gasp for air making it clear to her that this was more serious than some usual nightmare.

"Nathan wake up wake up!" Marieta shook him in her arms, his gasps become more desperate as if his lungs had given up on him.

His eyes shot wide open almost falling out of his head they were teary red the veins popped out more than normal.

He continued to grasp for air even fully awake as Marieta tried to talk to him.

"Everything is okay your awake I'm here" she held him in her arms as their bodies radiated warmth from the touch.

"What happened" she looked deeply into his tired eyes.

"He tried to kill me he was choking me and-"

"Who tried to kill you!?"

"The boy, he had these piercing blue eyes that starred into my soul and blonde curly hair He started to choke me as he repeated himself growling at me " She's mine shes mine!"

"It's okay it was just a nightmare" she hoped as she placed her hand on his arm.

"It felt so real..."

"Oh please, you know damn right I wouldn't let anything happen to you plus you're also immortal so really nothing can happen to you." She giggled making him join.

"Marieta you're precious ." He looked into her hazel eyes as she stared into his, she did want him but the feeling inside wouldn't let her. That constant feeling of guilt really got to her, it was as if she was cheating on someone but who? She was single as a Pringle so why was this feeling so wrong when she was with him?

Her eyes trailed on the floor refusing to look at him any longer as her feelings just got overwhelming. She could feel his emotions drop from ten to zero. Nathan knew when someone didn't want him but that wasn't the case.

Marieta did feel something towards him but there was a blockage between her and her feelings.

"I better get going then" Nathan said snapping her eyes back to his.

Marieta didn't hesitate and ran to hug him before his presence left the door and all she could do is blame herself.

He hugged her back even tighter like there was no tomorrow.

She looked him in his sad eyes as she said " if that guy starts choking you again tell him I'm on my way to beat his ass" she said in her most convincing voice making him chuckle.

"I will, don't worry" he winked at her and with that he left her room as she sat on her bed with a sigh.

She sat there for a minute just thinking about her encounter with the mysterious devilish boy in her vision. Even though his face didn't reveal to her she was pleased to at least have seen his kissable lips. There was just something about him that was luring. She had so many questions why did Cordelia call him the next supreme? Why did she lie about that only women can be supremes? Why couldn't she just forget about him?

All these questions and thoughts led her to think about him even more making her heart crave him desperately. Her head started to throb as her eyes rolled at the back of her head.

She was in her visions...again.

Marieta found herself walking through a store, furrowing a brow at the people around her they looked so drained and...robotic?

"Hello Madison" she heard a man say.

Madison? I swear she's one of Cordelia's girls.

Marieta walked closer to where the voice was coming from. Now in front of them both she continued to observe the scene that was happening in front of her.

"You're a snack" Madison winked earning a smirk from the man that Marieta was craving like crazy.

What's going on? What is this place?

Marieta walked in front of the mysterious boy, tears running down her cheeks, she knew this was stupid to cry over someone you never met but she felt betrayed as if he was her only source of happiness and that being taken away from her made her feel empty.

Marieta turned around to face Madison glaring at her with hatred clenching her jaw as a painful desire wanting to see her burn made her blood boil.

She clenched her fist just to open it wide again causing the fire to engulf Madison as she enjoyed seeing her flesh burn into ashes. A sick idea popped in her head making her grin.

"Time to vacuum" Marieta snapped her fingers making a vacuum cleaner appear in front of her.


She vacuumed Madisons irrelevant burnt ashes as she continued to devilishly laugh.

After she finished cleaning up her little mess Marieta turned back to the boy who she was crazy for.

"So do you like her now?" She quipped.

Marieta knew he wouldn't respond because this was just in her head this was a freaking vision! sadly she hasn't actually burned Madison in the real life. Suddenly the place started to shake uncontrollably causing her to fall hard to the ground.

An evil presence brushed upon her whole body making her paralysed, this feeling was familiar but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"You're surely a crazy one, keep that up" Marieta looked around to see where the deep voice was coming from. It echoed in her head it was much deeper than a humans voice, if she was right she would describe it as Satan's. It was that type where it sent shivers down your spine completely paralysing you.

Not feared by it she stood up on her feet again observing the boy in front of her, she tried to caress his blurred face but as usual her hand just went through him. Visions weren't her favourite thing.

"Who are you" she pleaded

She looked closely as his eyes became more clearer causing her to gasp.

"Piercing blue eyes" echoed in her head making it throb again. Her vision became dark as she found herself back in her room sitting on her bed.

Marieta ran to her bathroom as she brushed her teeth the imagine of his beautiful ocean eyes haunted her. After taking a shower and putting on her outfit she looked in the mirror while her thoughts were only about him. The more she fell in love the more she wanted to kill Madison.

Marieta needed her to know that he is hers and only hers. She needed answers, who is he and why is she so obsessed with him?

An imagine of Madison and him made her blood boil her eyes began to turn into glowing red, she wanted to waste no time and see her burn but she needed her answers first.

Wandering around the building she finally spotted Madison in the distance, no one could miss that bitchy face anyway.

Calming herself down with a huge sigh she went up to her with a convincing smile on her face.

"Hey Madison I need to talk to you."

Madison rolled her eyes "ugh fine"

Marieta almost slipped out of character and ended her life but she had to fight the urge and carried it with her lie.

"Okay what is it?" Madison crossed her arms.

"Oh this won't take long" Marieta hovered her hand around her making her and Madison invisible to others.

"What are you doing!"

"Oh shut up Madison we both know you know something that I need to know" Marieta glared at her as the sight of her made her even more mad.

Madison scoffed "Yeah and what's that bitch!"

"Oh honey let me remind you "your a snack and I hadn't had a dicking in forever" Marieta mocked her annoying voice.

Madison stayed paralysed with her mouth opened.

"H-how do you know?"

Marieta flicked her hand throwing Madison on the hard wall hitting her head as she was held by her neck desperate to breathe while gripping up her own neck.

"Tell me who he is" Marieta's eyes turned demon red making Madison widen her eyes.

"He was a student that used to come here" Madisons voice became weak and harder to understand as she was literally getting all the air squeezed out of her.

"What's his name" Marieta demanded.

"M- m- mi" Madison's body became still as it was dangling making Marieta groan in annoyance, She was so close to getting his name and she just dies like that.

Making Madison drop to the ground Marieta brought her back to life and erased her memories so she would think that she just fainted.

"What happened?" Madison held her head in pain.

"You fainted" Marieta tried to hide her grin.

"Come let me help you up" Marieta gripped her hand as she stood the blonde up and made her sit"

And with that she left her secret crime scene heading now outside for fresh air.

Sitting at a bench she breathed in the fresh air as if nothing had just happened.

Her thoughts again were only about the one and only.

She wanted him so bad it hurt her soul to not be with him to not be around him.

Marieta closed her teary eyes "I need you" she whispered to herself as if he's going to hear her pleading heart.
