Curly haired ~

Mallory burst into Marietas room walking in on her talking to Amon.

"Sorry I just walked in like that, I- I just need to talk to you about something" Mallory placed her hand at the back of her head nervously.

"Yeah, sure Mallory come in" Marieta brightly smiled at the girl as she picked up her cat.

"I'm really sorry about...all of this" She fidgeted with her hands.

Marieta squinted her eyes.

"All of this? What do you mean"

"The way I reacted towards you making it seem like you were some kind of Monster." She looked down at her feet refusing to make eye contact.

Marieta placed her hand on her shoulder making her jump at the sudden touch.

Hey, don't worry you haven't done anything Mallory" She smiled at her relieving her from the intense guilty feeling that had been building up inside of her.

"So...are we friends?" Mallory smiled at her unsurely.

"Hell yes" Marieta exclaimed making Mallory jump into her arms.

"Let me walk you around there are people you would love to meet" Mallory dragged her by her hand.


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While she and Mallory walked around the hall Marieta felt eyes burning a hole into her head it was so intense that she couldn't resist any longer and had to look at who was causing it.

Marieta's heart sunk deep as she made eye contact with the seductive being.

"Umm...Mallory" She nudged the girl making her glance at her.


"Who's that curly haired boy that's just smirking at me," Marieta said without taking her eyes off of him.

"Oh that's Nathan, shall I introduce you to him?" Mallory winked at her.

Marieta closed her eyes while she bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling but that failed miserably as a thought of him made her smile like a total idiot."

"Sure why not".

Mallory squealed as she dragged her to him.

"Hi Nathan," Mallory said excitedly.

"Hi"ย  He replied not taking his eyes off of Marieta.

"This is Marieta she's new here" Mallory winked at him making Marieta giggle.

"I noticed, she's the most beautiful angel I've ever seen".

Marieta blushed even though deep inside she knew he was just one of them boys who hypnotised you with their sweet loving words and then tear your heart out leaving you with a permanent scar.

"Let me walk you around angel" Nathan smiled at her.

"I better get going see you around Marieta" Mallory grinned at her.

"So I heard all about that Lucy thing" He placed his arm around her as they walked.

"Hmm?" Marieta tilted her head in confusion.

"The girl...You made her face bleed?"

"Ohhh...she deserved it" they both giggled.

"All the boys are literally drooling over you, I heard a group of them arguing on who's going to make a move on you first I honestly found it funny."

"Well they can carry on arguing because they ain't getting any of this" Marieta pointed to her curvy figure making Nathan bite his lip.

"So how comes you're suddenly Cordelia's favorite?"

"Well...her and her girls came to my house saying I'm a powerful witch blah blah blah and now I'm here." Marieta rolled her eyes.

"You seem to hate it here" Nathan looked at the floor.

No is just...something is making me hate this place I don't know what it is, is just this weird feeling." Marieta sighed.

"Yeah I understand" Nathan gave her a smile.

"I got to go Cordelia is calling me it was nice meeting you Nathan" Marieta hurried.

Marieta wait! Can I sneak into your room at night we can talk more you seem like a fine person to talk to I enjoy being with you."

Marieta blushed as she bit her lip to hide her feelings.


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Sorry this is short :(

Feel free to comment any suggestions on what should the next chapter be ;)
