🧃|off to neverland [YOONKOOK f.]

can love still be obtained across state? across several states? can your hearts still be connected by that red string of fate, or will that same fate that brought two souls together be torn in half — not being able to stretch over such a long distance apart.

min yoongi has to learn that the hard way, where suddenly he has to cope with his boyfriend moving away — the one person who kept his mind, soul, and body at peace.

the one person who made him feel like maybe he wasn't an outcast after all.

but now, when there's no one else holding up the umbrella over both your heads, you're suddenly granted with the responsibly to keep it up yourself — the heavy weight of rain pattering down onto it as all your past problems resurfaced in a full cycle, drowning you in absolute and utter misery.

[moving away square]

- 🗺 -

Today was the day.

The day.

April 22nd, the date marked on the calendar hanging on the Jeon household's kitchen fridge, written in big red marker felt letters: moving day.

Where Jeon Jungkook would have to leave behind all his friends, his childhood, all memories commemorating his last few moments of high school where he was at his highest, all the laughs, the inside jokes, the deep confessions that branched out into the middle of the night on weekends when all his friends were huddled around a single flashlight to pass around one by one, all the smiles, the hugs, the kisses.

All the kisses shared between him and his boyfriend; lips connecting together in the act of spreading their love to every bone in their body. An act based on mutual attraction, one stemming from that of a romantic one.

He had to leave that behind.

And Jeon Jungkook could barely grasp that thought.

The thought that he would never be able to hug or kiss not only his friends — but his boyfriend, his high school sweetheart, the love of his life who also took the place of his first love; a title too significant to stick on to someone else. The mere idea of not being able to feel his lips against his own baffled him; strangled him until his lungs were ripped out from inside his body making him lose his ability to breathe — his last breaths hanging in the air, crystallizing with a frost that sealed his melancholic fate for good.

But still, even on moving day, even five hours before their moving truck was scheduled to come to pack up their furniture and all the dozens and dozens of boxes that they were taking with them, Jungkook tried not to think about it.

Was that foolish? To live in such a naive mindset that you refused to believe that one of the most heartrending moments in your life was about to happen only a couple hours from now? Was it nonsensical to leave all the mourning and weeping over the fact that he'd leave everything — everyone — for later on, to dwell over the late hours that same night where he'd be in a completely different bedroom than from the one he was used to sleeping in for the past seventeen years of his life?

Was it absurd to even consider the optimistic factors of the situation, even if there weren't any? To purposely create an entire illusion inside your head that would pretend everything was alright through artificial hope and dreams based off of silliness?

Call him crazy, call him stupid, maybe even call him nutty or dimwitted, but what you couldn't call him was unreasonable for desperately searching for the bright side of the situation. 

He had every reason to, every right to, because who wants to be stuck with the same fate that he had landed himself in — all because his father had gotten a new job offering five cities over where a more prosperous future was promised.

But Jungkook didn't care about the money aspect, he didn't care that they'd be able to live in a nicer house or cook extravagant homemade meals that weren't consisted of quick microwaveable dinners or twenty minute recipes, he didn't care about any of that.

Because in his mind, his future consisted of one and only person; Min Yoongi.

And if he wasn't in the picture, then there was no use in even trying to substitute his absence or their possible breakup with unnecessary luxuries.

Those could be replaced, thrown out, reused, bought — they were manufactured items that didn't serve any practical use to an ordinary person, but only gave the wealthiest of the wealth the satisfaction of owning more than others did.

Yoongi couldn't be replaced.

Even if Jungkook went out to meet new people in hopes that they would somehow take up as his new lover and distract him from his past one, even if he went through a dozen more boyfriends and a dozen more girlfriends, not one of them — not a single one, would ever give him the same experience as Yoongi did.

And Jungkook knew that, he was so stubborn to stick to that belief to force him to believe that no one else could supply him with the same amount of love Yoongi had all throughout high school, and who knows — maybe he'll be proved wrong and end up falling for someone the second day in his new town.

But that thought alone was terrifying, because Jungkook didn't want to move on.

In the physical aspect of it, yes he was moving. There was a physical journey that would be made by an approximate four hour car ride from Busan to Incheon — with one huge white moving truck to follow the entire way behind them.

But the mental journey — Jungkook was far from moving.

He couldn't imagine his life without Yoongi, couldn't detach himself from that fantasy that they'd spend the rest of their lives together and eventually move in to a shared apartment during their college years. A plan that had been fixated in their heads ever since their second year in highschool when they started dating — a plan that was torn to shreds, ends frayed and crinkled, the summer before senior year.

It was on an extremely short notice and Jungkook could still recall to the exact moments he found out about the news; it had been a Tuesday night, with his parents calling him into the kitchen to have a little "chat".

That was the first red flag he should've noticed.

But a boy so hopelessly in love with another, head full in the clouds and wings flying high into heaven, he cluelessly skipped past all of that — missed the way his parents stalled in delivering the actual announcement by stumbling over their words or repeating the same thing over and over again or incorporating small talk into mix in hopes that it would lighten the mood and make the load a little less heavy by the end of it.

He missed the ways their eyes were sullen, sunken down and weary — almost as if they knew how he'd react.

And they were right.

The second his father informed him of how his new job would require them to move to Incheon, a city four hours away from them by car, Jungkook felt his entire world fall behind him.

All his hopes and dreams just crushed in the palms of his own father, smothered to pieces by the devils of this large corporation who were taking away his last chances at pursuing a happy relationship with someone who made him feel like himself at school, stomped on unapologetically so by his own mother for agreeing to this ordeal — seemingly without a single drop of sympathy.

When really that wasn't the case at all.

Because of course his parents felt horrible, they felt like monsters and were well aware of Jungkook's relationship with Yoongi — a fellow student from his local high school. But it's not like they could reject this life changing offer either, a chance to build a new life based off of prosperity — which would even give Jungkook new opportunities with his future as well.

Though they felt beyond evil accepting it, they knew that their permanent financial status was more valuable than their son's high school relationship — as terrible as that sounds, it was true.

Plus, it wasn't exactly impossible for the two to meet up again. Though it may be rather difficult to balance college life with four hour long commutes that were quite inconvenient on their end, it was still doable — and that was better than nothing.

Tears were shed that night.

All those nine months ago — which simultaneously felt like a torturous slow burn in a novel and time that went by a little too fast for Jungkook's liking — where he stood up from the table angrily and stormed up to his bedroom, shutting the door harshly behind him that made his parents physically wince at just how ear-shattering the sound was.

It felt like a fever dream, a dream that continued to happen over and over and over again until he was trapped in this complicated web of disappointment — no way out, and certainly no solution available.

It's not like Jungkook could go back in time and change the past nor convince his parents out of a deal that had already been confirmed ahead of them before telling him — so he wasn't even given a choice in the first place, just a heads up.

And that heads up, was still a work in progress.

Because right now, with the clock reading ten forty five o'clock in the morning on a Saturday afternoon in late April where May was just right around the corner, Jungkook was packing up the last of his bags that he had left until the morning to do, since some items were still necessary for his morning routine and so on.

But even as he got out of bed, brushed his teeth, changed into a clean pair of clothes — the only set of clothes that hadn't been packed away into his suitcase other than his pajamas — and ripped off the sheets of his bed and stuffed them in his carrier as well, the reality of it still hadn't settled in.

Sure, he was beyond aware that it was happening — and he'd been reminding himself of it constantly since that very night nine months ago.

But, there was just this barrier keeping him from truly registering it; and there was difference between knowing and believing.

Maybe it was just because he sincerely couldn't even begin to picture spending the last two months of senior year without Yoongi, without someone else who shared the same exact struggles as him with being the shy, introverted student whose biggest fear was being judged by peers or called on during class without prior warning. Because that's what made high school so much easier for him, being able to relate to someone else and their personal struggles — and combining their hardships into one; where a relationship soon blossomed.

Because when Yoongi and Jungkook were together, they were carefree, not afraid of judgement because they had faith in one another that they'd never view each other in an ill way. Quite contrast to how they were in school, they were moderately outgoing as well, as outgoing as two introverts can be. But just like how two negatives can make a positive, it's the same for when two introverts come together to equal an extremely extroverted pair.

Yet now Jungkook was going to lose that.

He was going to lose the one person who eased all his anxieties during school with reassuring hugs and pats on the back, he was going to lose their study sessions together which often turned into hours and hours of procrastination since they were prone to getting off of topic just within the presence of one another, he was going to lose his other half — his other half who didn't make him feel invisible.

And Yoongi wasn't any different; he was beyond fucking devastated.

Devastated because, same reason as Jungkook, he knew he'd return back to the shadows and deep corners of the library where he'd have no choice but to stick his nose into books and pretend he didn't exist in order to ignore everyone around him or avoid any possible confrontation with people whom he was familiar with in classes.

Though there were just two more months of high school before they were sent off to universities, it was still a hell hole nonetheless — but at least together they'd be able to get through it.

But not anymore.

~ 🗺 ~

"Jungkook, honey w—"

"I know mom I'm coming I just, give me a few more minutes and I'll be over!" Jungkook called back across the lawn, hands cupped around his mouth to accentuate his voice and get the message across clearly — which his mom gave a apprehensive yet slightly annoyed head nod to.

Pursing his lips together firmly, Jungkook turned his head back around to face Yoongi, who was still sitting on Jungkook's cobblestone porch steps — eyes drooped sullenly in a way that broke Jungkook's heart in half even more, if that was even possible at this point.

"Koo, you need to get going now," Yoongi whispered through small, quiet sniffles — ones that Jungkook could still hear loud and clear, a simple noise that brought tears to his eyes since it was obvious that Yoongi was crying too, or at least close to.

Jungkook shook his head stubbornly, before plopping down onto the stairs beside Yoongi and throwing his body at him — nearly knocking Yoongi over if he didn't have such a sturdy balance, "Please I don't want to Yoongi — high school fucking sucks and how the hell am I supposed to adjust to it in just the span of two months? I won't make any friends, I'll probably be another fucking loser, and you'll be four hours away which is just—"

"Hey hey hey slow down," Yoongi ushered quietly, shushing the boy in a calm manner as he rubbed gentle circles into Jungkook's back, ignoring the tears stinging his own eyes, "you'll make friends don't worry, and plus — everyone will like you! I can't imagine them not."

But how the hell was Jungkook supposed to believe that? Min Yoongi, his boyfriend of two years who already held an extremely biased opinion of him that was higher than anyone else's — was telling him something that was so incredibly foreign to him. And deep down, Jungkook knew that by taking that advice he'd only be setting himself up for a false reality.

Which he already had enough of. 

So he shook his head against Yoongi's chest, slowly bringing it up with his puffy, red eyes on fully display for Yoongi to see — hands tightly clutching his boyfriend's shoulders with fingers accidentally digging into the thin hoodie perhaps a little too harshly.

Though Yoongi didn't care, his main priory was comforting Jungkook, even if he was going through the same situation as him — that had always been his main priority.

"Like hell they w-will," Jungkook denied profusely through choked up sobs, not bothering to clear his throat before continuing, "the only reason we became friends was because Hoseok said you stalked my Instagram and then the next day you spilled your macaroni all over me which doesn't happen to everyone —"

Suddenly feeling rather embarrassed with those humiliating memories resurfacing — ones that Yoongi wished to forget forever, he quickly dove in — lips meeting against Jungkook's slowly, doing the job in shutting him up before he even had the chance to continue.

However, both of them knew that it was partly used as an excuse to just to kiss him again.

Jungkook's eyes shot open at the unexpected feeling of Yoongi's lips on his his, but after registering what was happening they fluttered shut once more — arms coming to wrap around his boyfriend's neck as they reminisced in possibly the last kiss they'd ever get to share.  

Of course that wasn't guaranteed, but if that was the fate that they were landed with, then they made sure to make the most of it.

Yoongi's arms settled delicately around Jungkook's waist, not particularly focusing on the actual placement of them, nor anything else really — since all that his mind was concentrated on was the kiss itself. A treasure, a rarity, a shooting star on its last round across the galaxy, a sacred part in their affectionate daily routine that'd turn into a long forgotten part of their past.

But as their lips continued to caress one another's in a moment of tenderness, savoring every last bit of it until all the digits on the clock melted off and fell into a cavern where time simply became irreplaceable, and tears trickling down their cheeks and blending together in a beautiful, yet crestfallen waterfall — Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi knew that their love for one another was more durable than any blade willing to cut through it.

Even the sharpness of his mother's voice — continuing to call out to the two boys lost in the rich flavors of their lips that consisted of the same, familiar strawberry ones they had been used to tasting ever since sophomore year, wasn't successful enough in tearing them apart.

Nor was the thunder that roared above them, disrupting every last moment of peacefulness as rain began to fall — dampening their hair which their fingers combed through desperately, fusing any last ounce of passion and energy into good use, into something that would make their seemingly last kiss worthwhile.

And maybe there would be no more umbrella.

Maybe it was just like how they started — out in the cold, shivering without a proper cover in the rain that represented their mental health struggles as more soft spoken people in a bustling environment full of other teenagers. Yet when they appeared in each other's lives, they always thought that that's when the umbrella appeared too — a cover used to uplift their problems and make them disappear with a comfort that went both ways in the relationship, since they were two people who generally speaking, experienced the same struggles with school.

But maybe there was never an umbrella.

Maybe the whole entire time, they just got through it together in the pouring rain; because their problems never went away, they never vanished from thin air like magic like how they presumably thought and hoped it would.

The only difference was that they were together.

Just like now.

Kissing, pouring their last bits of time, of energy, of cherished upon love into an action known as kissing with rainfall coming down onto them — but they couldn't find it in their hearts to care.

Their sweatshirts were soaked, their pants were drenched, their shoes were now uncomfortably squeaking with water inside them against the porch steps as their bodies naturally moved against one another in subconscious attempts to find a more comfortable position, their tears were washed out, drowned in another layer of water that hid away the sadness that just became another factor of themselves turning invisible.

But eventually, they pulled apart —  that dreaded moment of having to separate came naturally to them as Jungkook was the first one to pull away, eyes shining prettily with the combination of rain making his eyelashes look even more long and luscious than usual, as well as the glistens shimmering across his skin and reflecting inside his eyes.

"You look so pretty," Yoongi whispered quietly, bringing a hand up to caress the side of Jungkook's cheek, before leaning in to place one last peck on his lips, "and I promise, you will make friends. I know it's hard to believe it, but you will. Plus, I'll still text you everyday and check in to see how you're doing just like the old times, okay?"

Just like the old times.

A phrase normally used to express nostalgia or commemorating memories in which one held aggressive desires to restore.

And now, Jungkook was hearing it first hand from his own boyfriend — front row seats in watching the most devastating game of his life unfold right before him.

"I know I just, it's scary Yoongi — I won't have you anymore and you were the o-one person who I could actually be m-myself around and I just don't k-know if I'll b-be able to find that anymore," Jungkook wept out hopelessly — drained of every last positive thought just like how the sewers drained the rain coming in.

Except Jungkook's problems weren't actually being drained away, only piled up up in the gutter until they overflowed it — gushing out uncontrollably without anyone to fix it.

Yoongi's eyebrows fell, other hand coming around to cup Jungkook's cheek so that both of his hands were now successfully gripping his face — titling it upwards so they met eye to eye.

"I can't guarantee anything, nor can I predict the future," Yoongi sighed, wishing he could provide more comfort somehow but even he himself knew that that could only result in a more disappointing outcome by the end of it, "but, there are other people who'll probably be the same, kinda like us."

Kinda like us.

But Jungkook didn't want a repeat of what was already theirs.

Alas, he kept that opinion to himself and sucked it up, before giving in and nodding his head as confidently as he could — as confidently as someone who was crying their eyes out could, "Okay, I'll let you know what happens I guess."

Even if Yoongi knew that that was a lie, he forced a smile to rise up on his lips, just to keep as positive as an atmosphere as possible for the sake of both of them, "Good, and make sure to text me once you get home safely, okay?"

Another nod, probably the thousandth one that day, but frankly Jungkook couldn't find it in himself to muster out any words that didn't consist of choked up sobs.

So just settled on standing up, bringing Yoongi with him before walking hand in hand towards the car which his parents were now waiting inside to keep dry from the rain, and halting in his steps until they were only a few feet away from it.


Another pause.

And finally, Yoongi turned to Jungkook desperately, hands still clasped around his boyfriend's smaller, more fragile ones as he look into Jungkook's eyes with a silent, unknown plead curling inside them; not built up of any specific promises but built up on a promise they both knew and wanted to voice out until fate eventually drew their last breath from them.

"Promise we'll keep in touch?" Yoongi sniveled, tears only continuing to gather up at the corners of both eyes, trying so hard to stay strong for him, for Jungkook, for them.

But that was impossible when a weight far too unbearable was being dropped onto you without a prior warning; suddenly giving you the responsibly to distribute its weight equally.

Jungkook nodded his head, tears streaming down his cheeks until he whispered out an equally quiet, "I promise."

And finally, in the last few seconds before their timelines were due to come to an abrupt stop, their lips crashed together once more — with Yoongi suddenly taking initiative of the situation by lifting Jungkook up by the waist and spinning him around in circles, not caring for the dizziness that rushed to his head or the possibility of him slipping against the wet pavement below him where puddles were covering almost every broken patch of cement.

And just like that, with hands desperately combing through Yoongi's hair and lips frantically grabbing every last bit of love that they could before there was none left, the final end of their journey was sealed with a kiss in the rain — without an umbrella over their head, before Jungkook would be forced to say goodbye to his childhood and be sent off to Neverland where a promising fortune lay ahead, even without his lover flying there beside him. 


the way yoonkook always get sad endings in my books😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂

I'm genuinely sorry .

maybe some day they'll have a happy ending where nothing goes wrong 😍😍😍😍

on a happier note, thank u for 800 reads🥺💕
