🍒🎁|be gay do crimes [TAEJIN]

where an attempted burglary goes wrong.

from three chaotic Instagram posts dedicated to their best friend's birthday to even going all out as to grab him a birthday treat for free — taehyung almost thinks that his birthday couldn't get any better than this.

that's until he sees a surprise waiting for him, or better yet — working behind the very counter of the shop they planned to steal from.

- 🍩 -

♡︎💬 liked by taethegiantgae and 124 others
appleslicebitch happy birthday to my favorite little slut!!!!! love u🙈🙈and ps ..... I hope *barbie* eats u out on a dinner platter for a little birthday dessert😛😛😛😛😛🍽🍽🍽🍽🍽🍽

taethegiantgae OMGGGG THANKS WHORE I HATE U TOO🥺🥺😛😛😛😛😍

appleslicebitch @/taethegiantgae xxxxx for u girly

taethegiantgae also we do not speak of Barbie in public please🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️or I WILL choke slam u into the floor😍

appleslicebitch @/taethegiantgae
and when u make a move on them then what ...................

taethegiantgae @/appleslicebitch
then I'll disintegrate into thin air and resurrect myself

sadisticwithouttheistic @/taethegiantgae
didn't know u were the second coming 😍

taethegiantgae @/sadisticwithouttheistic
shut up TOONGI

sadisticwithouttheistic @/taethegiantgae
make me daddy

appleslicebitch @/sadisticwithouttheistic
that's barbie's line 😟😟...........

taethegiantgae @/sadisticwithouttheistic @/appleslicebitch
BOTH OF U SHUT UPSNSJSJJSJS🥲🥲🥲dis is a PG household only ☺️☺️☺️😆😆😆😆

appleslicebitch @/taethegiantgae says the one who reads Donald trump x Obama smut😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

taethegiantgae @/appleslicebitch

sadisticwithouttheistic @/taethegiantgae
no he's not lmao,,,,,,,, u gave me an entire summary on it in our texts yesterday 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️Donald's into roleplay apparently

nohope @/sadisticwithoutheistic WHAT LMAOSKJSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSM

taethegiantgae @/nohope

nohope @/taethegiantgae
hmmm what to do w this information ...😜😜

sadisticwithouttheistic @/nohope
get em bestie😫‼️

♡︎💬liked by appleslicebitch and 203 others
nohope Donald's into roleplay apparently 😳😳😳😳😳😋🤙
oh and happy birthday to my partner in crime 😍‼️ready to rob more stores or what bestie


nohope @/taethegiantgae
very sus .......

sadisticwithouttheistic ya cuz jail is super fun😍but I support ,,, for legal reasons none of u saw this tho😋😁😁😁😁😁

nohope @/sadisticwithouttheistic
so u coming or what?? We got extra room in the trunk 🙈🙈🙈☺️

appleslicebitch @/nohope
count me in too🥲🤙ROAD TRIP TIME🥰🥰🥰

taethegiantgae @/sadisticwithouttheistic @/nohope @/appleslicebitch
okay so where we heading first sluts

nohope @/taethegiantgae
DUNKIN😋🍽🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤TIME TO STEAL SOME DONUTS UWU,,,,, plus it can be a cute little birthday present for u <3

sadisticwithouttheistic @/nohope
cuz nothing screams birthday like being arrested 😍

appleslicebitch @/sadisticwithouttheistic
that's the spirit little guy!!!!

sadisticwithouttheistic @/appleslicebitch

taethegiantgae @/sadisticwithouttheistic
but you are one🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

nohope @/taethegiantgae
no he's not 😚

sadisticwithouttheistic @/nohope

nohope @/taethegiantgae @/appleslicebitch @/sadisticwithouttheistic
u didn't hear it from me 🤥🤥😳😳🤥😳🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥😳😳🤥🤥😳🤥😳😳🤥🤥

♡︎💬 liked by nohope and 166 others
sadisticwithouttheistic anyone willing to bail us out when we steal donuts ??🥲🥲🥲🤙 the things we do for love 😔 fucking hate your ass birthday bitch

taethegiantgae awww you love me?🥺🥺🥺🥺

sadisticwithouttheistic @/taethegiantgae
lmfao no

taethegiantgae @/sadisticwithouttheistic

sadisticwithouttheistic @/taethegiantgae
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲murder on my mind uwu xx

appleslicebitch @/sadisticwithouttheistic
ur username is very fitting then😁

taethegiantgae @/appleslicebitch
😰😰😰😰😰😰feeling: scared

*approximately 20 minutes later at Taehyung's house*

"Okay so how should we map out our plan!?" Hoseok inquired excitedly, grabbing a nearby notepad to jot down notes and running back to friends who all sat around in a small circle in Taehyung's bedroom.

Namjoon quirked an eyebrow, resting his chin beneath the palms of his hands with his elbows propped up against the floor and legs swinging back and forth as he tried to think of a strategic plan that wouldn't land their asses in jail, "Well, we could pretend to be workers and then when we get behind the counter stuff some donuts in our aprons and then run out the door!"

Yoongi genuinely wanted to smash his head against the window.

Despite being a major advocate against capitalism and taking over their patriarchal government, he was one of the smarter ones out of the bunch and knew that if anyone thought anything suspicious of them, there was no telling with just how Taehyung's birthday would turn out being like.

"That is the dumbest plan I've ever heard," Yoongi groaned, rolling his eyes as he leaned up against Taehyung's bed, eyes surveying the group judgmentally, "if you don't have any better idea then I'm not gonna risk pissing in a cell for the rest of my life or paying off money for donuts."

"But donuts are only a dollar!" Namjoon fact-checked optimistically, hoping that that would persuade Yoongi enough into joining their side.

It didn't work.

"Okay so? There's four of us: assuming Hobi takes five, Tae takes seven, you take four, and I take two or three, that's literally more than what I get paid at work, and I know you'll end up taking more than you can eat despite me always telling you guys at lunch to slow down or I'll have to perform CPR one day," he huffed, shaking his head disappointedly at his friends, since he wouldn't thought they'd be smarter than this for being whole ass seniors in high school.

Apparently not, but that's what you get when you were pulled into a chaotic friend group since freshman year. And while yes it's all fun and games most of the time, now there was an actual possibility of serving jail time somewhere in their near future if they didn't devise a better plan.

Taehyung pouted, eyes sullenly grazing Yoongi's stiff figure as he slowly waddled up to his friend and pulled him into a hug, since using cute physical gestures was always his way of getting what he wanted, "C'mon Yoongiiiiii I promise we won't get arrested! Plus, I know you've always wanted to try out handcuffs anyway so it shouldn't be that out of your comfort zone, right?" He giggled, not even considering of how he just exposed one of his friend's many kinks, but life goes on.

Gasping loudly, Yoongi quickly tore his body away from Taehyung's as any sign of slight leniency towards the plan flew entirely out the window, "You little fucking b—"

"Ummm he's right tho, Yoongi just yesterday I saw you adding a pair of pink fuzzy handcuffs into your Amazon cart!" Hoseok reminded him, pounding his fist on the ground to help fuse some of his uncontainable laughter that was being obnoxiously yelped from his lips like some drunken hyena. Because Hoseok found this entire situation beyond silly, because Yoongi's just a little silly goose.

However, Hoseok didn't last long; seeing as Yoongi didn't even have to hesitate before pouncing onto the poor boy and delivering (light) punches anywhere he could, that wasn't the face of course since that would just be a crime in itself.

Namjoon and Taehyung exchanged concerned glances, before shrugging their shoulders since this wasn't anything they weren't used to by now. After all, Hoseok and Yoongi did fight a lot, of course it was always out of friendly love and with lighthearted intentions since it was never their purpose to argue or fight out of malice.

That would be silly.

"Anyways!" Taehyung exclaimed, raising a finger proudly, "I think we should still go, and if we get arrested then so what!? At least we can get a hit tweet out of it!" He giggled, standing up on his feet before first pulling up Namjoon by the wrists, and then walking over to where Yoongi and Hoseok were still fighting it out.

Heaving a heavy, tired sigh, the two boys shook their heads at the situation laid out below them, before Namjoon settled on picking up Hoseok bridal style and Taehyung nearly swinging Yoongi out the window from how aggressively he handled him. No worries though, because he's gentle and just settled on piggybacking.

Not without hearing some whiny complaints and protests along the way though — but Taehyung didn't care. Because today was the day in which he'd get some free donuts, no matter if they came with the price of serving jail time or a big ass loan that he couldn't afford to pay off.

Because as it says in Yoongi's Instagram bio, fuck capitalism and eat the rich for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and then bigots for dessert.

And maybe today would be the day in which they would tackle all three — perhaps not going to the extremes and taking the phrase "eat the rich" legitimately, but figuratively of course to show their hatred against capitalism.

It was the thought that counts, so close yet so far away — so be it.

"Tae put me down!" Yoongi fussed, stubbornly swinging his legs in hopes that Taehyung would give up and put him down out of mercy — but once the boy's mind is set on something, it's hard to take him out of that mindset.

Taehyung hummed to himself, before coming to his final conclusion after spending seconds upon seconds strategizing whether he should give in to his victim's complaints.

"Hmmm nope! But you're cute for trying!"

Letting out possibly one of the loudest groans anyones ever had, Yoongi had no choice but to stay put against his will on his friend's back, occasionally meeting terrified gazes with Hoseok who was also unexpectedly being carried to what they both assumed would be Taehyung's car.

And hallelujah they were right, even if this did look or subtly seem like a kidnapping, both Hoseok and Yoongi knew that it was just a little innocent donut run.

Because nothing screams innocent like thievery, that's for sure.

After being gently shoved into the backseat of the car, Taehyung hopped into the drivers seat with Namjoon by his side — turning on the engine before driving off towards their nearest donut shop.

It was quite comedic really, how the day started off with hearing his phone ding with a notification that someone had tagged him in a birthday post on Instagram, finding out that it was none other than his big bitched bestie Namjoon. And even if it all just completely went downhill — yet simultaneously uphill — from there, Taehyung couldn't help but think that this was the best birthday ever.

Chaotic, but that only added to the adrenaline pumping through his bloodstream at the thought of robbing a donut shop.

From talking about "Barbie" performing an act of cannibalism that was just a metaphor for fucking his brains out, all the way to Donald Trump x Obama smut, Taehyung felt more elated than he had in a long time since it just goes to show how much your friends love and care for you when they go out of their way to make a complete fools out of themselves on social media.

As well as yourself, but the overall message remains.

And that's all it took for a soft smile to climb up onto Taehyung's lips as his eyes stayed trained on the road ahead of him — completely oblivious for what was coming next.

But maybe it was better to keep it a surprise.

~ 🍩 ~

Well if there was something that none of them were expecting, it surely wasn't the fact that Taehyung's crush would be working at the exact donut shop that they were planning on robbing.

Because there Kim Seokjin stood, in all his glory, shelving away strawberry and vanilla frosted donuts as he took orders from the cars lined up outside or from other customers from inside the store itself.

Taehyung couldn't help but feel guilty, since he surely didn't want to make a bad impression on his crush from sneaking behind the counter as fellow workers just to snag some donuts when they could very well just buy some like civil people.

Now he was starting to see why Yoongi despised this plan, and it would've been much better if Seokjin was extracted from the equation entirely. But of course, this is real life and not everything is going to go your way all the time whether you like it or not.

"Guys, I don't think I can — "

"Tae, how about if you woo him into giving us free donuts!?" Namjoon offered, seeing as it was a compromise between committing a crime and flirting with his crush — so in his mind it was the perfect solution.

Unfortunately, others had to disagree.

"No dumbass, that's being manipulative and toxic, imagine telling this story to your kids about how you used your kindling spark of love just to gain the satisfaction of eating donuts for free?" Yoongi counter attacked, crossing his arms in front of his chest while waiting for someone to agree with him.

Hoseok pondered the thought a little while longer, soon sparking up with an awfully joyous expression on his face, "You wanna know what, catpiss has a point! But I think it'd work as a great story time — because it screams ... Wattpad! Magical isn't it? Like, it's so satirical yet realistic at the same time especially if we take selfies to prove it! Then you could put it in a cute little photo album and decorate it and —"

"Okay okay we get it!" Taehyung interrupted, raising a hand in front of his friend's face to stop him from sputtering nonsense, "But I'm talking about now in the moment, like what if Seokjin hates me after this? Or what if he files a complaint about me to the school and then I get kicked out for attempted burglary?"

"Well at least you can say you're a baddie! Now go up there and schmooze him!" Hoseok encouraged vigorously, shoving Taehyung towards the front of the shop before pulling Namjoon and Yoongi back towards the little seating area with him.

Now all they had to do was wait.

Taehyung gulped nervously, feeling more conflicted then ever — because up until this point he had been all set on the idea of getting free donuts, but was it all worth it if your crush was the one you were stealing from? He didn't want to make himself look like a selfish thief or give off the vibe that he was disrespectful at all, since Taehyung thoroughly believed that he wasn't in the slightest.

But then again, as he looked back over his shoulder to be met with two smiling, motivating faces giving him a thumbs up and one who looked like he wanted to cry or shove himself out the nearest window, Taehyung felt a tug from the universe to just do it.

I'll make them proud, he thought to himself with a smile creeping up his lips, finally pussying up as he stomped up towards the counter — where none other than his crush standing behind it.

"HI!" Taehyung greeted, perhaps a bit too loudly, but maybe some of that extra energy was necessary in order to cover up any signs of anxiousness he was feeling in the moment.

Seokjin, simultaneously taking the role of a worker and his crush, smiled softly back and placed his hands at the edge of the counter, "Hi Tae! What can I get for you today?" He beamed, offering a heartwarming smile that flipped a switch inside Taehyung nearly making him travel back to his state of worry.

But he pulled himself together, reasoning that it'd be better to get this all over and done with rather than procrastinating.

"H-hi! Um can I order y-your ummmmmmmm ... your," he panicked, eagerly searching for words that didn't seem to want to come out, which explains the very next thing he said, "did you know that a frog is any member of a diverse and largely carnivorous group of short-bodied, tailless amphibians composing the order Anura? The oldest fossil "proto-frog" appeared in the early Triassic of Madagascar, but molecular clock dating suggests their origins may extend further back to the Permian, 265 million years ago!"

The smile on Seokjin's face only brightened, eyes sparkling with a feeling beyond euphoric, "No way! You're a lesbian?!"

Shock immediately overcame Taehyung's face, since that was very unexpected and honestly wasn't quite sure how to respond, "What!? No, I'm not a lesbian, I mean I support them because they're all freaking icons but I'm actually Pan!" He beamed, offering Seokjin a boxy smile — still wondering how the conversation wounded up like this in the first place.

"That's great! You know I also love frogs and I thoroughly believe they're a universal symbol of homosexuality," Seokjin declared happily, already enjoying his time with Taehyung — whom he knew from school — even if their interaction didn't turn out the way he expected it to.

Only better.

Because who knew a casual customer would just randomly blurt out an exact wording for the first paragraph of the Wikipedia page for frogs? Then he, Seokjin, continued the conversation perfectly with a more detailed insight on the cultural impact it held in today's modern day society, especially for members of the LGBTQIA+ community which they both seemed to be apart of.

At first Seokjin was a little wary when he saw Taehyung, accompanied by three others, since he was well aware of just how big of a crush he had on him since sophomore year, but it seemed as the two got along swell in their lovely conversation about frogs.

Just goes to show how and why frogs join people together, period! EMBRACE YOUR GAYNESS PROUDLY BITCHES.

Taehyung's eyes lit up — a galaxy of stars twinkling in his umber brown eyes that added to the illusion of a night sky perfectly — before jumping up and down and squealing uncontrollably, "I wholeheartedly agree! Have you ever looked up lesbian earrings on Etsy? I have a few pairs at home and I love wearing them, plus the buyers are always so sweet too and one time I got a tiny little pride flag as an extra!" He giggled, completely forgetting about the main reason as to why he was here in the first place, but he was couldn't care less since this conversation was much more important than partaking in a crime.

Maybe they took the saying "be gay do crimes" a little too literally, but we gotta stan them for this legend behavior.

"YES! Oh my god, the way your mind works is just —" Seokjin began, hovering his hands so aggressively around Taehyung's head that they started fucking vibrating, "it gives me life and now I feel less dead inside thank you so much!"

Even though Taehyung wasn't too sure what he was being thanked for or why, he still found himself blushing — since the massive serotonin boost he received from all these compliments and being hyped up did absolute wonders to his heart, only regretting not talking to Seokjin earlier or at least making their relationship something more than just casual acquaintances at school.

"Oh um — you're welcome! And thank you! I don't know for what exactly but like thank you!" Taehyung complimented back in return, purely saying the first things that came to mind and hung at the very top of his tongue, eventually rolling off it and into the world where everyone in the little donut shop could hear.

Seokjin's smile widened, making his cheeks rise up like cute little bread rolls in an oven. But soon, he was sucked back into reality and realized that he was still working his shift and on duty, so unfortunately their lighthearted chatter had to come to an end or at least turn into something more professionally appropriate so he wouldn't end up getting fired.

With that reminder floating around in his head, he quickly gained composure of himself and stood up properly, "Anyways, what can I get you for today Tae?"

And it was in that moment that Taehyung was hit with a wave of guilt, because according to the original plan assigned to him merely five minutes ago — he was supposed to "schmooze" Seokjin into giving them all donuts for free. But personally, he wouldn't call the conversation he just held with him flirting, nor did it do the job in "schmoozing" him. Maybe it was a good thing, since it meant that he didn't have to beg Seokjin for free food, but then again what was he to do? He knew all of his friends were counting on him, including himself since free donuts sounded more and more tempting as time went on.

But he couldn't do that to Seokjin, for as long as his heart wouldn't allow it.

Meaning he failed the mission.

Sighing briefly, Taehyung was about to usher his apologies and excuse himself from the scene, before Hoseok suddenly jumped in (overhearing their conversation and all) and clutched his friend's shoulders excitedly with an innocent heart-shaped smile that he hoped would work in getting them the very thing they came for, "Its actually Tae's birthday today! Right Tae!?"

It was also in this moment that Taehyung wanted to shove a tower of donuts down Hoseok's throat, but he resided against it and went along with their scheme, "Um yeah it is, kdjskdkdksk happy day of birth to me?"

"Oh I didn't know! Why didn't you say anything before I could've hooked you guys up with free donuts," Seokjin chuckled, knowing in his gut that something was up so it all made perfect sense.

Hoseok, along with Namjoon and Yoongi who were now approaching the counter as well, nearly all pissed their pants at the offer which they didn't even have to work for, surprised that this plan even ended up working in their favor in the first place after quite a roller coaster of events as well as emotions.

For one, Yoongi felt like one second away from ramming his head into the nearest wall, Hoseok felt complied to bow down before Seokjin and start praising him, and Namjoon was near goddam tempted to offer any scraps of money he had left in his pocket to their schoolmate who just might as well be the second coming.

Maybe they did have a change of heart after all, because instead of participating in a burglary that was well against the law and rebelling against the government by yelling a big "F YOU" in its face, now they were just seconds away from showing gratitude to the very one whom they were planning on ripping off for their own benefit.

Nevertheless, arrangements were quickly made and all four boys ordered their desired donuts (for free) by the courtesy of Seokjin after hearing that it was Taehyung's special day — someone whom he had taken quite a liking to for a couple years now. And even while it should've only been him getting a free donut from all of this, Seokjin just didn't have it in him to resist the others' desperate pleads that practically screamed "have mercy on me".

And by the end of it all, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok all graciously grabbed their free donuts while Taehyung patiently waited for his — which oddly seemed to take quite a while preparing especially when all of them were pre-baked, but he didn't question it since he was getting a free donut after all so the least he could do was be patient.

"Alriggghhhtttt one strawberry frosted donut for you! And I also added a little note at the bottom," Seokjin giggled, handing the bag over to Taehyung across the counter who immediately dove to the bottom to fish out the "note" that Seokjin was making a reference to.

happy birthday frog buddy ! <3

here's one free kiss from me xx

Taehyung's eyes nearly popped out of his eye sockets after rereading the note several times over in utter disbelief; because surely he was just imagine things, right? It couldn't actually be what he was picturing it to be.

But when he slowly lifted his eyes upwards to meet eye to eye with Seokjin's starry ones, something told him that he wasn't mistaken.

"I-if you're okay with it I do stand by my offer," Seokjin awkwardly mustered out — feeling a little less confident than before now that he was actually carrying the plan out, but Taehyung didn't seem to think illy of it. In fact, he thought everything about Seokjin was utterly adorable, from his wholesome nature to his goofy charms, it was like the full package coming without a price.


Taehyung let out a feathery laugh, still feeling himself grow rather flustered from the note but he gained control of those uncontrollable flutters in his chest, before perching both of his hands up on the countertop and motioning his right cheek upwards towards Seokjin.

Taking the hint, Seokjin planted a fleeting peck on Taehyung's preferred cheek, smiling softly as he delivered the kiss that caused sparks to fly above them — clouding the air with a romantic, soft feeling to it that didn't even go unnoticeable by they themselves.

It was something so obvious, so apparent that had been present in their lives ever since sophomore year when feelings for one another began to sprout, but now only blossoming after three chaotic instagram posts that preached about the ideology of going against capitalism and presidential smut.

An unexpected way to start off a relationship, and definitely not your classic cliché love story since it all revolved around a single robbery that eventually stemmed into a conversation about frogs and lesbians, but it was true to their personas and they wouldn't have it any other way, that's for sure.

And as Taehyung left the shop — cheeks turning into the same shade as his strawberry frosted donut in hand — and hearing Seokjin call out a last happy birthday wish behind him, he realized just how much he lived up to the saying "be gay, do crimes".

- 🍩 -

♡︎💬 liked by taethegiantgae and 112 others
jinthetinman hope u liked the free donuts birthday boy <3

taethegiantgae I DID THANK U SO MUCH WHAT THE  F   U   C   K

jinthetinman @/taethegiantgae

nohope all thanks to me😋🍽🤙‼️you're welcome whores,, you'd all probably be starving if it weren't for me 

appleslicebitch @/nohope
honey😟😟 ................

sadisticwithouttheistic I'm emotional 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

taethegiantgae @/sadisticwithouttheistic
u don't get to talk since u didn't even wanna go thru w the plan🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️

sadisticwithouttheistic @/taethegiantgae
no I'm emotional because u all caused me a lot of emotional /pain/ today and I will never forget it😀😍

appleslicebitch in conclusion, donuts superior, fuck capitalism, eat the rich, and rob stores in your spare time 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

jinthetinman @/appleslicebitch
u stole the words right out of my mouth😍🙈


♡︎💬 liked by jinthetinman and 178 others
taethegiantgae couldn't have asked for a better birthday :,) 

jinthetinman 😛😛😛🤙xx

taethegiantgae @/jinthetinman
FROG BUDDY😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

jinthetinman @/taethegiantgae
FROG BUDDY🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭💕💕

sadisticwithouttheistic why r they screaming about frogs

appleslicebitch @/sadisticwithouttheistic
they are lesbians what do u expect

nohope @/sadisticwithouttheistic @/appleslicebitch

taethegiantgae @/nohope
😸🔪🔪and what about it

jinthetinman @/taethegiantgae
let em laugh😛😛😋they can weep when we go frog searching without them uwu

taethegiantgae @/jinthetinman
ON GOD 🙈🙈💯‼️




my favorite little catboy 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

ALSO HE WAS SO CUTE DURING HIS LIVE SMSJJSJS GOODBYE. 🥺🥺🥺we got a spoiler for his mixtape tho so esketit😛😛😛😛😛😛and I'll provide pictures for those who missed it😔🥰😍

