Alee (Filler)

Next Day
Magic Parai Jones
3:54 pm
Omni Pov

"Did you take it?", Magic asked Jake as he held her phone taking pictures of her outfit. She felt cute in the new lace front she made Debria install at 2 this morning because it had just been delivered.

Jake nodded. "Yea, I took them. Where's Kev and Papa?", He asked Magic as he handed her, her phone back.

"I don't know, I texted the group chat after Kevin told me what happened with the boy who got shot older brother but that's it.", Magic told him as they began walking further away from the school that they just got out of.

"You heard what happened to them earlier? Andrea's cousin, Maisha, pressed Kev and Papa.", Jake said as he shook his head in disappointment.

Magic rolled her eyes before speaking, "She beed to quit fucking with people. I'm waiting for her to try me, it only takes one time to scare a motherfucker away so nobody else won't mess with you".

"I feel that. But aye since they lame asses not texting back, what you wanna do?", Jake asked her as he looked her up and down and licked his lips.

'She does look good, Jake thought'

"Shiiiit let's go eat or some. I'm hungrier than a motherfucker." Magic said as she rubbed her stomach and they walked in the direction of Sonny's. Magic grew to love Sonny's so much. Since there is only one and Magic rarely went on the Southside, Magic never had it before she moved.

"You got a boyfriend?", Jake blurted out randomly as he held the door open for Magic to walk inside Sonny's. They stood in line as Jake waited for her answer.

"Nah, but you knew that already", Magic said with a chuckle. Jake chuckled too before deciding to play dumb.

"Whatchu mean? How would I know?

"I wouldn't have almost kissed you if I did. Duh", Magic said with a smile as they approached the counter.

"Whatsup Emmett, lemme get a sliced beef brisket with a side of fries", Jake told Emmet and looked at Magic for her order.

"Can I get a 20-piece spicy all flats with a side of mac and cheese with a large Sprite"

"Gimme a large Coke too", Jake said, remembering his drink.

"Aii, cool I got y'all." Emmett said before leaning over and whispering to Jake, "That's you?"

"To Be.", Jake said with a smirk as Emmett slightly got hyped and dapped him up before Emmett cleared his throat looking at Magic's confused smile.

"My bad. Y'all total gone be $39.43", Emmett said as Magic put down the Black Card her dad gave her. Emmett and Jake's eyes widen.

"I can pay for it", Jake said as he eyed the card.

"Nah it's cool, it's on me", Magic said with a smile as Emmett grabbed the card and swiped it and watch it go through.

"Damn and she rich! You know how to pick him", Emmett whispered to Jake before looking at Magic and smiling.

"You got a sister, or a cousin.. shit an auntie?!", Emmett asked as he handed her the card back and the receipt. Magic laughed before asking, "How old are you?"


"Aw nope, my cousin 25.. sorry", Magic said as Emmett mumbled 'Damn' under his breath.

"Aight, y'all wait-time is 15 minutes, gone sit, somebody gone bring y'all food once it's done", Emmett said as Jake and Magic sat in an empty booth. Magic went to sit by the wall before Jake pulled her away and sat her across from him.

"The man is supposed to face the door and see who all comes in. That's what my brother told me", Jake said proudly as he looked at Magic.

Magic nodded and smiled, she thought his chivalrous actions were cute. Jake reached over and grabbed his hat back from off of her head and put it on his own.

"You said I could have it. Liar", Magic folded her arms and rolled her eyes in slight annoyance. Magic and Debria both have bad attitudes when things don't go their way from being spoiled by their parents.

Jake smacked his lips and put it back on her head. "Here crybaby", He said as he rolled her eyes before smiling as he watched her eyes light up and her mood switch.

"This a date?", Magic asked in curiosity since it seemed like one to her. "Nah.", Jake said simply as Magic nodded, slightly embarrassed by even asking. They made eye contact and she turned her head to look out the window.

Jake watched her before saying, "It's not a date because I want to pay for our first one. The man is supposed to pay on the first date, that's what my brother told me", Jake said as Magic looked at him and fought the smile making its way on her face.

She liked how much of a gentleman he was being even though he says disrespectful things all the time. It was different and she like it.

"Okay Jake", Magic said as the waitress gave them their food. Magic smiled widely making her deep dimples appear as Jake snapped a picture while she wasn't paying attention.

"Nah but you look good today fosho", Jake told her as he began eating his food. Jake watched her eat a wing before swallowing and looking at him.

"Thank youuu, Jake. You keep complimenting me... you tryna spit some game", Magic said jokingly with a smile as she sipped her Sprite.

Jake ate his food before shrugging and looking at her. "I mean shiii, is it working?", Jake asked half serious half joking.

"Nah but for real, we're still young and I like our friendship we got going right now so we don't gotta rush into shit", Magic shrugged waiting for his response.

Jake nodded in agreement before speaking, "Yea I feel you. We straight.", Jake told her.

'Still mines, Jake thought'

'His food looks better than mines, Magic thought as she stared at Jake's plate'

Jake noticed Magic staring at his food. He chuckled and used his fork to pass her a slab of beef. Magic smiled as she ate it and moaned quietly at the taste.

Jake heard her and his eyes widen as he shifted in the chair. He wants to hear it again, he liked it. Magic opened her eyes and smiled.

"Thanks, Jake!", Magic told him as she grabbed another off his plate without asking. Him giving her one gave her all meaning to grab more in her mind.

"Damn fat ass! Stop taking all my shit", Jake said as Magic took yet another piece of his food. Magic rolled her eyes and pouted while looking away from him.

"Oh my god.." Jake muttered with a groan under his breath, in disbelief at how spoiled she is. "Here bruh", He passed her his plate and switched with her, he watched Magic's eyes light up as she began eating his food.

Jake rolled his eyes as he ate the rest of her wings and tasted her Mac and Cheese. Magic finished the brisket and ate a fry but frowned seeing it was cold now. She looked over at her Mac and Cheese and smiled at Jake.

"Awn hell nah! You tripping now, Magic! How you gone get my food and want yours back?! No."

"Pleaseeee?", Magic said in a soft tone with a slight pout on her face. Jake shifted in his seat again. He liked the way she talked so softly, he wants to hear it again.

"Greedy ass lil girl bro", He slid the plate back to her.

"Whatever", Magic laughed and ate the rest of her Mac and Cheese. Jake pulled out a $20 bill and left it on the table for a tip before they walked out of Sonny's with their drinks in hand.

"What we gone do tomorrow after scho-", Magic was cut off by hers and Jake's phone ringing. They unlocked their phones and saw the group chat notification and Kevin had texted.

Three Musketeers 🤢 + Pretty ass Magic 😮‍💨

Kev 🩵
I really don't want to do this dumbass play man

Big Papa 🩵
That's your fault, we told you not to. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Kev 🩵
Yea whateva. Im fucking grounded.

Jakey 🩵
Damn, y?

Kev 🩵
Tell y'all tomorrow it's a long ass story.

I wish Bria would catch herself tryna ground me 😂, it must suck to suck bestie

Kev 🩵
Man whateva. What evb doin?

Big Papa 🩵

Jakey 🩵
Walking Magic fat ass home 🤦🏽‍♂️

I know it's fat you don't have to keep saying it 🙄

Kev 🩵

Big Papa 🩵
Wait you two hung out without us? Jake stop hogging Magic!

Jakey 🩵
Aint nb hogging her nigga, she knows who she wanna hang out with.


Incorrect .

Big Papa 🩵 and Kev 🩵 laughed at your message

"Stop playing with me, Magic.", Jake said as he shook his head and places his phone in his pocket.

"You the one lying calling yo self daddy and shit", Magic laughed as she saw he was seriously irritated. He huffed and sped up and so did Magic.

"Crybaby ass", Magic mocked and snickered at his lil attitude. Jake smacked his lips and kept walking as Magic mocked him some more.

"You gone take me seriously one of these days Magic... watch!"
