
Next Day
Magic Parai Jones
3:20 pm
Omni POV

"Man, why yo sista do you like that?", Papa asked Kevin. Kevin, Jake, Papa, and Magic were walking out of their school. Kevin had just told his friends about Kiesha snitching on him about the play to his moms.

"Ion know, now I gotta do this dumbass play.", Kevin said, Magic was scrolling on her phone. Jake looked at Magic and then at his friends.

"Maybe she needs a lil big papa in ha life to, you know straighten her out", Papa said, causing Magic to release a loud laugh.

Jake and Kevin chuckled both looking at Papa. Magic put her phone away and looked at him too as they all kept walking.

"I think she already got that.", Kevin told him. Jake stretched and one of his arms landed on top of Magic's shoulders. Magic looked up at him while he avoided eye contact, acting as if it didn't happen.

Kevin stopped walking and they all turned to look at him.

"Shit!", Kevin exclaimed.

"What?" Papa asked. Magic followed Kevin's gaze and saw the man who killed Coogie.

"Man, that's the dude, Magic you see him?", Kevin asked, his eyes darting from Magic to the man.

"Yea.. that's the dude that shot the kid and saw us", Magic responded, her eyes not leaving the man. Jake pulled her closer to him, backing up a bit.

"What he doing here?", Papa asked, sounding scared.

"Man, what you think he doing here?! He coming after us man! Ma- we gotta go", Kevin said frantically.

"Y'all calm down! He ain't gone do shit. We on school grounds!", Magic told them, trying to stay calm herself.

"We gotta go!", Kevin tugged Jake and Papa. Jake grabbed onto Magic's hand as they all ran. Magic looked back and saw the man following them as they ran inside the side entrance of the school.

They ran down the hallway and turned the corner. Jake's hand squeezed Magic's tightly and pulled her to make sure she doesn't fall behind.

"Man where we going??", Papa asked

"We'll be safe in the Auditorium", Kevin responded, the four of them still running.

"Auditorium?!", Jake and Magic said with their faces scrunched up.

"Getcho ass in here!", Kevin told Papa, he grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him inside. Jake stood on the outside of the door and looked at Kevin with an annoyed look.

"Come on", Kevin said again and pulled him like he did Papa. Kevin looked at Magic who folded her arms not wanting to go in.

"Please Magic?? Come on it's safer!", Magic sighed and walked inside as Kevin pulled the door close. The Theater teacher stood up and looked at the four.

"Mr. Williams! I see you've answered my prayers!", He exclaimed.

"What?? Excuse me?", Kevin asked while looking him up and down. Magic stood off to the side, texting Debria about what had just happened.

"Okay! We're short a few actors", The theater teacher admitted.

"And you and your friends are perfect for it", He added. Papa looked at Jake and Kevin with his jaw dropped in confusion.

Jake and Papa started getting mad at Kevin for putting them in the situation.

"How was he supposed to know? Don't be ganging up on him", Magic argued, she stepped next to Kevin, in front of Jake while looking at him and Papa. Almost like a stand-off.

"Oh so you were in on this?", Papa asked Magic with a glare. Jake scoffed, he seemed irritated that she was standing up for Kevin.

"Fuck you, papa! What Jake?", Magic told Papa before turning to Jake to see if he had anything to say. He opened his mouth and before he was able to say anything the theater teacher grabbed Papa and Jake.

"Guys! Guys! Listen I promise you, super important parts!", The theater teacher said. He gave the four of them scripts and ushered them backstage.

Time Skip

"The Lolipop Kids?? Aw hell no! What I look like?", Papa said before tossing his folder on a nearby chair. He wore a rainbow afro wig. Jake had on a blue afro wig, Kevin wore a red afro wig, and Magic had a brown wig with blonde streaks.

"We look like a bunch of gay ass circus clowns! Man screw this", Jake said while holding the lollipop in his hands.

"Look. At least we safe from that dude outside", Kevin told them, Magic nodded in agreement.

"Man, you snitch Kev?", Jake asked him making Magic roll her eyes. So what if he did? They're only 12/13, no one cares if anyone their age snitches.

"Man, what I look like?? Don't ever ask that question again?", Kevin said while walking up to Jake. Magic and Papa watched them start approaching each other.

"Then why he coming after us??", Jake asked.

"The clown wigs covering y'all face so much it looks like y'all kissing", Magic snickered as she watched the boys pull away from each other.

"Man shut that gay shit up, Magic", Jake dismissed her, making Magic mug him as Papa began to speak.

"Sus as hell man! Him showing here!", Papa agreed with Jake.

"Man you in this shit too Papa!", Kevin said as he now got in Papa's face.

"Stop ganging up on him!", Magic said again. Jake's head snapped to her and gave her a stank face before turning back to Kevin and Papa.

"I'm just saying!", Papa said.

"Well don't", Kevin responded.

"Yo chill, Kev. We all in this with you", Jake said, slightly pushing Kevin back. Magic rolled her eyes, she realized Jake tends to get defensive after he starts shit.

"Y'all Not! That motherfucker coming after me. I'm the one with the real problems.", Kevin said to them.

"Aye, he saw my face too Kev! And I told you he not gone do shit", Magic responded, seeing him get more upset. Kevin looked at her before raising his arms and dropping them in frustration.

"Man what I'm gone do!", Kevin said turning away from them.

"The only way to get him off yo back is to go to him. Ensure him you ain't gone snitch", Jake said.

"That's not a bad idea, Kev", Magic agreed, Jake tapped her wrist. Magic looked up at him and saw him mouth, 'Naw, not you'. Magic didn't argue back and looked at Papa, who started speaking.

"Yea! Roll up on em. Man to man", Papa told Kevin, encouragingly.

"And how I'm supposed to do that", Kevin asked his three friends.

"You know where he hangs right?", Jake asked Kevin. Kevin turned away and smacked his lips.


"So you go to him", Jake said like it was the simplest thing on the planet.

"Go to him?!", Kevin asked, appalled, like it was the stupidest thing on the planet.

"I can't do that", Kevin added.

"That's what you do before it becomes a thing. Show him you ain't gone screw him over", Jake said.

"But I ain't gone screw him over!", Kevin said. He felt frustrated, it seems like his friends were sending him into a Death Trap.

"He doesn't know that.", Jake stressed, not understanding why Kevin was so against the idea. He figured Kevin's just being a pussy.

Kevin looked away and thought about it for a second before looking back at Jake. "And what I say?"

"Go to him, show him you for real, and that you ain't gone snitch on him", Jake told him. Kevin looked away and nodded.

"Now we gotta stay here until practice over! In these itchy ass wigs. But I'm glad that's solved", Papa said as he sat in the chair after picking up his script

"Speak for y'all selves, Bria coming to pick me up soon. Okayyy it's giving white girl but I can work with it", Magic said as she recorded herself in a nearby mirror. The three boys laughed at her. Jake came up behind her and posed with her.

"Yo wig all crooked, lemme see", Magic turned around and fixed his wig on his head. Jake stared at her lips, which were slightly parted from her concentration. Papa and Kevin watched the two interact.

Magic pulled away and smiled. "Great. Come on y'all let's take pics! We the lollipop kids and the princess!", Magic exclaimed as Papa and Kevin walked over.

"Who said you were a princess?", Papa asked.

"Me nigga", Magic said as she began taking pictures of them in the mirror. Papa rolled his eyes as they all chuckled and posed with her.

Y'all since its 10 episodes in each season imma release 2 chapters at a time, probably twice a week or so 🩵
