
i just popped 2 adderall 🥳 for my ADHD i swear im not a drug addict.





i groaned in boredom waiting for Nick to come to first period, hes 20 minutes late and class is only 30 minutes. plus hes never this late, so i was worried. i contemplated on texting him a few times but decided against it, being that i didnt wanna seem pressed

i don't know why hes acting so weird and shit. cause if im not mistaken, he came onto me first. and i was just throwing back the same energy he was giving

i got tired of hearing Kentrells snores and Mellys and Jordans boring ass conversation, so i put my head down and continued waiting. not even five minutes later i heard somebody sit down next to me i looked up and to my surprise it was Nick. i felt a smile grow on my face as i sat up

"what it do bestie" i said grinning at him. "why you so late?" i asked getting straight to the point. his body stiffened and he avoided my gaze, thats how you know hes lying or getting ready to lie. hes a very bad liar

"i-i-i woke up late, and my morning was just hectic" he mumbled "i dont want to talk about it" he said getting on his phone, turning his back to me

"you sure you good?" i asked "if you got something on yo chest you sh-" i was cut off by the bell. he got up while grabbing his backpack "im fine Taymor" he mumbled and without another word he left the classroom, leaving me sitting there with a few more stragglers in the room. i huffed and got up grabbing my shit and leaving the classroom making my way down the hall

i put my air pods in not wanting to be bothered, the whole thing with nick putting me in a sour ass mood. i turned on one of Kentrells new songs he sent to the group chat "Tina Turner" (thats crazy how his songs got leaked, i think it was his gf)

as i walked down the hall i pulled out my phone reading instagram dm's, chuckling at the ones from the group chat my fan pages made. once nick started posting and tagging me on ig, my followers went from 5,000 something to 95k over the course of the few months hes been living here

so he basically gave me clout. shit he gave the whole damn group clout, which helped Kentrell out with his rap career. i stopped at my locker, putting the combination in when i got tapped on my shoulder, i turned around to see a aggravated looking Zion

"nigga fuck you want?" i asked, annoyed i had to take my headphones out. "what the fuck did you do to my bestie?" he asked crossing his arms. melly walking up and standing right behind him

"ian do shit, why?" i asked curious as to why they asked me something like that

"he called our group chat and told us he was going to be avoiding you all day, and he wouldnt tell us why, so you had to of done some fuck shit" melly added rasing a eyebrow at me

oh so its like that? bet


i feel bad, but honestly last night was not suppose to happen. and a huge mistake on my end. i shouldn't have sat on his lap or let him touch my kitty, i feel like i just ruined things for us

im going to do anything i can to avoid conversation with him. i cant avoid him entirely considering we have 4 out of 6 classes together, plus we literally have the exact same friends and who finna sit by themself at lunch? not i, and i definitely know Tay isnt. so thats out of the picture. i knew better then to skip, my momma would beat my ass to a pulp.

i hid out in the bathroom for the first 5 minutes of class, knowing tay was gonna be in there. as i made my way in class i glance over at tay who was not sitting his assign seat, but instead sat next to Jordan who sits all the way in the back. that nigga weird

they were so engaged in the conversation they were having they didnt even see me walk in. i rolled my eyes going to a different seat, being that there was somebody sitting in it. we had a sub, and kids always act a ass when we have a sub, why? i dont know. i never understood why kids act like heathens who aint got no home training when we have a sub

i set my bag down and looked at the Math worksheets that were all over the floor, balled up by the trash can on the floor, and in empty seats nobody sat at "heffas" i mumbled to myself

i honestly didnt feel like doing the assignments so i got on Instagram live instead. as soon as the live started comments and hearts started showing up on my screen. i cheesed showing off my new color braces that i got changed to neon blue and neon pink with neon pink bands

"thanks youuuu" i said to all the compliments the rolled in as i made the duck face throwing up the peace sign. everywhere i go you'll see me doing that pose

"are you a girl or a boy" i read aloud causing me to smack my teeth and get annoyed "whatchu think nigga?" i said snatching my hood off revealing my semi-fresh line up, with two braids going to the back. "you look like a dyke" i read aloud, seeing laughing emojis pop up on my screen

"ha ha ha very fucking funny" i said slowly clapping my hands gaining attention from my class mates, i glanced around the class with a mug on my face causing them to get back to what they were doing

the only person who didnt look away was tay, and we just stared at each other for a minute before i rolled my eyes and look back at my phone, hearing a low chuckle come from him. which i ignored and continued reading comments. one comment catching my eye as i pinned it. it read "do a prank on taymor"

"whats type of prank?" i asked lowly not wanting him or jordan to hear me, and the whole comment section was filled with the "viagra prank" i laughed and nodded my head

"might be the move" i mumbled looking over at tay who was looking at his phone. i stared at him, contemplating on going over there and apologizing. feeling bold, i got up grabbing my phone and turning in his direction stopping dead in my tracks when i see some asian girl sitting on his desk playing in his hair as they engaged in a conversation

tay looked up and we instantly locked eyes, this time him being the first to break eye contact when he looked back up at the girl, she said something that made him smile showing off his bright orange braces

"im going to the bathroom" i told the sub. i grabbed my bag and speed walked out the clas, down the hallway and to my locker, shoving it in there and slamming it shut

i look back down at my phone seeing i was still on live "man... don't yall just hate niggas?" i asked as i stomped towards the boys restroom "cause i sure fucking do" i mumbled walking in, propping my phone up on the sink i backed up observing my outfit in the camera. i had on my jordan 6 Nostalgia's, some all black nike joggers, and a plain white tee. "yall like my outfit?" i asked, turning around and poking my ass out

i giggled at my silliness and got closer to the sink, hearing the door open. i looked over and low and behold there was Taymor Travon locking the door and turning back to me

i stood up immediately watching him, stuck on not knowing what to do. if i run he'll catch me, so there was no point

"wassup 'bestie'" he said air-quoting 'bestie', a smirk slowly growing on his face as i backed up putting my hands out "taymor move" i said as he backed me up in a corner. i knew i was outta luck when my back hit the wall

"you cain't avoid me forever" he said standing a few feet in front of me, i looked at him as my body and face started heating up "i-im not even a-avoiding you" i said fiddling with my fingers, he chuckled stepping closer to me "yes you are"

i gulped hard as a bitch, i just know my face was turning red as we were now chest to chest. well not really considering this nigga is 6'3 and im only 5'2, so it was really face to chest

"whatchu so nervous for?" he asked, his cool minty breath fanning my slightly sweaty forehead, i didnt say anything as i felt a warmish liquid begin to pool in my lace thongs. i brought my hands up pushing at his chest but he wouldn't budge

i watched as he licked his lips while leaning in closer "i-im on live, they can see us" i mumbled as his big lips brushed against my smaller ones. he smacked his teeth grabbing my waist

"fuck that live, let em watch" he said smashing his lips on mine, i immediately kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him closer. we made out for seemed like hours, our lips moving in sycn before i pulled away trying to catch my breath "c'mon Tay lets just go back to class" i mumbled trying to persuade him to let up, pushing at his chest again. he scrunched his face up, grabbing my wrist and pinning them above my head

i tried pulling out of his grip which resulted in him holding them tighter, i hissed at the sudden burn it caused "im still stuck on the fact that you tried avoiding me. you know im not going nowhere" he said kissing my jawline down to my neck

i threw my head back involuntary, tingles shooting threw my body as i bit my lip. i felt him begin to suck harshly on my neck, a muffled moan leaving my throat

eventually he let go of my wrist and pulled away, observing my neck while smirking "i'll see you in class Nick" he said, and left the bathroom. i sat there, shocked that that just happened. once i composed myself i walked back over to my phone seeing that there were 10k veiws, hearts and comments swarming in

sincerebaby: i didn't know that nigga tay was gay 😂😂😂


shalissa989: fags

tayandnickyfp: i fucking knew it lmao

jazzzyyyy_:dayuuuuum son thats a big ass hickey 😭

taymorswifey: there goes my chances wit taymor 🥺

zionfanpageee: so yall just gone kiss on live like that

"fuck" i mumbled to myself looking at my neck through the mirror. i ended the live without another word and left the bathroom. peeking around the corner making sure no one was in the hallway, i sprinted to my locker grabbing my jacket. i threw my hood on and tied the string in a tight knot before looking in the mirror that was on my locker door. after making sure the hickey wasnt noticeable, i closed the locker and made my way back to the classroom

i needa figure out how the fuck to im gonna get rid of this fat ass hickey on my neck








this fucking sucked.

