Feeling Ignored

When Aries feels ignored: They probably won't feel ignored, they're hard to ignore! If you manage to be cold to one they likely won't notice.

When Taurus feels ignored: They try to test the person to see if they truly are being ignored or not. Being ignored hurts their feelings but doesn't hurt their spirit!

When GEMINI feels ignored: They just pretend they aren't being ignored.

When Cancer feels ignored: They ignore you back!

When Leo feels ignored: They just talk louder... or really roar!

When Virgo feels ignored: You will know... they will complain or call you out.

When Libra feels ignored: They try to get that person to talk/acknowledge them again.

When Scorpio feels ignored: They act like they DGAF, but is really angry on the inside.

When Sagittarius feels ignored: They go on with life, but might ask "oh you're talking to me now" when the person decides to stop ignoring them.

When Capricorn feels ignored: They just want to know why they are being shunned and might get defensive.

When Aquarius feels ignored: They are usually the ones doing the ignoring!

When Pisces feels ignored: They will MAKE you hear them.
