The Signs Lost at Sea

Aries: OH SHIT
Capricorn: guys...I can't see any land, omg it's so hot, what if we drown, what if we can't find food, what if we starve?!
Taurus:*fear strikes their eyes*
Aquarius: we should make something like a fishing pole using some materials on the raft
Virgo: I'll help catch the fish
Taurus:YES we need to are good
Pisces:*slowly moves away from Taurus in fear*
Cancer: I'm scared...I want to go home! *cries*
GEMINI: Oh my gosh Cancer stfu or I'll push you off the raft and let you drown
Aquarius: lol
Scorpio: Guy's don't be mean to cancer! *cancer huddles towards scorpio*
Pisces: Its so hot the sun is burning my eyes I don't like bright things
Leo: Pisces, stop your complaining. I love the sun I'm going to get a great tan
Capricorn: That won't matter if we die Leo!...Oh my gosh, LIBRA! ARE YOU SLEEPING?!
Libra: I'm tired!
Sagittarius: guys we need to all work together so we can survive I know we can get through this if we only believeee
Scorpio: I wouldn't mind dying if it meant I wouldn't have to be with you guys
GEMINI:*laughs and nods in agreement*
Taurus:*huddled in the corner of the raft*
Virgo: Taurus?...are you okay...what- what are you eating?
Aries:Taurus what the hell is that
Taurus:*continues to munch on the unknown object*
Libra: if anyone has time could someone rub my shoulders
Cancer: hey guys...where did Pisces go??
