31: This is When It Starts

Four big butterfly tattoos was placed on four sides of the platform.

Yuko : enkosen. Alright! If anyone comes near you , these butterflies will activate. So don't worry and heal them.

Kira: Arigato. You're so reliable when time comes neh.

Yuko: don't say that. I'm just supporting. Plus... If there wasn't aone...We'll probably be winning this war very quickly and be able to deal with aizen. Tsk... That aizen... Sure remembers about me.

Kira: well... Your ability is kind of annoying too if I was the enemy.

Yuko: heh. So am I annoying?

Kira: no no. I wouldn't say that.

Aone: I've been waiting for you.

Yuko: did I do well?

Aone: if you had any extra hands, you didn't show them.

Yuko: and I thought you're the kind who would just ignore and go all out to just kill me.

Aone: I want to live. That means I shouldn't just recklessly kill you. Tsk. You're careful in showing your ability.

Yuko: arigato!

All the butterflies she scattered started to fly back to her and return back into her body.

Aone: taking it seriously from the start I see. Wise decision.

And  ... It starts . Aone herself absorbs back the snakes into her body. She stretches out her hands and snakes were deployed from her hand. Yuko dodges it by shifting her body sidewards.

Aone takes this moment to flash step to yuko's side where her back is exposed. Aone touches yuko's shoulder . Yuko flash steps in retreat. Yuko looks to her shoulder , it was burnt like acid has touched it " eh... Snake indeed."

Aone; very much like your ability isn't it? And... Are you underestimating me? Taking my attack.

" Wanted to know what happened. It would be bad for my hand if you destroyed it. But if it's the shoulder or back... It should be fine. I took that kind of gamble." She touched to her shoulder and a butterfly tattoo was placed. The burn and corrosion of the snake bite stops and starts healing.

Aone: that was just a little taste. You can't be healing yourself all the time during a battle. Just die.

Aone deploys many snakes towards Yuko. " Bakudo no hachiju ichi, danku." A large shield was placed in front of her. A big butterfly tattoo embeds onto the shield. The snakes turns into katanas and stabs into the shield.

" Ok... So a strengthened danku can stop the physical attacks." Yuko thinks... And small snakes slither from down aone's body. They form into a big snake and attacks the shield. The shield breaks and the snake opens its mouth.

Yuko wasn't weak either. She made a sword and slices through the snake from in between it's jaw to the end of it's tail. Yuko's blade shatters and so does the big snake into reiatsu.


Aone had her katana against yuko's short blade.

Yuko: not even a moment of breath. So annoying.

Aone: arigato.

And snakes slither down aone's body and surrounds Yuko. They open their mouths to bite her. Yuko needed to escape. But at this moment, the katana in aone's hand , the blade turned into a snake and wrapped itself around Yuko.

" Die. " Aone commands the snakes. And they lunge forward to their prey. 

Just then a big butterfly tattoo was placed right below their feet. " Hyappo rankan." And poles goes through all the snakes and into aone's wrists . Aone was angry, she released the katana in her hand and made the snake that had itself shackling Yuko to attack. The snack lunges itself towards Yuko. Yuko flash steps backwards.

Yuko: dangerous.

The snakes on the ground shatters. Aone breaks apart the poles on her wrists easily by just tearing her wrists away. The poles shatters.

" That's enough!!" Aone's reiastu rose.

Yuko: ah... Ah... Shit.
