21: The Last One to Know

Aizen : don't you aspire to be someone or something greater?

Yuko: I don't. I'm happy with what I have.

Aizen: you're happy with hitsugaya. I don't believe it. You're always on to doing something. Interested in something. You're curious. That's why you would throw your life to touch the hogyoku. No?

Yuko: I was curious. For the sake of defeating you and your friends.

Aizen: you're polite. To call them my friends.

Yuko: we're just on different sides. They're not bad.

Aizen: I still can't let you go. I'll send you back safely if you tell me what you tried to see.

Yuko: I tried to know what you have done with the hogyoku. What you were planning.

Aizen : that's not all of it. Don't be stubborn.

Yuko: I'm that stubborn.

Aizen: I see... Must I make you fall in love with me so you'll tell me?

Yuko: just like you did with hinamori?

Aizen: she sent her to myself. It was pure coincidence.

Yuko stands up " you're annoying. I'm leaving." And she leaves.

Aizen: hmph. Stubborn.

They were going to go back when Luppi had to say a last sentence " I feel sad for you. Your girlfriend has to be our captive. I'll be sure to torture her when I go back!!"

Toshiro flash steps to urahara " urahara kisuke!!!"

Urahara: ..... I had to. She wanted me to do so.

Toshiro: tsk... *Clenches fist*

Urahara: she doesn't want anyone to go to her.

Toshiro: next time you tell me. You tell me everything!!

Urahara:... I understand.
