Pick a flower!

Cw- Hinted homophobia, homophobic slur, blood mention

Kenny shoves the petal in his pocket. He's died thousands of times. It's fine. This is just part of yet another death.

The schoolbus comes and the four kids Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Cartman get on. Butters is sat by himself in the back, looking for something in his bag. Kenny sits next to him.

"Whatcha' lookin' for, Bunny?" Kenny attempts to flirt.

"I-I had a note to give someone- Awh, jeez, did I drop it? Did I leave it at home? Oh dear..."

"Oh, damn. Sorry. You could just write another later." Kenny suggests.
"I mean, it's just a no-"
Kenny then immediately goes into a coughing fit.

"Oh, jeez, Kenn'! Let me help!"
Butters reaches into his bag and pulls out a little packet of tissues, giving Kenny one to cough into.
Kenny takes it.

Kenny's sudden fit gets him stared at by everyone on the bus, but once Kenny has regained himself everyone goes back to normal.
Another petal covered in blood. Kenny puts it in his pocket, hoping Butters didn't notice.

Butters easily could've, but the little sentient palm tree is so oblivious that he wouldn't notice even if he saw.

"Hey, bunny?"

"Yeah, Kenn'?"

"I think you're really cute."

"Well, thanks, fella! You're pretty cute too!"

Butters is oblivious to the flirting but Kenny pulls the strings on his parka tight so his blushing red face is covered.

"O-Oh, really?"

"Well, sure, Kenn'! I think you're really cute!"

Butters replies without hesitation.

Cartman leans over from behind them.
"Ooh~ Fags in the wild, hm?"

Kenny glares at Cartman, ready to pull down the hood.

Cartman quickly backs off.

The bus comes to a dangerously sudden halt, and Kenny holds onto Butters so that he doesnt fling forward and hurt himself. At Butters (almost) flies forward, the two almost kiss.

Butters goes a light pink and apologises for God knows what.
"Awh, jeez, Kenn'. Sorry about that! Come on, bud, let's go."

Kenny nods, taking Butters by the hand and walking into school.

Kenny and Butters walk through the doors and they start to walk to class. Mr Garrison has his head on his desk.

Kenny returns his gaze to Butters, and that stabby burning feeling in his throat returns.

He's quiet this time.
